If there is a deficiency of the vitamin in food, the result will be noticeable within a few months: folate deficiency anemia will begin to develop in the body. It provokes the appearance of immature red blood cells and a decrease in hemoglobin. Because of this, a woman becomes irritable, her appetite decreases, she quickly gets tired and suffers from depression.
These characteristic symptoms may after some time be supplemented by hair loss, vomiting and diarrhea.
Folacin does not have accumulative properties, therefore, the need for the vitamin is always there. A woman needs to regularly replenish B9 reserves so that the body works correctly and the reproductive system does not fail.
When planning a pregnancy, folic acid should be in the required amount in the body 2-3 months before conception occurs.
Gynecologists suggest that this time will be enough for a woman to ensure that the lack of vitamin does not affect pregnancy.
But the dosage of folic acid when planning pregnancy is selected taking into account the characteristics of each woman’s body.