In the harems of the Turkish sultans and Chinese emperors, the prerogative of counting was entrusted to the eunuchs on duty - they recorded each visit of the favorite to the ruler in a special journal. If you are planning to have a child, a menstrual cycle calendar with possible days of conception will definitely not hurt you. Especially if you are preparing for IVF - sometimes future parents discover a surprise on an ultrasound scan before embryo transfer.
Otherwise, a gynecologist will help you. A pregnancy test and blood test only confirm the fact of an increase in hCG and possible conception. By visual examination, pregnancy is determined after 4-5 obstetric weeks. There are many signs - changes in color and blood supply to the genitals, changes in cervical mucus, enlargement of the uterus. But if a woman came to the doctor at 7-8 weeks, the exact date cannot be established during the examination. The size of the uterus can be either larger or smaller than the actual period, this is influenced by many factors.
The approximate obstetric gestational age can be determined at the first ultrasound. But even here, by the end of the first trimester, nuances are possible. At 5-6 weeks, all the embryos are the same size, and then some babies grow faster, others a little slower. It can be difficult for a doctor to determine. – whether there is a delay in fetal development or the matter is in an inaccurately defined period. So you better hurry up!
Pregnancy tests are sold on every corner these days. If the situation suddenly seems interesting to you, it’s better to find out what’s going on once again. And at the first two strips, consult a doctor.