In what dosage should women take folic acid for conception when planning pregnancy? This issue requires detailed consideration.
Modern women carefully prepare for the arrival of a baby. Following the doctor's recommendations, they undergo a medical examination and tests. Regardless of their results, the gynecologist will advise taking folic acid when planning a pregnancy.
A woman planning to conceive a baby should make vitamins an integral part of her life when planning a pregnancy. It is important to use medications that contain synthetic vitamins and eat foods rich in natural microelements. Conception is also influenced by the lifestyle young parents lead: at this time it is important to give up bad habits.
Before taking synthetic vitamin complexes, you should consult a gynecologist. Their uncontrolled use can cause disruptions in the normal functioning of the female body. In this case, vitamins can harm rather than help.
However, their importance cannot be ignored. For example, folic acid is necessary for conception.
Let us list the properties of folacin:
• helps proteins to be absorbed;
• promotes cell division;
• affects blood circulation;
• prevents atherosclerosis from developing;
• improves appetite and general well-being.