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When does the belly appear during pregnancy?

It is impossible to predict exactly when it will begin to grow, but in the early stages, waist size practically does not change. However, each new gram of embryo stretches the uterus, as a result both it and the tummy increase.

After the test showed 2 stripes, the volume of the uterus does not exceed 5 ml with a weight of 50-60 g. But at about 5 weeks of pregnancy, it begins to grow, and a gradual but systematic development of new muscle fibers occurs. After all, the uterus will have to stretch almost 500 times relative to its original size.

At 9 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus becomes the size of a goose egg. As long as it fits within the boundaries of the small pelvis, the stomach does not grow. Next, the uterus grows and rises above the level of the pelvis, heading into the abdominal cavity.

At this time, the waist also begins to slowly expand, and after 14-15 weeks you can measure the height of the fundus of the uterus. It is its wide part - the bottom - that rises into the abdominal cavity and determines the circumference of the abdomen during pregnancy week by week.

After 16 weeks, the belly increases significantly and in most women becomes noticeable. The growth rate of the tummy by week depends on the body build, the size of the small pelvis, the number and weight of the fetuses.

The abdominal circumference (AC) of a pregnant woman is a purely individual indicator, since initially each woman’s waist circumference is different. The height of the uterine fundus more accurately reflects the size of the fetus by week of pregnancy, so the doctor measures both parameters.

Rate of abdominal growth during pregnancy.

The rate of growth of the abdomen during pregnancy is a purely individual matter. For some women, the characteristic pregnant belly appears as early as 10-12 weeks, while others, even in the third trimester, look as if they simply overate.

The belly can be large or small, protruding forward or as if blurred, located low or high - everything will depend on the individual characteristics of pregnancy.

How the belly grows and looks during pregnancy depends on many factors: the woman’s physique, the structure of the pelvis, the condition of the muscles, the growth of the uterus and child, and the amount of amniotic fluid.

Most often, the belly begins to grow after the 12th week of pregnancy, and others will be able to notice the woman’s interesting position only from the 20th week. However, everything is strictly individual, there is absolutely no exact definition of the timing of the appearance of the belly, it is simply impossible to predict.

Don’t be upset if the shape or size of your belly doesn’t match the average, because everything is individual. Focus on your constitution, the functioning of your body and the development of your baby.

At 4 weeks the uterus reaches the size of a chicken egg.

At 8 weeks - a goose egg.

At 12 weeks, the uterus reaches the upper edge of the pubic bone. The belly is not yet noticeable.

At 16 weeks, the belly is rounded, the uterus is located halfway between the pubis and the navel.

At 20 weeks, the abdomen is noticeable to others, the fundus of the uterus is 4 cm below the navel.

The growth of the abdomen in pregnant women directly depends on the rate of uterine enlargement, the speed of which, in turn, is influenced by several factors. This is the number of fetuses, the volume of amniotic fluid, as well as the weight of the children themselves and the placenta.

Feeling the tummy during pregnancy.

The belly of the expectant mother changes not only in appearance. From the 20th week of pregnancy, the mother begins to feel the baby's movements. At first they look like light flutters, but over time the movements become more intense, because towards the end of pregnancy the weight and size of the child increases, and now he is not as spacious in the uterus as before. The number of movements gradually decreases, but their strength increases.

The movements of the baby, especially intense ones, can cause unpleasant sensations in a woman, especially in the right or left hypochondrium.

This is explained by the fact that with a cephalic presentation (the baby is positioned head down in the uterus), the impacts of the baby’s legs are projected into the area of the mother’s internal organs: the liver, stomach, intestines and spleen. Such sensations and even pain are natural and do not require treatment.

And sometimes painful sensations appear in the lateral parts of the abdomen.

They arise due to the fact that during pregnancy the ligaments that support the uterus and ovaries are stretched.

In addition, changes occur in the fallopian tubes (they thicken, blood circulation in them increases), in the ovaries (they increase somewhat in size, cyclic processes stop in them, and the position of the ovaries changes due to an increase in the size of the uterus). Mild painful sensations in the lower abdomen may occur several times during the day, but, as a rule, they quickly disappear if the woman takes a position that is comfortable for her. Sometimes periodic discomfort in the lower lateral parts of the abdomen appears due to constipation, which is also common in pregnant women: during pregnancy, hormones are produced that relax the uterus, and they have a similar effect on the intestines: its peristalsis is disrupted, resulting in constipation.

What does the shape of a pregnant belly say?

By the way, in the past they often tried to determine the gender of the child by the shape of the belly. It was believed that a round belly foreshadows a girl, and an elongated, oblong, “sharp” belly portends a boy. However, these predictions did not always come true, since the shape and size of the abdomen do not depend at all on the gender of the child.

• In large, tall women, the belly may be small and not very noticeable until advanced stages of pregnancy, but in thin, petite women (especially with a narrow pelvis or a large baby), the belly appears very large.

• The state of the muscle tone of the anterior abdominal wall and uterus has a significant influence on the shape of the abdomen. During your first pregnancy and good muscle tone, your stomach may look more “toned” than with subsequent pregnancies. In addition, with repeated pregnancies, as a result of reduced muscle tone of the anterior abdominal wall, the child does not occupy its final position until the last month of pregnancy. Because of this, the shape of the abdomen can also be “stretched”.

• If a woman is expecting twins, her belly will be larger than with a singleton pregnancy.

• And often the belly can be large simply because a woman stops restricting herself in nutrition and eats “for two.”

• If the child grows quickly or is large, then the mother’s belly may grow faster and be larger.

• Babies are positioned differently in the uterus. With some types of presentation, the belly will be less noticeable, with others it will begin to grow earlier and will appear larger.

Rate of abdominal growth in pregnant women.

II trimester.

At this time, the child sharply gains height and weight, and the uterus also grows rapidly. That is why, at 12-16 weeks, an attentive mother will see that the belly has already become noticeable. True, those around you will notice the woman’s new position at about 20 weeks, especially if she wears tight-fitting clothes.

III trimester.

By the beginning of the third trimester, pregnancy is no longer in doubt. The belly is clearly visible even if a woman wears loose clothing.

Sharp, round, different.

From approximately the second trimester of pregnancy, during each examination, the obstetrician-gynecologist determines the height of the uterine fundus and measures the abdominal circumference at the level of the navel. Why does the doctor so carefully monitor the enlargement of my mother’s tummy? The fact is that this is the easiest way to monitor the growth and development of the unborn baby.

One of the formulas for approximate estimation of fetal weight based on the height of the uterine fundus (UFHR):

child's weight (g) = VSDM (cm) x abdominal circumference (cm) ± 150-200 g.

How will the belly increase as pregnancy progresses?

If in the first trimester the rate of abdominal enlargement is determined only by individual characteristics, then as pregnancy progresses, a deviation in the size of the abdominal circumference from the norm may signal complications or an incorrectly set period.

Starting around the 12th week, your doctor will measure the height of the fundus of the uterus (the distance from the symphysis pubis to the edge of the uterus) and abdominal circumference at each appointment. It is believed that after the 12th week the belly should increase by an average of 1 cm per week. Thus, a woman of average build will have an abdominal circumference of 100-110 cm by the end of pregnancy.

There are special tables that obstetricians-gynecologists use to determine whether your abdominal circumference is normal, but they cannot give an accurate picture; it all depends on your initial waist circumference and the characteristics of pregnancy. That is why doctors pay more attention to the dynamics of abdominal enlargement.

Let’s say right away that how the belly looks and grows during pregnancy depends on many reasons: the woman’s physique, the structure of the pelvis, the condition of the muscles, the growth of the uterus and child, the amount of amniotic fluid. Therefore, for some, the belly grows faster, for others slower, for some mothers it is large, for others it can be almost invisible. But still, there are some general patterns in the growth and size of the abdomen during pregnancy.

Why do some women start looking pregnant earlier than others?

As is usually the case, there are several reasons:

• Mother's build - as a rule, the slimmer the woman, the earlier pregnancy becomes noticeable;

• Elasticity of the abdominal wall muscles - a trained abs stretches worse, because of this, some athletic mothers begin to look pregnant later;

• Posterior flexion of the uterus is a physiological feature in which the uterus is positioned slightly differently than most - tilted back toward the rectum rather than forward toward the abdominal wall. Because of this, its increase becomes noticeable later;

• Twins - a woman carrying twins will, of course, have a larger belly than a woman pregnant with one baby, so it will begin to visually increase earlier.

