First, let's find out which picture should not alarm a pregnant woman. The physiological norm of discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester is considered to be transparent, whitish or beige mucus - it is this secretion that guarantees that everything is fine with the expectant mother. Such discharge in scientific terminology is known as leucorrhoea.
They consist of dead, desquamated vaginal cells and natural bacterial microflora, which is usually present within the internal genital organs of a healthy woman. Pregnancy cannot proceed without the secretion of leucorrhoea.
If a pregnant woman has no discharge at all or it is very scanty, it is worth consulting a gynecologist about this.
The discharge of leucorrhoea is accompanied by every stage of pregnancy development - the mucous substance is a product of the activity of the hormonal system of the female body. As the expected date of birth approaches, the nature of the discharge changes: the leucorrhoea becomes thinner and there is a lot of it.
This metamorphosis occurs under the influence of the female sex hormone estrogen. Liquid discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester does not pose a danger to mother and baby. Ideally, leucorrhoea does not bother or embarrass a woman. They have a neutral odor and are not accompanied by itching or burning.
Daily pads (they need to be changed every 3 hours) will help the expectant mother feel as comfortable as possible.