The most significant and completely undeniable sign of pregnancy is a woman’s increased belly. But for what reason does this happen? It would seem that what could be simpler and clearer: due to the fact that the baby himself is increasing in size inside him. And this naturally should happen to every normal mother. Pregnancy still lasts for 9 months.
But besides this obvious reason, there are others that are much more complex. It turns out that the way a woman’s belly grows tells specialists a lot.
During pregnancy, the belly begins to grow due to three factors: the enlargement of the fetus itself, the increase in the amount of amniotic fluid and the growth of the uterus.
How long does it take for the belly to grow? Don't think the answer is as simple as you think. After all, the question is delicate and rather ambiguous. The enlargement of the abdomen in size is influenced by the factors described above.
Doctors have determined the average when most girls develop a noticeable belly. This is approximately 16 weeks, that is, about four months. But it often happens that women manage to hide their interesting position almost until the very birth, simply because the stomach turns out to be completely invisible. But this, of course, is a rare case.
It also happens quite the opposite, when a pregnant woman’s belly grows so quickly that it becomes noticeable already in the second or third month.
In general, only one thing is clear from all this: the tummy can begin to increase in size in almost any month and trimester. Moreover, it may not appear at all. But in this case they talk about the phenomenon of the so-called “hidden pregnancy”.