What causes your belly to grow?

By the 12th week of pregnancy, the baby is still very tiny, no larger than a plum, and the belly may already be quite noticeable. How does this work? It’s very simple - the size of the belly increases not only due to the growth of the child. Together with the baby, the uterus and placenta grow and the volume of amniotic fluid increases.

When does your belly start to get bigger?

If this is your first pregnancy, most likely your belly will begin to grow somewhere between 12 and 16 weeks, and even then, the difference will only be visible to you at first. But this does not mean that your figure will not change in any way until the 4th month - you can gain a couple of kilograms already in the first trimester.

Calendar method for calculating gestational age.

In the harems of the Turkish sultans and Chinese emperors, the prerogative of counting was entrusted to the eunuchs on duty - they recorded each visit of the favorite to the ruler in a special journal. If you are planning to have a child, a menstrual cycle calendar with possible days of conception will definitely not hurt you. Especially if you are preparing for IVF - sometimes future parents discover a surprise on an ultrasound scan before embryo transfer.

Otherwise, a gynecologist will help you. A pregnancy test and blood test only confirm the fact of an increase in hCG and possible conception. By visual examination, pregnancy is determined after 4-5 obstetric weeks. There are many signs - changes in color and blood supply to the genitals, changes in cervical mucus, enlargement of the uterus. But if a woman came to the doctor at 7-8 weeks, the exact date cannot be established during the examination. The size of the uterus can be either larger or smaller than the actual period, this is influenced by many factors.

The approximate obstetric gestational age can be determined at the first ultrasound. But even here, by the end of the first trimester, nuances are possible. At 5-6 weeks, all the embryos are the same size, and then some babies grow faster, others a little slower. It can be difficult for a doctor to determine. – whether there is a delay in fetal development or the matter is in an inaccurately defined period. So you better hurry up!

Pregnancy tests are sold on every corner these days. If the situation suddenly seems interesting to you, it’s better to find out what’s going on once again. And at the first two strips, consult a doctor.

How to find out how long you are expecting a baby?

To begin with, it is worth considering that the period of conception and the period of pregnancy differ. The gestational age is formally counted from the first day of the last menstrual period. Normally, it is 10 lunar (28 days each) months of pregnancy or 40 weeks. Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters of 13 weeks, and at the end of the 3rd, at 40 weeks, birth is expected... theoretically, because nature does not always agree with mathematics. A baby is considered full-term from 38 weeks of pregnancy and has the right to sit in the mother’s belly until 42 weeks. Further, the pregnancy is considered post-term. From 22 weeks, doctors try to save the life of the child if he was born prematurely.

Conception normally occurs from 8 to 18 days of the menstrual cycle - an egg is released from the ovary and the sperm has a chance to meet it. But options are also possible. The cycle sometimes shifts due to abortion or miscarriage, hormonal drugs, illness, stress, climate change. Occasionally, both ovaries release an egg, and twin children can be conceived within a few days of each other. And with a rare pathology - duplication of the uterus - the difference in timing can be as much as a month. In the BBC story of Arifa Sultana from Bangladesh, the woman gave birth to one child in February 2019, and two more in March.

Sometimes a woman makes the mistake of mistaking implantation bleeding for her last menstrual period. Or cannot remember the dates of the last menstruation due to a lost or irregular cycle. And we should not forget about conception during the period of lactational amenorrhea. In these cases, standard counting does not work.

Pregnancy period - how to determine exactly?

Few women know exactly when they became pregnant. Even if you approached conception responsibly, measured the basal temperature chart and chose the most favorable day, variations still occur in married life. And ovulation may go astray and the cycle may be late, or even not start at all, due to breastfeeding - yes, mothers, they also get pregnant during lactation. Meanwhile, pregnancy management is an exact science, especially in the first trimester. At 5-6 weeks, a heartbeat appears and the embryo is visible on ultrasound; if it is not there, then the pregnancy has not occurred or has frozen. The calculation of the due date depends on the duration of pregnancy.

When should pregnant women be concerned?

 When should pregnant women be concerned?

• The abdomen abruptly (within a few hours) changes size and shape - perhaps amniotic fluid has leaked, polyhydramnios has begun, childbirth is approaching, etc.

• The belly is much larger than it should be and is growing quickly - multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, hydatidiform mole (a dangerous complication) or the mother overeats is possible

• The abdomen is much smaller than expected and grows slowly - possible delay in fetal development or insufficient nutrition of the mother

• The abdomen has the shape of an oval lying on its side shortly before birth - the baby is in a transverse position and he has not turned upside down

• The abdomen is tense and does not relax, it has become hard and painful - inflammation may have begun in the abdominal cavity.

• The abdomen has become asymmetrical – it is necessary to check the development of the fetus, especially the size of its head.

In any case, if you feel unwell or notice something unusual or frightening, it is better to consult your gynecologist as soon as possible. Or with our specialist at CIR - we will answer all your questions. The calmer the mother, the healthier the child.

Will stretch marks appear?

Unpredictable. But if there is only one fetus, the belly is growing without ahead of schedule, the woman monitors her weight, wears a bandage and carefully rubs cream or oil against stretch marks into her delicate skin every day - most likely not. And if they do appear, they will disappear after childbirth. At risk for stretch marks are women who developed stretch marks on their chests in adolescence, for example, due to rapid growth, women with excess body weight and sensitive thin skin.

Does it happen that the belly is not visible during pregnancy?

Yes, to the point that the woman herself does not realize she is pregnant until the end of her term. This can happen with a small fetus in a primiparous woman, a tall and large athletic woman with a trained abdominal wall, or an overweight woman with wide hips and severe obesity in the abdominal area. Sometimes women tighten their bellies with belts or corsets to deliberately hide their pregnancy, but already in the second trimester this becomes dangerous.

At what age does the belly become noticeable?

Depends on many factors - the woman’s physique, posture and weight, the size of the fetus, and the condition of the abdominal wall. Normally, a small bulge below the navel is noticeable by 11-12 weeks, but variations are possible. If a short, fragile girl has multiple births or a large fetus from a large father, the belly will become visible a little earlier; if the expectant mother is full or her belly itself is convex and round, a little later. But by 23-24 weeks it is already difficult to confuse.

The exact size of the abdomen during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the belly increases primarily because the uterus enlarges. At 12 weeks it is the size of a large orange; at 24 weeks it reaches the navel with its tip; at 38 weeks it reaches the costal arches. The size of the uterus depends on the size of the fetus or fetuses and the amount of amniotic fluid. The size and shape of the abdomen depends on the elasticity and fitness of the abdominal wall, hormonal levels and the weight of the mother.

In primiparous women, the abdomen is usually more elastic and sharp, in multiparous women it is wider and saggy. A week or two before birth, the stomach drops and the baby's head is located near the pelvic ring. During examinations, the doctor measures the height and width of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus to check whether the fetus is developing correctly.

There is no difference in shape between a girl and a boy pregnancy, but since boys are slightly larger, the belly may be slightly larger. But pregnancy with twins or triplets is noticeable by the end of the first trimester.

What causes your belly to grow?

In addition to the three points that were listed above, there are also such factors that influence the increase in abdominal growth in a pregnant woman:

• Women who are pregnant for the first time usually notice that their belly has enlarged quite late. And it grows slowly. This is explained by the fact that in nulliparous women, the abdominal muscles are still strong and they resist stretching. And those women who have become mothers more than once say that with each new pregnancy, the belly becomes noticeable earlier and earlier. This happens because the muscles stretch and become much more elastic.

• Heredity. This factor also greatly influences how the pregnant woman’s belly grows. You can ask your mother and grandmother about the age at which the belly begins to grow in your family. There you just have to navigate by what they say and prepare to see the main evidence of your pregnancy by about this time.

• The anatomical features of each woman also have a very large influence on the growth of the abdomen. For example, when a woman is thin and small, her figure will change faster than that of her plumper friends. In addition, the belly will not only appear earlier, but will also grow faster and appear very large.

