If a woman suspects amniotic fluid leakage, the test can be done at home using pharmacy test strips. The rapid test looks like a sanitary pad - you need to attach it to your underwear and wear it until it gets wet or check it after 12 hours. If there is pathology, it will change color.
If a pregnant woman at any stage is bothered by discomfort in the groin, the discharge has become less frequent, thicker, or changed color, it is worth consulting a doctor. The gynecologist will suggest taking blood, urine, smear tests, and sometimes undergoing an unscheduled ultrasound.
Therapy will depend on the patient’s condition and diagnostic results:
• For vaginal dysbiosis, a diet is prescribed. A woman will need to change her underwear to cotton and pay attention to hygiene. It is often possible to normalize the microflora without taking medications. For serious infections, your doctor will prescribe topical antiseptics.
• Candidiasis is treated with local medications: suppositories, gels, ointments. During pregnancy, Pimafucin is prescribed.
• When amniotic fluid leaks, gynecologists strive to maintain pregnancy as long as possible. If the problem does not resolve on its own, antibacterial treatment is carried out.
• Infection of amniotic fluid requires cesarean section.