Before you begin a gynecological examination, you should carefully prepare:
1. Trim your nails. Otherwise, there is a possibility of injury to the surface of the cervix.
2. Wash your hands thoroughly to avoid infection.
3. Wear sterile medical gloves; they will protect the uterus from penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.
The best position for the examination is sitting. To make it more comfortable, you can sit on the toilet or bidet. But it’s better to squat down or simply raise your leg and fix it on a hill.
If it is more convenient to feel the cervix while lying down, you can conduct a self-examination in this position. Two fingers (middle and index) are inserted into the vagina.
Watch your movements; they should not be sudden, so as not to cause injury to the mucous membrane.
During the examination, you will find a dense tubercle under your fingers; this is the cervix. If you have the appropriate experience, you can easily determine whether it is hard or, conversely, soft. It is also easy to understand the state of the cervical canal - closed or open - this indicates ovulation or other conditions.