• If you cannot be called thin and you are the owner of curvy figures, wide hips and tall stature, expect that the people around you, and you yourself, will notice the growth of your tummy only in the middle of your entire pregnancy.

• Naturally, the size of the fetus also has a very large influence on the size of the abdomen. That is, the faster the baby develops, the faster you will see changes in your figure.

• In addition, how exactly the baby is positioned in the woman’s womb is important. For example, when it lies closer to the spine, there is no need to expect a quick increase in the tummy. In this case, it will remain small and unnoticeable for a long time. And when the fetus is adjacent to the front side of the uterus, the abdomen appears very early.

Naturally, absolutely every expectant mother is interested in which month the belly appears. This is especially true for those who become pregnant for the first time. It is difficult to realize that a new life is emerging and developing inside you and that all this is very serious.

There is one very banal and interesting reason for women to find out when a belly appears: to understand how soon you will have to completely change your wardrobe.

The timing of the appearance of the belly is very individual. For example, if you are a regular visitor to forums for expectant mothers, you have seen girls whose belly became noticeable already in the fifth week. And there are also those for whom it is visible only at the thirtieth mark. And this is absolutely true. Just look at what is said specifically about the stomach. And, as you know, it can increase from excessive nutrition, for example. Or due to increased gas formation, which often happens to expectant mothers.

Because of this, we can say that those who claim that the abdomen becomes enlarged already in the first trimester are mistaken. They simply confuse the uterus and the stomach. Uterine growth begins around 16 weeks. And already at 20, it becomes clear to those around her that the woman is in an interesting position.

How long does it take for the belly to grow?

The most significant and completely undeniable sign of pregnancy is a woman’s increased belly. But for what reason does this happen? It would seem that what could be simpler and clearer: due to the fact that the baby himself is increasing in size inside him. And this naturally should happen to every normal mother. Pregnancy still lasts for 9 months.

But besides this obvious reason, there are others that are much more complex. It turns out that the way a woman’s belly grows tells specialists a lot.

During pregnancy, the belly begins to grow due to three factors: the enlargement of the fetus itself, the increase in the amount of amniotic fluid and the growth of the uterus.

How long does it take for the belly to grow? Don't think the answer is as simple as you think. After all, the question is delicate and rather ambiguous. The enlargement of the abdomen in size is influenced by the factors described above.

Doctors have determined the average when most girls develop a noticeable belly. This is approximately 16 weeks, that is, about four months. But it often happens that women manage to hide their interesting position almost until the very birth, simply because the stomach turns out to be completely invisible. But this, of course, is a rare case.

It also happens quite the opposite, when a pregnant woman’s belly grows so quickly that it becomes noticeable already in the second or third month.

In general, only one thing is clear from all this: the tummy can begin to increase in size in almost any month and trimester. Moreover, it may not appear at all. But in this case they talk about the phenomenon of the so-called “hidden pregnancy”.

Growth parameters of the uterus and abdomen during pregnancy.

The expectant mother should know that the uterus is constantly growing, only visually its rounding begins to be noticeable at certain times. How does the uterus grow over the weeks of pregnancy? At what pace?

It goes something like this. At 4 weeks of pregnancy, it resembles the size of a chicken egg. At week 8, its size increases to the size of a goose egg. The uterus “looks” like a man’s fist at 12 weeks. Then its bottom reaches the top point of the pubic symphysis. By 16 weeks of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus is determined midway between the navel and pubis. At 24 weeks, the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the navel, already 4 cm above it at 28 weeks, and at 32 weeks the fundus is between the navel and the xiphoid process. The uterus reaches this process at 36 weeks, and at 40 it descends.

How do doctors record abdominal growth during pregnancy?

After registration, the gynecologist who observes the woman regularly measures the size of her uterus. From this period, he monitors the intrauterine development of the unborn child. In this case, the size of the uterus is measured using a centimeter tape. To do this, a pregnant woman simply lies down on a couch in the office, and the doctor measures the length of the female reproductive organ. You should know that during a physiological (normal) pregnancy, the length of the uterus corresponds to the number of weeks. For example, at 12 weeks the height of the uterus is 12 centimeters. And at this time it is too early to talk about a noticeable rounding of the expectant mother’s tummy. By the way, the observing doctor also measures the abdominal circumference. He enters these indicators into the woman’s medical card.

It should be borne in mind that abdominal circumference is not a constant indicator. It depends on the location of the fetus in the uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid, and largely on the abdominal fat.

What determines the size of the belly during pregnancy?

For each woman, the beginning of the growth of the tummy, or rather the size of the uterus, is purely individual. This depends on many factors. The first of them is what type of pregnancy a woman is in. If it is the first, then the rounding of the tummy becomes visible at four to five months. During the second pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are already stretched, which is why the tummy appears earlier. The roundness of the abdomen also depends on the structure of the pelvis. So, in women with a narrow pelvis it is visible much earlier, with a wide one - later.

Another parameter that influences the onset of the appearance of a tummy is the woman’s activity. If she plays sports or is a professional athlete, then the roundness of her tummy will appear by the third trimester. And then when wearing tight, tight clothes. It is a mistaken belief that the roundness of the abdomen depends on the size and weight of the fetus. Little actually depends on these factors. After all, all babies in the mother’s womb grow and develop approximately the same until the third trimester.

Is your belly or uterus growing?

Various women's forums are replete with revelations that for some women, the belly begins to grow from the fifth week of pregnancy, for others - from the tenth, and for others, the roundness becomes visible to others at thirty weeks. But the key word in these revelations is “belly.” But it does not grow in pregnant women from overeating or increased gas production. Therefore, expectant mothers who claim that their belly is growing already in the first weeks of pregnancy confuse the “stomach” with the uterus. It grows at an accelerated pace from the 16th week of pregnancy, but already from the 20th week, those around you can really visually determine the interesting position of a lady by her rounded belly. By the way, the angle of protrusion of the uterus largely depends on how the baby is located inside, on the structural features of the pelvis and the elasticity of its abdominal wall.

Precautionary methods when carrying a child.

Carrying a child puts a lot of stress on the body. The spine and skin in areas of increased body volume are severely affected. A maternity bandage that supports the lower part without squeezing the fetus allows you to remove the load from the spine, which means it is absolutely safe.

Stretch marks are the result of micro-tears in the skin. It’s easier to prevent their occurrence than to try to eliminate them, and it’s impossible to do it 100%. It is enough to moisturize your skin regularly. The risk zone includes: tummy, chest and hips. You can use modern cosmetic products or “grandmother’s” recipes - olive oil. Until the moment of birth, the “chemistry” contained in cosmetic products will not affect the child. Unless the mother may have a negative reaction due to toxicosis.

How the belly grows during pregnancy week by week.

Primiparas may assume that the belly “inflates” evenly from the navel, but this is not the case. The stomach does not immediately take the shape of a ball, as in recent months. The first and second trimesters are characterized by a flattened shape elongated upward, from the pubis to the solar plexus. The bulge expands and rises, gradually sticking out more and more. Clear rounded shapes are formed by the 7th month.

Where does the belly begin to grow during pregnancy: from bottom to top. It gradually “creeps” towards the solar plexus, increasing in volume.

With twins, the growth rate and shape differ from the norms of pregnancy with one child. First of all, it depends on the location of the babies. If they lie in the sequence belly-baby-baby-back, then the belly protrudes forward more. If the crumbs are located on the sides, it spreads out in breadth.

When carrying one child, the shape will also change as the baby moves inside. But these changes are noticeable in the later stages. The larger the fruit becomes, the more noticeable the change in shape will be. Don’t be alarmed if your mother goes to bed in the evening with a wide oval and wakes up in the morning with a ball sticking out forward.

Abdominal growth during pregnancy by week:

• by the 12th week, the fundus of the uterus reaches the line of the symphysis pubis (nothing is visible);

• by the 16th, the bottom is located between the navel and pubis (the bulge begins to be visible);

• at 24 weeks it reaches the navel (the belly is clearly noticeable, but not yet round);

• on the 32nd, the fundus is located between the navel and the xiphoid process (the shape becomes spherical);

• at 36 weeks the uterus reaches the xiphoid process (lower border of the ribs);

• after 36, the uterus gradually descends, moving the fetus “towards the exit”.

