Any changes in discharge become a cause for concern for expectant mothers. Spotting vaginal discharge may appear at different times. Their origin and nature vary, so if such signs occur, you should consult a gynecologist.
It should be noted that in medicine there is no such term as “daub.” Doctors usually mean by it bloody vaginal discharge, the volume of which is no more than a few drops. They can be brown, red, brown or cream in color. We’ll talk further about how dangerous such secretions can be.
Factors influencing the occurrence of various discharges can be harmless and pose a danger to the pregnant woman. They are often caused by physiological changes in the body, hormonal changes and other natural phenomena during pregnancy.
Spotting may appear due to implantation bleeding, at a time when pregnancy is not yet known. A change in the level of progesterone in the blood can also provoke spotting.
The nature of such discharge differs at different stages of pregnancy. Every 6-8th pregnant woman faces this phenomenon.
It is necessary to understand that such symptoms are not always the norm, and therefore require attention and timely detection of abnormalities. This may be a signal of fetal rejection, placental abruption and other negative phenomena.
They are usually observed simultaneously with other symptoms, for example, nagging pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen.
As a rule, professional doctors take the appearance of spotting quite seriously, except in cases where they appear 10 days after the date of conception. Usually, scanty bloody discharge is a consequence of implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine lining. During this process, local destruction of the small vessels of the inner lining of the uterus occurs.
If more than 10 days have passed since the expected date of conception, then close attention is paid to such discharge. They are almost always accompanied by pathological processes in the body. This could be a lack of progesterone, an ectopic or frozen pregnancy.
In the event that spotting begins at the same frequency as menstrual periods, according to the menstrual cycle before pregnancy, such symptoms also indicate abnormalities.
Usually, dark stains remain on the laundry, which sometimes manifests itself as a deficiency in the function of the corpus luteum, which requires hormonal treatment. If progesterone drugs are not prescribed on time, there is a high probability of spontaneous abortion. Sometimes this condition requires long-term use of drugs that reduce androgen and prolactin levels.
Pregnancy management tactics in many developed countries do not provide for continuation of pregnancy until 12 weeks. Most often, its spontaneous interruption indicates the non-viability of the embryo due to genetic and physiological failures.
However, the appearance of spotting during pregnancy is not a reason to ignore such symptoms, as they may be signs of an ectopic pregnancy that develops in the fallopian tubes. This condition is a threat not only to the health and future motherhood of a woman, but also poses a risk to her life.
Most likely, diagnosis will require an ultrasound examination of the internal organs of the small pelvis to determine the location of the fertilized egg in or outside the uterus, as well as a blood test for hCG.
The doctor may recommend rest and prescribe vitamins and other medications, and in the case of an ectopic and frozen pregnancy, urgent intervention is necessary.
Symptoms of these conditions are usually dark-colored spotting. A frozen pregnancy carries the risk of intoxication, while an ectopic pregnancy puts the mother’s life at risk.
The appearance of spotting during pregnancy sometimes occurs after sexual intercourse or a vaginal examination in the presence of erosion. As a rule, this condition does not require special treatment; diagnosis is limited to tissue biopsy. The main therapy for erosion is postponed until after childbirth.
In every fourth woman, the appearance of scanty spotting is a sign of low attachment of the placenta to the inner surface of the uterus. Usually the situation normalizes on its own, but bed rest is recommended for the pregnant woman to prevent bleeding. In this case, childbirth is carried out by caesarean section.
The second and third trimester are a quieter time in terms of possible complications. More often, the discharge of smear during this period is associated with pathologies of the placenta:
1. Placenta previa. In this case, the placenta is attached close to the cervix and when the muscles of the uterus are stretched, vascular damage occurs, which causes brown discharge.
2. Placental abruption can also begin with weak spotting, which turns into bleeding. This condition is considered life-threatening for a woman; it cannot be treated and requires surgical treatmenth intervention or caesarean section when the pregnancy reaches more than 30 weeks.
In later stages, mucus with thin streaks of blood may be released from the genital tract. These discharges vary in intensity, from spotting to the appearance of large clots. As a rule, they indicate the imminent onset of active labor or appear simultaneously with the first contractions. This is how the mucus plug comes off. This process can last several weeks or be a harbinger of an imminent birth.
A pregnant woman should be especially careful about her health and monitor changes in discharge. Any qualitative or quantitative changes in the secretion should be reported to your doctor.
In some cases, additional examination can prevent the development of pathology and maintain pregnancy.
If the genital smear turns bloody and is accompanied by pain in the lower back or abdomen, you should urgently call an ambulance.