Although self-examination of the vaginal fundus and cervix can be very informative, experts do not recommend that women palpate the cervix themselves.
And there are a number of reasons for this, which are the subject of many new articles. There is always a risk of infection, which can ultimately lead to infertility.
Inaccurate examination can result in traumatization of the mucous membrane, and this is a path to the development of erosion.
In combination with infections, this condition can be very risky and can even result in the development of oncological processes.
Gynecologists say that it is impossible to qualitatively assess the condition of the cervix on your own. After all, specialists, in addition to palpation, use additional tools - mirrors. Only with their help can one accurately judge the condition of the organ.
Even the doctor will not give a comment, make a conclusion or make an accurate diagnosis only on the basis of a palpation examination of the cervix, much less establish pregnancy, because other associated factors and symptoms, characteristics of the body are necessarily taken into account, and an ultrasound is performed. Find out on what day of delay an ultrasound will show pregnancy in the article at the link.
The condition of the cervix only gives reason to judge the imminent onset of menstruation or possible pregnancy. This is a reason to undergo additional examinations, tests, etc.