External situations that lead to incorrect test scores.
Let's consider in what cases a pregnancy test shows a false negative result:
• Often, women themselves are in too much of a hurry to find out whether they are pregnant or not, buying tests in batches and using them even before their menstruation is missed. In such cases, the test may misfire. This happens because the pregnancy hormone (hCG) is produced in the urine in insufficient quantities, therefore, the sensitivity of the test cannot correctly determine pregnancy.
• The highest concentration of the hormone in urine is in the morning. During the day and evening, drinking liquid during the day will throw off the test result. Conclusion: the procedure should be carried out early in the morning.
• Failure to comply with the prescribed points in the instructions is also a reason for error. The instructions for a high-quality product must certainly include pictures illustrating the stages of implementation. Be sure to read the instructions.
• The product's warranty may simply expire. Read the labels on the packaging carefully.
• Can a pregnancy test be false negative if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected: fetal malposition. In this case, the release of hCG will be suspended. Be that as it may, if the pregnancy is abnormal, the test will show a false result. Signs of pregnancy developing outside the uterus appear quite early. The main thing is to pay attention to them.
• During pregnancy, a woman may complain about kidney function. In this case, the necessary hormone is produced much later than the prescribed period, and does not allow pregnancy to be detected at home.
• A well-known fact: the timing of ovulation can shift and in some cases it occurs immediately before menstruation. Thus, hormonal levels are reduced during testing.