For each woman, the beginning of the growth of the tummy, or rather the size of the uterus, is purely individual. This depends on many factors. The first of them is what type of pregnancy a woman is in. If it is the first, then the rounding of the tummy becomes visible at four to five months. During the second pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are already stretched, which is why the tummy appears earlier. The roundness of the abdomen also depends on the structure of the pelvis. So, in women with a narrow pelvis it is visible much earlier, with a wide one - later.
Another parameter that influences the onset of the appearance of a tummy is the woman’s activity. If she plays sports or is a professional athlete, then the roundness of her tummy will appear by the third trimester. And then when wearing tight, tight clothes. It is a mistaken belief that the roundness of the abdomen depends on the size and weight of the fetus. Little actually depends on these factors. After all, all babies in the mother’s womb grow and develop approximately the same until the third trimester.