Pregnancy among specialists is calculated by weeks, since it is in weekly periods that the stages of fetal development are contained.

To calculate at what month of pregnancy the belly begins to grow, you need to divide the number of weeks by 4.

There are 4 full weeks in a month - hence the numbers. This information may be needed to explain the situation to a husband who is poorly versed in the intricacies, but months are 100% clear to him.

It is difficult to calculate growth during pregnancy by month, because the data will not be accurate enough.

Rapid enlargement of the abdomen in a pregnant woman.

The bump may appear much earlier than 16 weeks. And this is not a tragedy either.

Reasons why the situation appears earlier:

• narrow hips. The uterus has little space, so it moves the internal organs ahead of schedule and takes its rightful place. This is not dangerous. Problems may arise during childbirth and a caesarean section may be prescribed, but the pregnancy is not in any danger;

• flabby abdominal muscles;

• second pregnancy. The muscles are already stretched during the first one. And not only the abs, but also the uterus itself, which cannot be returned to its previous shape;

• twins or triplets. If a woman is carrying more than one child, then it is quite natural that they take up more space, so the belly appears earlier;

• amniotic fluid. Their volume is individual and varies within certain standards. Together with the baby, the internal fluid creates a bubble that stretches the muscles and skin. If there is a lot of water, the bulge appears earlier. This is not always a reason to panic;

• location of the child's seat. If the baby is attached to the front wall of the uterus, the tummy will appear earlier;

• the term is incorrectly defined;

• large fruit;

• enhanced nutrition.

The appetite of pregnant women is a mystery of nature. Some people eat nothing but poppy dew due to toxicosis, others load up on grilled chicken. You need to eat.

It is not necessary to suffer and completely exclude everything fried and “harmful” from the diet, because stress from hunger and the inability to get even a piece of fried chicken can also have a detrimental effect on the child. But you need to know when to stop!

A balanced diet must be present. Otherwise, the woman will first develop cellulite deposits, and then a pregnant belly.

An enlarged and stretched uterus will manifest itself around 12–14 weeks. The third pregnancy is not much different from the second. When the belly begins to grow, an experienced mother can easily distinguish it from excess weight and bloating.

Slow growth of the abdomen in a pregnant woman.

There are situations in which the situation is little noticeable even after 16 weeks.

This does not always mean pathology, developmental delay, missed pregnancy and other horrors that expectant mothers get from the Internet.

There is a logical explanation for everything. If the growth is not noticeable, first of all, you need to calm down and tell your leading doctor about your experiences.

He will reasonably challenge beliefs and prove that everything is in order. If necessary, he will prescribe an ultrasound.

Reasons why belly growth slows down:

• physical training. If the mother's abdominal muscles are trained, they can hold their shape for a long time. This is fine. Think new stretch jeans versus old ones. The new ones fit the leg and smoothly fit, while the old ones swell with bubbles on the knees and hang. It doesn’t hurt your leg because your new jeans are tight. So does the child. Another thing is to intensely strain your abdominal muscles, but this is a completely different topic;

• body structure. Hip width plays an important role. If the hips are wide, there is enough space for the uterus, it will grow in the femoral area and push the organs out of the abdominal cavity later than usual;

• area for securing a child's seat. If the fetus is attached to the uterus at the wall, which is located closer to the back, then the enlargement of the fetus will be noticeable later;

• amniotic fluid. Their volume is individual: for some it is more, for others it is less;

• heredity. If the interesting position of the expectant mother’s mother/grandmother was not noticeable until 6 months, then these are the characteristics of the body that are inherited;

• completeness. The situation is easy to miss in obese women: the larger the waist before the appearance of two stripes, the less noticeable the changes are.

When the situation cannot be hidden...

How quickly does the belly grow during pregnancy? The following trend is observed: in the first months there are practically no changes. The situation manifests itself in a change in the woman’s internal state: toxicosis, heightened sense of smell, swelling, drowsiness and irritability. After a certain period of time, the figure begins to actively change, and the volume of the “waist” increases almost daily.

The increase does not occur immediately, because the child grows gradually. The first months the fruit is formed, practically unchanged in size.

His internal systems and organs, head, face, limbs are being built. All energy goes towards these goals. There is not enough energy for growth, and it is not required.

Only after the fetus becomes as close as possible to “resembling” a person does it begin to actively increase in size, simultaneously completing the construction of individual systems.

When the belly begins to grow during pregnancy: from about the 16th week (4th month). By week 20, the roundness becomes clearly visible, and it is almost impossible to hide the tummy. Standard medical terms are not a panacea.

Factors influencing the rate of change in waist volume:

• muscle tone in a woman;

• first/not first pregnancy;

• volume of amniotic fluid;

• securing a child seat;

• the width of a woman’s hips;

• heredity;

• how many children are born at the same time.

Abdominal growth during pregnancy.

The size of the abdomen depends on many factors, but most of them are under the control of the expectant mother. Eat right, move more, lead a healthy lifestyle!

As your belly grows, you will have to make some adjustments to your life, but modern industry allows you to do this with a minimum of discomfort. Remember that pregnancy is the happiest period in the life of every woman, and nothing compares to it except the birth of your little copy!

Proper nutrition during pregnancy.

As we have already said, everything that the mother puts in her mouth has a direct impact on the growth of the abdomen. Poor nutrition leads to excessive weight gain for both the mother and her unborn baby. It is much more difficult to give birth to a large child; the labor process can follow an unpredictable scenario, and this is extremely dangerous for both of them.

So, just some basics of proper nutrition for expectant mothers:

1. Eliminate or minimize the consumption of fatty, fried foods, as well as flour and sweets. If you can’t do without a sandwich or a small candy, eat it for breakfast, but under no circumstances at night!

2. Eat 5-6 times a day, of which 3 times are main meals, 2-3 are snacks in between.

3. Lean on meat, chicken, fish, cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy and fermented milk products with a low fat content.

4. Forget about harmful fast foods during pregnancy!

What should you not do with a big belly during pregnancy?

We have already found out that active growth of the abdomen begins with the beginning of the second trimester. From now on you will have to make some adjustments to your daily lifestyle:

1. You can't sleep on your stomach. The fact is obvious and no explanation is required. Every expectant mother understands this instinctively - it is both dangerous for the baby and inconvenient for herself.

2. You can't sleep on your back. As the baby grows and gains weight, it puts more and more pressure on the vessels passing behind the uterus. This has a direct impact on the deterioration of blood supply and the supply of oxygen to it.

3. You cannot walk in uncomfortable shoes. From now on, only flat soles with a wide toe. As the expectant mother's belly grows, her coordination is seriously impaired, and it becomes more and more difficult to maintain balance. If you add heels to this, then the danger of falling or tripping increases significantly.

4. In the later stages, it is better to give up driving, because in addition to the decreased ability of a pregnant woman to concentrate, her impaired attention becomes impossible to fasten with a seat belt so as to avoid pressure on the stomach.

5. If you have a big belly, you can’t go on long walks without a prenatal bandage. After all, as the abdomen grows, the load on the lower back also increases; this load must be removed by periodically putting on a bandage. It is periodically - if you wear it constantly, the abdominal muscles will finally relax and it will be more difficult to get them into shape after childbirth.

These rules are unquestionable, but in the conditions of life in the 21st century, they are extremely easy to follow. For example, for a comfortable sleep, you can purchase a special pillow for pregnant women. It will also be useful after childbirth - it is very convenient to feed the baby.

Heels are, of course, beautiful, but constantly wearing them is extremely harmful for any girl, and even more so for an expectant mother! It’s good that today there are many models with flat soles - they are not only comfortable, but also incredibly beautiful!

If for some reason a woman cannot give up driving, then the modern industry can offer her a special belt for pregnant women - it is tightened under the stomach without putting any pressure on it.

Every expectant mother should have a prenatal bandage, and preferably one that can be worn after childbirth. This way, the belly will go away faster and it will be easier to walk with it immediately after childbirth, especially if you have a caesarean section.

In a word, being pregnant now is much easier than 20 years ago - there are as many inventions as your heart desires!

At what age does the belly begin to grow? Abdominal growth during pregnancy by week.

Having learned about her pregnancy, especially if it is her first, every expectant mother begins to listen to herself in search of some changes, both internal and external.

