In addition to the three points that were listed above, there are also such factors that influence the increase in abdominal growth in a pregnant woman:
• Women who are pregnant for the first time usually notice that their belly has enlarged quite late. And it grows slowly. This is explained by the fact that in nulliparous women, the abdominal muscles are still strong and they resist stretching. And those women who have become mothers more than once say that with each new pregnancy, the belly becomes noticeable earlier and earlier. This happens because the muscles stretch and become much more elastic.
• Heredity. This factor also greatly influences how the pregnant woman’s belly grows. You can ask your mother and grandmother about the age at which the belly begins to grow in your family. There you just have to navigate by what they say and prepare to see the main evidence of your pregnancy by about this time.
• The anatomical features of each woman also have a very large influence on the growth of the abdomen. For example, when a woman is thin and small, her figure will change faster than that of her plumper friends. In addition, the belly will not only appear earlier, but will also grow faster and appear very large.
• If you cannot be called thin and you are the owner of curvy figures, wide hips and tall stature, expect that the people around you, and you yourself, will notice the growth of your tummy only in the middle of your entire pregnancy.
• Naturally, the size of the fetus also has a very large influence on the size of the abdomen. That is, the faster the baby develops, the faster you will see changes in your figure.
• In addition, how exactly the baby is positioned in the woman’s womb is important. For example, when it lies closer to the spine, there is no need to expect a quick increase in the tummy. In this case, it will remain small and unnoticeable for a long time. And when the fetus is adjacent to the front side of the uterus, the abdomen appears very early.
Naturally, absolutely every expectant mother is interested in which month the belly appears. This is especially true for those who become pregnant for the first time. It is difficult to realize that a new life is emerging and developing inside you and that all this is very serious.
There is one very banal and interesting reason for women to find out when a belly appears: to understand how soon you will have to completely change your wardrobe.
The timing of the appearance of the belly is very individual. For example, if you are a regular visitor to forums for expectant mothers, you have seen girls whose belly became noticeable already in the fifth week. And there are also those for whom it is visible only at the thirtieth mark. And this is absolutely true. Just look at what is said specifically about the stomach. And, as you know, it can increase from excessive nutrition, for example. Or due to increased gas formation, which often happens to expectant mothers.
Because of this, we can say that those who claim that the abdomen becomes enlarged already in the first trimester are mistaken. They simply confuse the uterus and the stomach. Uterine growth begins around 16 weeks. And already at 20, it becomes clear to those around her that the woman is in an interesting position.