Vitamin B9 is found in foods such as citrus fruits, beans, greens, lettuce, eggs, green peas, liver and wholemeal products.
The norm of folic acid (vitamin B9) in the body is 5-20 mg. However, up to 80% of women suffer from a deficiency of this substance. This condition is especially dangerous when carrying a child who needs vitamin B9 for normal development. Therefore, you should start making up for the deficiency as early as possible.
How much folic acid do you need when planning pregnancy? How and when should it be taken to give birth to a healthy baby? A woman who has decided to become a mother needs to take vitamin B9 1-2 months before conception. If the pregnancy is sudden, it is important to start taking folin immediately after becoming aware of an interesting situation.
The body does not produce this substance on its own. However, it is vital in the first weeks of pregnancy for the formation of the embryo.
All folic acid supplements come with instructions indicating that you should take the vitamin immediately after meals. You cannot combine it with the following drugs:
• painkillers;
• anticonvulsants;
• antibiotics;
• cytostatics.
All gynecologists prescribe folic acid to their patients, and its use should continue after childbirth. It is advisable to take a blood test to determine your vitamin B12 level. In combination with folin, it normalizes the functioning of the glands and stimulates the formation of new red blood cells.