When your baby bump finally appears, how fast will it grow and what size will it eventually reach? Every pregnant woman asks herself such questions, because from now on life has changed dramatically, and it is extremely interesting how and when these changes will affect her appearance.

Feelings when the abdomen grows during pregnancy.

Clothes gradually become tight, and it is extremely important for the expectant mother to purchase loose, breathable clothes in time. The tummy should be comfortable, nothing should interfere. Tight things can disrupt metabolic processes, which has a direct impact on the supply of necessary oxygen to the baby. This also applies to underwear - you’ll have to forget about the beauty of thongs for now and switch to special cotton panties. Since your breasts are also enlarging, you will need to take care of special bras - you can safely buy them in a maternity store with special easy-to-unfasten straps - this will make it more convenient to feed the baby.

As the abdomen grows, the skin becomes stretched, which is why you may feel a slight or, on the contrary, unbearable itching. There is an immediate risk of stretch marks appearing. So don’t be lazy, and every day lubricate risky areas (chest, stomach and thighs) with a special product. As an option, olive oil is suitable - it perfectly moisturizes and at the same time has a low cost compared to popular cosmetics.

Abdominal growth during pregnancy by week.

As a rule, a woman can begin to notice the growth of her abdomen from the 12th week, that is, closer to the beginning of the second trimester, and others may suspect her of an interesting position starting from the 16th week of pregnancy, and from the 20th week their last doubts will disappear. It is from this moment that the active growth of the abdomen begins during pregnancy; its circumference will henceforth increase by an average of 1 cm every week.

The abdomen begins to increase due to the growth of three components:

1. The fruit itself. In 9 months, on average, he should gain 48-54 cm in height and 2.8 - 5 kg in weight.

2. Amniotic fluid. They can reach 1500 ml at the end of pregnancy.

3. Uterus. Increases in weight up to 1 kg.

As the baby grows and develops, it begins to actively move from the 8th week of pregnancy, and its mother can feel this at 18-22 weeks. Again, this is all strictly individual: a multiparous mother or a mother with a thin build will feel it first. Many people compare these sensations to the fin of a very small fish - if a woman is pregnant for the first time, she may simply confuse this with natural processes in the abdomen.

Until the 12th week, although the uterus is growing, it is located in the small pelvis of the expectant mother, which hides the belly from external observers. After 12 weeks, it begins to be clearly palpable through the anterior abdominal wall, and from this point on it will rise upward. By the 20th week, the fundus of the uterus (upper part) can be felt two fingers below the navel, and the tummy becomes noticeable to others. At 38 weeks, the uterus reaches its highest state, and in 1-2 weeks it descends - one of the first harbingers of labor is prolapse of the abdomen. The baby descends back to the pelvic floor, which eliminates the possibility of changing its position in the stomach.

The amount of amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid has its own norms, but sometimes it can go beyond their limits for reasons beyond the woman’s control. This also has a direct effect on the growth of the abdomen; if any deviations are detected, the doctor will correct the course of pregnancy.

Abdominal growth during pregnancy.

Of course, the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy by month depends on many factors, because each expectant mother is individual. Many factors play a role, and the main ones include:

1. Body type - small and thin girls have a more noticeable tummy than larger girls (tall, plump). There are many funny stories described on the Internet when an employee goes on maternity leave, but no one had any idea about her interesting situation.

2. What kind of pregnancy is it? In primiparous women, the tummy becomes noticeable somewhat earlier than in multiparous women. This is due to the fact that if the expectant mother is pregnant not for the first time, then her ligaments are already stretched, they are ready for this process and do not at all restrain its external manifestations.

3. How many children are in the tummy. Obviously, during a multiple pregnancy, the belly appears faster and grows at a faster rate. Although each baby is eventually born somewhat smaller than average, in total they significantly exceed one baby in both weight and volume.

4. Nutrition for the expectant mother. The myth that during pregnancy you need to eat for two has long been dispelled to smithereens. When a woman gives birth and the uterus returns to its previous state, she will see the results of her nutrition - they will not go away, but on the contrary, they will become noticeable! Improper nutrition can lead to unwanted weight gain that goes beyond the norm, both for the expectant mother and her baby. Hence the fetus is too large, the accumulation of excess fat deposits and a large belly as a consequence.

5. Genetics. The size of the fetus is influenced not only by the lifestyle of its mother, but also by the genetics of both parents: if both of them or one of them were large, then there is a chance of passing this on by inheritance.

The course of labor in the second pregnancy.

When planning your second pregnancy, you definitely need to monitor your weight and note how many kilograms you have gained. Studies show that an increase in body weight of 6 kilograms above normal leads to diabetes or hypertension. You should strictly follow the recommendations of doctors and maintain a daily routine. If you have to sit for a long time, it is better to place a low stool under your feet to relieve the muscles in the pelvic area. To protect your spine, you need to avoid putting stress on your legs. If there is a pathology of pregnancy, it is forbidden to lift weights. And if your first baby really wants to be held, you first need to sit down without bending over, and then straighten your legs and slowly rise.

The second pregnancy has a number of features. Repeated births almost always go faster. In addition to physiological reasons, there is the mother’s experience, her readiness and skills. But if the first time was a cesarean section, labor lasts the same.

Many problems can be avoided, you just need to register on time, eat right, control your emotions, and follow doctors’ recommendations. Nature has rewarded women with the opportunity to give birth to beautiful children, so you just need to tune in and happily expect your second baby.

Signs of a second pregnancy.

If the first time a woman was carrying a boy, and the second time a girl, then the symptoms of pregnancy will be different. Feelings are individual and cannot be the main factor in determining gender:

• early toxicosis and reaction of the mammary glands may be absent;

• early changes in the pelvic bones and gait;

• risk of venous diseases;

• second birth proceeds faster;

• rapid postpartum recovery.

Any doctor will tell you that pregnancy is always better to plan. The optimal time for reconception is 2-3 years after the birth of the first child. The woman’s body has already been restored, the supply of vitamins and microelements has been replenished. The recommendation for timing increases to 5 years if the first birth was via cesarean section.

What is the difference between first and second births?

It is safe to say that the second birth will be different from the first. When a woman already has one baby in her arms, she devotes the whole day only to caring for him. Sometimes this does not allow even an experienced woman to notice the signs of another pregnancy, and often they differ from those she already knows.

The period of time that has passed since the first birth plays a big role. Our memory is not perfect, so after 5-7 years a new pregnancy is experienced as if it were the first time. In the case when conception occurs immediately after childbirth, the body is weakened and it is difficult for it to bear another child.


• various anemias;

• vitamin deficiency;

• lack of minerals;

• other factors.

The second pregnancy is easier to recognize. The mother already feels the fetus moving earlier. The baby is positioned lower than the first time due to already stretched ligaments and abdominal muscles. A woman has fewer problems with the stomach and breathing, but there are difficulties with the urinary system. These problems can be solved by a special course of physical exercises and wearing a bandage.

As a rule, couples have a second child in adulthood. If mommy has already suffered from or has chronic diseases, then toxicosis will be severe. Many women are also interested in pain sensations. If no more than a year has passed since the birth, the second time everything will go like clockwork. Some doctors believe that during the period of carrying a baby, nerve connections are created in a woman’s brain, which are also activated during the second pregnancy, if it occurs soon. If a year or more has passed since the first birth, the pain will be the same, although the process itself will pass faster.

The first three months of pregnancy (from conception to 12 weeks).

After pregnancy has occurred, a new stage begins for the couple. At this time, it is important to especially carefully monitor the health of the expectant mother, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, and avoid excessive exercise, harmful influences and stress. If you work in a hazardous industry, try to change your job, because chemicals, varnishes, and paints have a devastating effect on the embryo. Avoid sudden movements, jogging, and do not lift heavy objects. Do not take any medicine without consulting your doctor.

Don't forget about a balanced diet. More vegetables and fruits. Boiled meat and fish, lactic acid products, but not milk - it can cause intestinal problems. Avoid smoked and fried foods. Start training yourself to eat less salty foods. You can take multivitamins for pregnant women.

The first trimester of pregnancy ends. The placenta is fully formed. Listen to your condition at 9-12 weeks. You should be wary:

• periodic pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;

• feeling of pressure on the rectum;

• increased secretion of mucus from the vagina.

