In order for the child to be born completely healthy, it is important to follow the recommendations of specialists and not violate the established daily routine. The main tips include the following:
1. It is advisable to sleep on the left side: the inferior vena cava, which is responsible for the blood supply to the fetus, is located on the right side. Thus, the woman does not compress the vessels and the child feels well.
2. Carefully monitor your diet, arrange fasting days. During the 2nd trimester, the expectant mother is recommended to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, and lean meat.
3. Due to the fact that the fetus is rapidly gaining weight, hemorrhoids may develop. To prevent this unpleasant problem, consult your doctor.
4. Active sports are not recommended, but you can always do light gymnastics and warm-up.
During this period, a woman can work, do housework, and travel. However, you should “keep your finger on the pulse” and not neglect consultations with a specialist, which should be carried out once every 2 weeks.