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Failure to comply with the rules of the test.

If you receive a negative test but think you are pregnant, then there may be a mistake. To minimize test failure, follow the rules:

• Prepare clean, dry containers for collecting urine.

• Do not immerse the test deeper than the control line and do not keep it in urine for longer than the specified time.

• Do the test immediately after waking up.

• During the day, a woman drinks a lot of fluid, so the urine is diluted and the level of human chorionic gonadotropin decreases.

• Poor quality test.

• A negative result may occur if the test does not have a good litmus test. Low sensitivity of the device may prevent the test from detecting human chorionic gonadotropin in the first days after fertilization.

• Improper storage and expired expiration dates increase the possibility of test failure.

• A poor-quality test may not show pregnancy.