During pregnancy, most women listen to every change in their body, worrying about pregnancy, guided by the rule “it’s better to be safe.” This, on the one hand, is correct, since in this case everything remains under control, but on the other hand, excessive vigilance, keeping the nerves on edge, can lead to panic over any trifle, which, in turn, does not lead to anything good. will lead.
Let us bring some clarity to such a clinical manifestation as pain in the lower abdomen. The presence of pain in the abdomen does not always indicate problems associated with pregnancy. First, you should understand that there is no “free space” in the body; all organs are located in close proximity to each other. And during pregnancy, the uterus, which normally moves up to 5-7 cm, during pregnancy increases to 32 cm only in height, shifting and crowding all nearby organs.
In this regard, any changes in sensations in the abdominal area are usually divided into two types:
• Obstetrics. These are sensations that are directly related to the ongoing pregnancy;
• Non-obstetric. Sensations that manifest themselves regardless of the presence of pregnancy and, even, gender.