Pain due to non-obstetric pathologies.
1. Appendicitis. It is quite rare during pregnancy, but it does occur. Diagnosis is complicated by displacement of the appendix by the growing uterus. Acute pain is observed in the navel, in the right iliac region, in the right hypochondrium. The pain is complemented by fever, nausea, and vomiting. Due to the inflammatory process, peristalsis in the displaced intestines is sharply disrupted, which leads to constipation.
2. Urolithiasis. Manifests itself in the form of renal colic. In this case, the pain is sharp, dagger-like in nature, and localized in the lumbar region. Characteristic irradiation of pain along the ureters to the groin area. The pain may be accompanied by stool disturbances, vomiting, and nausea.
3. Cystitis. It manifests itself as cutting pain in the pubic area, increased frequency and pain when urinating. With cystitis, complete urination is impaired, urine comes out in small portions, and there is a feeling of fullness of the bladder.
4. Cholecystitis. During the inflammatory process of the gallbladder, pain is localized in the right hypochondrium. The pain in the chronic process is dull and aching, while in the acute process it is cramping. The picture is complemented by a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, a feeling of heaviness, belching, and heartburn.
5. Gastritis. With the modern pace of life, gastritis is a disease of the majority. During pregnancy, the manifestation of gastritis may intensify in the form of pain in the stomach, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and nausea.
6. Pancreatitis. Inflammatory processes of the pancreas are manifested by cutting pain in the stomach. The pain is accompanied by poor health, lethargy, decreased blood pressure, vomiting, and bowel dysfunction.
7. Diseases of the duodenum. Caused by decreased immune defense and decreased intestinal motility. It manifests itself as dull, constant pain in the navel area, supplemented by loose stools, increased temperature, and increased intestinal tone.
8. Foodborne infections. With toxic infections, pain of a pulling, cutting nature is observed, localized in the navel area, along the intestines. Loose stools, fever, lethargy, nausea and vomiting confirm the clinical picture.