Reasons for a false positive pregnancy test: why might they be lying?
In the early stages, pregnancy is determined at home during testing. If tests fail for the above reasons, the woman resorts to prenatal diagnosis. This biochemical analysis is carried out to determine possible pathological abnormalities in fetal development.
Science is rapidly moving forward, because previously, with such an analysis, the unborn child was at significant risk, since a sample of tissue, the placenta, was taken for research in close proximity to the embryo.
Not every mother was ready to take this risk. Today it has been established that a portion of the DNA of the child itself is present in the mother’s blood, and chromosomal changes can be determined in a more gentle way.
Interestingly, the older the woman is, the more effective the test result will be. The period for laboratory testing is the 10th week of the first trimester of pregnancy.
For analysis, take 20 ml. venous blood and test their biochemical component. After 12 days, the attending physician can make a conclusion about the condition of the unborn child.
If there are changes, the analysis may be repeated.