If spotting appears, don’t wait an hour! See a doctor immediately! Even in this case, spontaneous miscarriage can be avoided. If you have had abortions or miscarriages in the past, you should limit physical activity (including physical intimacy) this month.

If you have severe toxicosis, don’t sit idly by and don’t wait for everything to go away on its own. Consult your doctor for advice. This condition significantly affects the development of the child, and right now the brain is growing.

Watch your intestines. Constipation is possible in the first trimester. A full rectum puts pressure on the uterus, which is very undesirable. Black bread, fresh fruits and vegetables will help, especially boiled beets, sauerkraut and fresh cabbage, prunes. A glass of water, drunk on an empty stomach in small sips, or a glass of kefir at night has a good laxative effect. But taking laxatives and performing enemas without consulting a doctor is not recommended, especially for those women who have previously had miscarriages.

At the end of the 12th week, an ultrasound examination is prescribed to determine the course of pregnancy. Using an ultrasound, you can determine the sex of the unborn child.

We take care of the health of the unborn child from the very beginning.

It is advisable for a mother to start taking care of the health of her unborn child long before pregnancy: balancing her diet, establishing a healthy sleep and wakefulness routine, spending time in the fresh air, being physically active and psychologically stable.

When pregnancy occurs, the lifestyle restrictions that the expectant mother voluntarily imposes on herself will become stricter.

However, it is important to remember that any prohibitions and recommendations, which at first glance may seem quite harsh, are in fact not so excessive. Getting enough sleep, exercising moderately, taking walks in nature, avoiding negative thoughts and emotions when communicating with other people, adhering to the principles of a healthy diet, eliminating psychoactive substances (nicotine, alcohol, etc.) - all this fits well within the framework of the principles of a healthy lifestyle for anyone person, not just a pregnant woman.

Imagine your future baby. He was born, he is growing, you see him healthy, happy and smiling. Let this image become your starting point when making any decisions: whether to eat your favorite cake, whether to skip a sports activity, whether to hold a party in a smoky room, whether or not to follow the recommendations of the doctor managing your pregnancy.

Take care of yourself and your child!

Precautions in the first weeks of pregnancy.

 Precautions in the first weeks of pregnancy.

• Nutrition. Rational nutrition is always important, but now especially, both for you and for your baby. Foods containing high doses of vitamins, such as eggs, meat, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, grains, seeds, nuts, vegetable oils, should form the basis of your diet. If you haven't been a meat and dairy eater before, know that you're in particular need of protein and calcium now. Avoid fast food, industrially processed foods such as processed foods, sausages, sausages, and confectionery.

• Rest and sleep. Often, a pregnant woman needs more sleep - about 8 - 10 hours. During sleep, your body begins to work more efficiently because it does not waste energy performing various functions in an active state.

• A good mood is the key to both your well-being and the normal development of your baby.

• Avoid lifting and carrying heavy objects. Physical activity and exercises for pregnant women are useful for you, but in moderate volumes and under moderate loads.

• Prenatal vitamins, especially folic acid (or vitamin B9), which can prevent some birth defects, including neural tube defects. It is recommended to start taking folic acid several weeks before pregnancy, or at least at the first signs of its onset.

• Stop drinking alcohol, nicotine, and large doses of caffeine. Otherwise, the risk of harming the normal development of all internal organs and systems of the unborn child increases.

• Avoid exposing your body to harmful chemicals, both industrial and household. Inhalation of vapors of harmful chemicals is associated with disturbances in the intrauterine development of the fetus, but it is in the first weeks of pregnancy that the formation of future organs and systems of the child’s body begins. Questions like “Can I dye my hair during pregnancy?” It's best to discuss it with a doctor you trust.

How to deal with toxicosis?

No other symptom of pregnancy paints such gloomy colors on the first weeks of waiting as morning sickness or morning sickness in the early stages - a symptom that, unfortunately, is a faithful companion of this period in a woman’s life.

Early toxicosis during pregnancy occurs in more than half of expectant mothers. Its most striking representatives are nausea and vomiting, attacks of which usually occur in the first trimester, but some women may be bothered by these symptoms throughout pregnancy. As a rule, if toxicosis does not go away with the end of the first trimester, then by the 15th – 22nd week it still disappears.

There are several reasons for this condition - from increased hormone levels to nutritional disorders. Some chronic diseases, stress and emotional tension, characteristics of a woman’s nervous organization and other factors may also contribute.

Not all of them can be influenced by you to prevent symptoms of toxicosis or reduce their intensity. However, the arsenal of tools available to you is quite large:

• correction of diet and nutrition;

• adequate sleep and rest;

• physical activity;

• stay in the fresh air;

• avoiding smells, tastes and situations that provoke nausea and vomiting;

• snacks that help with nausea (lemon slice, mint candy);

• rise slowly after waking up, preferably after snacking on a couple of crackers in bed.

The first signs and symptoms of the first month of pregnancy.

 The first signs and symptoms of the first month of pregnancy.

• Changes in the mammary glands. Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands may occur. Some mothers experience pain when touching their breasts. Others notice that the vessels in the glands have become more visible through the skin. In addition, the color of the areolas and nipples begins to change (it becomes dark brown), and the tubercles on the nipples increase in size.

• Unusual sensations in the lower abdomen (stomach pain and pulling).

• Slight increase in body temperature.

• Change in basal temperature.

• Decreased libido. If this worries you, don't worry, it will all come back by the second trimester.

• Increased reaction to certain smells and tastes.

• Frequent urge to urinate. Increased levels of progesterone cause increased blood flow to the uterus and thickening of its inner layer, which promotes good attachment of the fertilized egg to its wall. But this also creates a feeling of fullness and leads to an increased urge to urinate.

• Increased salivation, nausea, vomiting. These are symptoms of so-called morning sickness, which, despite its crafty name, can haunt you throughout the day and even at night.

• Lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness. In the first weeks after conception, it is not always easy to maintain the same level of activity. Now you need more and more energy for the processes occurring in your body. Fatigue may make you sleepy in the afternoon. Elevated progesterone levels act like a sleeping pill on you now.

• Fluctuations or changes in mood. The range of emotions and general emotional background is very wide - from irritability to complete peace.

• Delayed menstruation in the first month of pregnancy. If you usually have a regular cycle, then a delay is perhaps a fairly obvious sign of conception. If your cycle is not highly stable, then additional symptoms in the form of more frequent visits to the toilet, increased breast sensitivity and nausea will add arguments in favor of the assumption that pregnancy has occurred.

4th week of pregnancy.

Main event: implantation.

Within about three days from the moment of fertilization of the egg, the morula reaches the uterus and penetrates it. Now the group of cells that continue to divide is called a “blastocyst.” It can be seen even with the naked eye.

The blastocyst floats freely in the uterine cavity for about two to three days, growing tiny protrusions on its surface that will help it attach to the uterine mucosa. It is surrounded by amniotic fluid - a biologically active environment that reliably protects the child and is a source of nutrients for him throughout pregnancy.

By the seventh day after fertilization of the egg, the blastocyst is ready for “implantation” - this is the name given to the process of attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. It lasts approximately two days.

The blastocyst attaches to the walls of the uterus in the optimal place from the point of view of pregnancy development. This usually occurs in the area of the front or back wall.

Already by the time the egg begins to descend into the uterine cavity, the blastocyst is divided into two parts.

One part, the inner group of cells, forms the embryoblast, which later becomes the embryo.

The outer group of cells serves as a nutrient membrane - trophoblast, part of which goes to the beginning construction of the placenta.

The placenta will nourish and protect the fertilized egg, embryo, fetus and finally the unborn child throughout the entire intrauterine period of development.

Once implantation has occurred, conception can be considered complete. It is the fact of implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus and all subsequent hormonal processes in the female body that prevent the arrival of the next menstruation.

Women who know their body well or have increased sensitivity (both physiological and psychological) can already notice the first signs of pregnancy at this stage.

3rd week of pregnancy.

Main event: fertilization.

This is the week when pregnancy really begins.

The sperm and egg meet and fuse together in one of the fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg is called a "zygote". If more than one egg is fertilized, the pregnancy will be multiple (two children or more).

