Due to physiological changes in the body, yellow-brown mucus may appear. Most often it appears at 10–11 weeks of gestation. But such a process also indicates pathological processes in the body.
Appear for the following reasons:
1. At 15–16 weeks of embryo development, the egg begins to attach tightly to the walls of the uterus. Because of this, a small amount of blood is removed outside. The mucus mixes with the blood to form an orange liquid.
2. Excessive mucus excretion indicates pathologies such as ectopic or frozen pregnancy, egg detachment, spontaneous miscarriage, and cervical erosion. Therefore, if brown mucus appears at 13–14 weeks of pregnancy, you need to go to the doctor.
In the second trimester, the appearance of brown mucus indicates the development of:
• diligence of the fetus of different types;
• detachment of the placenta from the walls of the uterus.
If severe pain, burning, itching and a specific smell of mucus appear in the second or third trimester, this indicates the presence of infections in the body. Such signs cannot be ignored; you should undergo a laboratory examination and begin comprehensive treatment of the problem, since infectious diseases can have a detrimental effect on the development of the child.