In some cases, leucorrhoea is a variant of the norm. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the entrance to the uterus closes, a mucus plug is formed, so a white secretion may be observed. It should not cause itching, burning or discomfort in a woman. In the second and third trimesters, the amount of discharge may increase, the consistency becomes viscous, like snot. This is due to the high content of estrogen. Gynecologists identify several situations in which a woman immediately needs to see a doctor:
1. The secretion has changed color, becoming white-yellow or with a green tint.
2. The discharge has become watery and resembles snot.
3. Itching and burning have appeared, which indicates the development of candidiasis, or thrush.
4. The pregnant woman feels weak.
5. Nausea, vomiting and other signs of intoxication appeared.
Leucorrhoea may indicate infection of the reproductive system and the beginning of placental abruption.
If mucus of any color appears, you must immediately visit a doctor to make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.