A normal zygote consists of 46 chromosomes: 23 chromosomes from you and 23 from your father. Chromosomes determine the sex of the unborn child, which depends on the sex chromosome of the father: if the sperm carries a Y chromosome, a boy will be born, if the X chromosome carries a girl.

Chromosomes also determine such characteristic features as eye and hair color, hereditary psychotype, behavioral characteristics and, in a sense, the personality of the child.

24 hours after fertilization of the egg, the zygote begins to divide into two cells. Over the next 72 hours, cell division continues, resulting in a small group of cells that resembles a raspberry in appearance and is called a “morula.” During its internal fragmentation into new cells, the morula moves along the fallopian tube towards the uterus.

1st and 2nd weeks of pregnancy.

1st week of pregnancy.

Main event: menstruation.

2nd week of pregnancy.

Main event: ovulation.

In fact, in the first and second weeks you are not yet pregnant.

The days of your last menstrual period and ovulation count as the first two weeks of your pregnancy, even taking into account the fact that the new life inside you has not yet been born.

How is the gestational age determined?

Conception usually occurs two weeks after the start of the next menstrual cycle. To calculate the gestational age and calculate the approximate date of birth, obstetricians count 40 weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period.

To maintain a pregnancy calendar, obstetricians are guided by just such a reference system, in which the weeks are called “obstetric” and “advance” the actual pregnancy by 14 days. The actual pregnancy occurs on the date of conception.

The reason why obstetricians use their own scale for calculating the duration of pregnancy is simple: due to the fact that the cycle of different representatives of the fair half of humanity can vary greatly in duration, it can be difficult to determine the exact date of conception. Calculating the timing of pregnancy and the date of birth from the first day of the last menstruation in this case is a more reliable method.

You can calculate your expected due date yourself. Use the Naegele formula (F. K. Naegele): from the first day of the last menstruation, count 3 months ago and add 7 days. Any pregnancy calculator you find online will be based on this exact formula.

In the future, the physical development of your unborn child, data about which can be obtained using a number of studies (including ultrasound), may make slight adjustments in determining the date of birth, but obstetricians’ forecasts are sometimes surprisingly accurate.

Pregnancy: where it all begins.

Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, or 280 days, from the last day of menstruation. Most women have a menstrual cycle of 28 days. However, the normal range extends from 21 to 35 days in adult women.

Between the 11th and 21st days of each menstrual cycle, the female body undergoes the process of ovulation, which can potentially lead to pregnancy. During ovulation, the egg released by the ovary moves down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. At the same time, the endometrium (mucosal surface) of the uterus is preparing to accept and support a future pregnancy: it thickens and its blood supply increases.

The uterus will remain in such readiness for about 14 more days. If the egg does not meet the sperm, it continues on its way to the uterus alone. In the absence of a fertilized egg, the uterus gets rid of the extra layer of endometrium along with the egg, and menstruation begins.

If the egg and sperm meet and fuse, pregnancy occurs.

Even though the egg has already been fertilized, it will take several more days before a home pregnancy test can show a positive result. This depends on the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) produced by the fertilized egg.

The hCG hormone tells the ovary that fertilization has occurred and maintains blood flow to the uterine lining so that the fertilized egg continues to develop.

The presence of the hCG hormone in the urine or blood directly indicates that pregnancy has begun. This can be confirmed at the very initial stage by urine tests (home pregnancy test) and blood tests (from a vein, laboratory test).

After establishing the fact of pregnancy, you yourself, and even more so your doctor, need to determine its duration.

Pain due to non-obstetric pathologies.

 Pain due to non-obstetric pathologies.

1. Appendicitis. It is quite rare during pregnancy, but it does occur. Diagnosis is complicated by displacement of the appendix by the growing uterus. Acute pain is observed in the navel, in the right iliac region, in the right hypochondrium. The pain is complemented by fever, nausea, and vomiting. Due to the inflammatory process, peristalsis in the displaced intestines is sharply disrupted, which leads to constipation.

2. Urolithiasis. Manifests itself in the form of renal colic. In this case, the pain is sharp, dagger-like in nature, and localized in the lumbar region. Characteristic irradiation of pain along the ureters to the groin area. The pain may be accompanied by stool disturbances, vomiting, and nausea.

3. Cystitis. It manifests itself as cutting pain in the pubic area, increased frequency and pain when urinating. With cystitis, complete urination is impaired, urine comes out in small portions, and there is a feeling of fullness of the bladder.

4. Cholecystitis. During the inflammatory process of the gallbladder, pain is localized in the right hypochondrium. The pain in the chronic process is dull and aching, while in the acute process it is cramping. The picture is complemented by a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, a feeling of heaviness, belching, and heartburn.

5. Gastritis. With the modern pace of life, gastritis is a disease of the majority. During pregnancy, the manifestation of gastritis may intensify in the form of pain in the stomach, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and nausea.

6. Pancreatitis. Inflammatory processes of the pancreas are manifested by cutting pain in the stomach. The pain is accompanied by poor health, lethargy, decreased blood pressure, vomiting, and bowel dysfunction.

7. Diseases of the duodenum. Caused by decreased immune defense and decreased intestinal motility. It manifests itself as dull, constant pain in the navel area, supplemented by loose stools, increased temperature, and increased intestinal tone.

8. Foodborne infections. With toxic infections, pain of a pulling, cutting nature is observed, localized in the navel area, along the intestines. Loose stools, fever, lethargy, nausea and vomiting confirm the clinical picture.

Cutting pain in the pubic area.

This soreness can occur with a “bladder reaction.” This occurs due to disruption of the passage of nerve impulses from the spinal cord and brain. In this case, the organ closest to the growing uterus reacts.

Pain along the intestines.

During the period of uterine enlargement, the intestines also shift, which leads to impaired peristalsis, congestion and, as a result, pain.

Expanding pain in the later stages.

In preparation for childbirth, the pelvic bones diverge, which causes pain in the lower abdomen, in the sacrum and pubis.

Cutting pain in the appendage area.

At the earliest stages, after confirmation of pregnancy by a test, but before undergoing an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, there is no definite information about the location of pregnancy development. Cutting pain on the right or left in the projection of the uterine appendages may indicate the development of an ectopic, tubal, or pregnancy. Pain in the area of projection of the appendages, as a rule, is supplemented by pain radiating to the anus and lower extremities.

Cramping pain in the lower abdomen.

They are also observed when there is a threat of miscarriage.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

They have a sharp distinctive feature in sensations. Such a manifestation during pregnancy indicates a possible threat of termination of a normally ongoing pregnancy. Nagging pain can be accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract that is scarlet in color - the color of fresh blood, or brown or dirty red. Scarlet discharge indicates the beginning of placental abruption. The brown color indicates that placental abruption in some area has already occurred earlier, but, with the contraction of the uterus, the cavity was emptied and the contents came out.

Uncomfortable pain in the lower abdomen in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Rather, this can be attributed not to pain, but to discomfort. During this period, the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus is prepared for the development of pregnancy, as well as gradual stretching of the ligaments. Most often, such manifestations occur in those women who have had painful periods. Painful sensations can also come from the abdominal muscles, which, as pregnancy progresses, experience increasing stress.

Types of lower abdominal pain during pregnancy. What do they mean?

During pregnancy, most women listen to every change in their body, worrying about pregnancy, guided by the rule “it’s better to be safe.” This, on the one hand, is correct, since in this case everything remains under control, but on the other hand, excessive vigilance, keeping the nerves on edge, can lead to panic over any trifle, which, in turn, does not lead to anything good. will lead.

Let us bring some clarity to such a clinical manifestation as pain in the lower abdomen. The presence of pain in the abdomen does not always indicate problems associated with pregnancy. First, you should understand that there is no “free space” in the body; all organs are located in close proximity to each other. And during pregnancy, the uterus, which normally moves up to 5-7 cm, during pregnancy increases to 32 cm only in height, shifting and crowding all nearby organs.

In this regard, any changes in sensations in the abdominal area are usually divided into two types:

• Obstetrics. These are sensations that are directly related to the ongoing pregnancy;

• Non-obstetric. Sensations that manifest themselves regardless of the presence of pregnancy and, even, gender.

Ultrasound in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy and other tests.

