When going to the hospital with complaints about specific discharge from the vagina or breasts, the doctor will prescribe the following diagnostic measures for the woman:
1. Gynecological examination of the vagina.
2. Analysis of urine, blood and feces.
3. Gynecological smear.
4. Ultrasound examination of the fetus.
Most often, with the help of a gynecological smear and urine test, the gynecologist makes one or another diagnosis. Sometimes you need to undergo an ultrasound and take hCG.
If pathological processes in the body have been established, the woman is prescribed drug treatment with drugs from different groups. Which medications will be prescribed depends on the nature of the disease. For inflammatory and fungal infections, Duphaston and Terzhinan are prescribed to suppress the fungal environment. Antiviral and antibacterial agents are also prescribed.
In order not to reach a critical condition and prevent the onset of diseases, the girl is advised to be attentive to her situation, especially in the 1st trimester. You should also not forget about preventive measures.