We have already found out that active growth of the abdomen begins with the beginning of the second trimester. From now on you will have to make some adjustments to your daily lifestyle:
1. You can't sleep on your stomach. The fact is obvious and no explanation is required. Every expectant mother understands this instinctively - it is both dangerous for the baby and inconvenient for herself.
2. You can't sleep on your back. As the baby grows and gains weight, it puts more and more pressure on the vessels passing behind the uterus. This has a direct impact on the deterioration of blood supply and the supply of oxygen to it.
3. You cannot walk in uncomfortable shoes. From now on, only flat soles with a wide toe. As the expectant mother's belly grows, her coordination is seriously impaired, and it becomes more and more difficult to maintain balance. If you add heels to this, then the danger of falling or tripping increases significantly.
4. In the later stages, it is better to give up driving, because in addition to the decreased ability of a pregnant woman to concentrate, her impaired attention becomes impossible to fasten with a seat belt so as to avoid pressure on the stomach.
5. If you have a big belly, you can’t go on long walks without a prenatal bandage. After all, as the abdomen grows, the load on the lower back also increases; this load must be removed by periodically putting on a bandage. It is periodically - if you wear it constantly, the abdominal muscles will finally relax and it will be more difficult to get them into shape after childbirth.
These rules are unquestionable, but in the conditions of life in the 21st century, they are extremely easy to follow. For example, for a comfortable sleep, you can purchase a special pillow for pregnant women. It will also be useful after childbirth - it is very convenient to feed the baby.
Heels are, of course, beautiful, but constantly wearing them is extremely harmful for any girl, and even more so for an expectant mother! It’s good that today there are many models with flat soles - they are not only comfortable, but also incredibly beautiful!
If for some reason a woman cannot give up driving, then the modern industry can offer her a special belt for pregnant women - it is tightened under the stomach without putting any pressure on it.
Every expectant mother should have a prenatal bandage, and preferably one that can be worn after childbirth. This way, the belly will go away faster and it will be easier to walk with it immediately after childbirth, especially if you have a caesarean section.
In a word, being pregnant now is much easier than 20 years ago - there are as many inventions as your heart desires!