Typically a person needs 200 mcg per day. 3 months before conception, or better yet six months, take up to 4 mg of the vitamin. At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman may not be aware of changes in the body, although already in the 2nd week the part from which the brain later develops is formed in the embryo. Even a short-term deficiency of B9 can provoke certain disorders.
During the period of conception, the norm is 600 mcg. When carrying a child, the body's needs increase. If the pregnant woman does not have any abnormalities, folic acid is taken in recommended doses. It must be borne in mind that complex multivitamins contain 10 times less than the prescribed norm, therefore, along with supplements, 3 additional tablets are taken. Daily volume – from 800 mcg. The vitamin irritates the gastric mucosa, so it is taken after meals.
The nutrient does not accumulate in the body, so it is important to supply it from the outside in a timely manner. This will eliminate the appearance of the listed pathologies and provide the fetus with normal conditions for the formation of organs and systems.
During lactation the rate does not decrease. With folic acid deficiency, postpartum depression progresses. Against this background, the amount of milk decreases, and the child does not receive additional vitamins. Kids:
• are stunted in height and weight;
• suffer from intestinal disorders.