Of course, the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy by month depends on many factors, because each expectant mother is individual. Many factors play a role, and the main ones include:
1. Body type - small and thin girls have a more noticeable tummy than larger girls (tall, plump). There are many funny stories described on the Internet when an employee goes on maternity leave, but no one had any idea about her interesting situation.
2. What kind of pregnancy is it? In primiparous women, the tummy becomes noticeable somewhat earlier than in multiparous women. This is due to the fact that if the expectant mother is pregnant not for the first time, then her ligaments are already stretched, they are ready for this process and do not at all restrain its external manifestations.
3. How many children are in the tummy. Obviously, during a multiple pregnancy, the belly appears faster and grows at a faster rate. Although each baby is eventually born somewhat smaller than average, in total they significantly exceed one baby in both weight and volume.
4. Nutrition for the expectant mother. The myth that during pregnancy you need to eat for two has long been dispelled to smithereens. When a woman gives birth and the uterus returns to its previous state, she will see the results of her nutrition - they will not go away, but on the contrary, they will become noticeable! Improper nutrition can lead to unwanted weight gain that goes beyond the norm, both for the expectant mother and her baby. Hence the fetus is too large, the accumulation of excess fat deposits and a large belly as a consequence.
5. Genetics. The size of the fetus is influenced not only by the lifestyle of its mother, but also by the genetics of both parents: if both of them or one of them were large, then there is a chance of passing this on by inheritance.