After pregnancy has occurred, a new stage begins for the couple. At this time, it is important to especially carefully monitor the health of the expectant mother, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, and avoid excessive exercise, harmful influences and stress. If you work in a hazardous industry, try to change your job, because chemicals, varnishes, and paints have a devastating effect on the embryo. Avoid sudden movements, jogging, and do not lift heavy objects. Do not take any medicine without consulting your doctor.
Don't forget about a balanced diet. More vegetables and fruits. Boiled meat and fish, lactic acid products, but not milk - it can cause intestinal problems. Avoid smoked and fried foods. Start training yourself to eat less salty foods. You can take multivitamins for pregnant women.
The first trimester of pregnancy ends. The placenta is fully formed. Listen to your condition at 9-12 weeks. You should be wary:
• periodic pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;
• feeling of pressure on the rectum;
• increased secretion of mucus from the vagina.
If spotting appears, don’t wait an hour! See a doctor immediately! Even in this case, spontaneous miscarriage can be avoided. If you have had abortions or miscarriages in the past, you should limit physical activity (including physical intimacy) this month.
If you have severe toxicosis, don’t sit idly by and don’t wait for everything to go away on its own. Consult your doctor for advice. This condition significantly affects the development of the child, and right now the brain is growing.
Watch your intestines. Constipation is possible in the first trimester. A full rectum puts pressure on the uterus, which is very undesirable. Black bread, fresh fruits and vegetables will help, especially boiled beets, sauerkraut and fresh cabbage, prunes. A glass of water, drunk on an empty stomach in small sips, or a glass of kefir at night has a good laxative effect. But taking laxatives and performing enemas without consulting a doctor is not recommended, especially for those women who have previously had miscarriages.
At the end of the 12th week, an ultrasound examination is prescribed to determine the course of pregnancy. Using an ultrasound, you can determine the sex of the unborn child.