During the second period of pregnancy, a woman has the opportunity to observe her baby, check its condition and feel the movement of the fetus. At week 16, you can do an ultrasound, which will present a clear picture and help identify developmental features.

Also, the expectant mother is prescribed the following tests:

• General blood and urine analysis.

• Rh test (according to doctor's indications).

• HIV test.

• Tests for syphilis.

• Doppler.

If deficiencies are identified, placental insufficiency is prevented. The height of the uterine fundus is also measured.

A woman, no matter how old she is or what kind of pregnancy she is, should be examined at least once every 2 weeks. This regularity is optimal and allows the doctor to fully control the condition of the pregnant woman.

Recommendations for the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

In order for the child to be born completely healthy, it is important to follow the recommendations of specialists and not violate the established daily routine. The main tips include the following:

1. It is advisable to sleep on the left side: the inferior vena cava, which is responsible for the blood supply to the fetus, is located on the right side. Thus, the woman does not compress the vessels and the child feels well.

2. Carefully monitor your diet, arrange fasting days. During the 2nd trimester, the expectant mother is recommended to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, and lean meat.

3. Due to the fact that the fetus is rapidly gaining weight, hemorrhoids may develop. To prevent this unpleasant problem, consult your doctor.

4. Active sports are not recommended, but you can always do light gymnastics and warm-up.

During this period, a woman can work, do housework, and travel. However, you should “keep your finger on the pulse” and not neglect consultations with a specialist, which should be carried out once every 2 weeks.

Characteristics of the second trimester of pregnancy.

During this period, significant changes occur with both the baby and his mother.

Already at 16 weeks, an ultrasound can be performed: the 2nd trimester of pregnancy provides the opportunity to see the fetus for the first time and observe its development. The child’s body weight reaches 100 grams, and his height is 16 cm. The fetus is very mobile, it makes chaotic movements, can roll over, but later takes a pelvic position. During an ultrasound, you can observe how the baby brings his hands to his mouth and makes light sucking movements.

Also, a light fluff appears on the child’s body, on his head, protecting the skin from irritation. The heartbeat is established, and at 17 weeks it is clearly audible.

Usually, movement is felt already at 18 weeks. There may also be differences: women experiencing pregnancy for the first time note that they feel the baby’s movements in the womb from the 20th week.

The functioning of the child’s digestive system is completely improved. His organs are already formed and continue to develop.

Signs of the second trimester of pregnancy.

During this beneficial time, hormone levels decrease, fatigue and nausea disappear. A woman can enjoy communication with a baby who is actively moving in the womb.

Here are the main signs and symptoms of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy:

• In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the belly is clearly visible, but does not bother the woman.

• Stabilization of emotional state.

• The appearance of a thin line on the abdomen leading to the pubic bone (especially if the woman has dark skin).

• “Enhanced” work of the sweat glands.

Stretch marks may also appear on the body, especially on the hips, chest, and arms. There is no need to worry: they quickly disappear and heal.

Checklist for the second trimester of pregnancy.

 Checklist for the second trimester of pregnancy.

• Get a second prenatal screening between 16 and 20 weeks of gestation.

• Monitor your hemoglobin levels and eat foods rich in iron to prevent the development of anemia.

• Buy a special pregnancy pillow and sleep on your left side.

• To prevent complications from developing, get vaccinated against influenza before cold season.

• Choose comfortable, non-restrictive clothing for your growing belly.

• If you were planning to travel, then the second trimester is the best time: flights are absolutely not dangerous.

• Consider a maternity photo shoot: a rounded belly and a good mood in the second trimester will help you.

• To prevent swelling, minimize salt intake, which retains water in the body.

“Iron” diet in the second trimester of pregnancy.

A common problem during this period of pregnancy is iron deficiency anemia. Because of it, immunity decreases, the tone of the uterus increases, drowsiness and dizziness occur. To prevent hemoglobin levels in the blood from falling below 110 g/l, be sure to eat 1 serving of meat per day. Include pomegranate, buckwheat, eggs, seafood, seeds and nuts in your diet. Iron is better absorbed together with folic and ascorbic acids, which are found in black currants, cabbage, gooseberries, rose hips, sweet peppers, and tomatoes.

Features of nutrition in the second trimester of pregnancy.

A pregnant woman's diet should be varied so that you can get all the necessary vitamins and minerals from it. They are better absorbed from food, and not from vitamin complexes. However, if you have systemic diseases, such as iodine deficiency, or do not consume dairy or meat products, talk to your doctor about taking a multivitamin.

During the second trimester of pregnancy, the fetal skeletal system develops, so be sure to include fermented milk products, cheeses, sesame seeds, and leafy greens in your diet so that neither you nor your baby suffer from calcium deficiency.

Is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy?

200 mg of caffeine per day is considered harmless. This is 2-3 cups of instant coffee. But it is worth considering that caffeine is also found in tea and chocolate.

Can pregnant women interact with pets?

Of course, you shouldn't get rid of your pets. However, it is better for a pregnant woman not to deal with rodents, because they carry the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, which is dangerous to the fetus. If you have reptiles, entrust their care to other family members during pregnancy, since turtles, snakes, and lizards can spread salmonella. Also, during the gestation period, you should not have cats to avoid infection with toxoplasmosis.

What is possible and what is not allowed in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy?

Enjoy the second trimester of pregnancy, when all the ailments of the previous months are gone, and the small size of your belly still allows you to be active and mobile. Attend sports classes for expectant mothers, go swimming, sign up for childbirth preparation courses. If you've never done strength training before, now is not the best time to do it. If you are an experienced athlete, then pregnancy without complications is not a reason to interrupt your training. The only restrictions are contact sports, during which you can fall or get hit, as well as scuba diving.

Why is it important to monitor your blood pressure during pregnancy?

High blood pressure coupled with swelling can be a symptom of gestosis in pregnant women. This is a disorder in the functioning of the cardiovascular and urinary systems, dangerous to the life of the mother and fetus. Another symptom is the presence of protein in the urine.

With low blood pressure, when a woman suffers from headaches, dizziness and may even lose consciousness, it is prohibited to take traditional drugs for the treatment of hypotension. The doctor will advise you to adjust your lifestyle and diet, monitor your blood sugar and hemoglobin levels.

Abdominal and lower back pain in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

Discomfort in the abdominal area may occur in the middle of the trimester. Due to the growing uterus, the load on the supporting ligamentous apparatus increases. Another reason may be increased uterine tone during pregnancy, when a woman feels like her stomach is turning to stone. If the pain goes away on its own, there is no need to worry. But if they are permanent and intensify, you should consult a doctor and undergo treatment in a hospital.

Due to a shift in the center of gravity, the load on the spine increases. To help yourself, wear a brace during long walks, choose low-heeled shoes, and do exercises to strengthen your back muscles.

What does ultrasound detect in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy?

An ultrasound examination at this stage is called morphological, because its purpose is a detailed study of the organs and systems of the fetus to assess the correspondence of their development to the gestational age. The specialist also studies:

• volume of amniotic fluid;

• to which wall of the uterus the placenta is attached;

• fetal heartbeat;

• blood flow in the umbilical cord.

At the end of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, you will need to take a coagulogram - a blood test to evaluate your coagulation system. This is necessary to assess the possible risks of blood loss during childbirth.

Tests and ultrasound in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Visit your gynecologist once every 3 weeks, after passing a general urine test. Measuring your weight, waist circumference, fundal height, and blood pressure helps your gynecologist assess your health.

An important examination of this trimester is the second prenatal screening. It includes a thorough, detailed ultrasound and, in case of doubtful results, a blood test for hCG, AFP and estriol. The results will help identify pathologies in the structure of the internal organs of the fetus and the risks of developing chromosomal disorders.

Other developmental milestones in the second trimester.

 Other developmental milestones in the second trimester.

• The body is covered with lanugo - vellus hairs, which are involved in heat regulation and protect the skin along with vernix lubrication.

• The lungs produce surfactant, a substance that will help the alveoli open after birth so that the baby can take its first breath.

• The rudiments of milk and permanent teeth are formed.

• The baby has individual facial features, eyebrows and eyelashes, and facial expressions are developed.

• The baby sucks his fingers and plays with the umbilical cord.

• By the end of the trimester, the child hears and distinguishes tastes.

Fetal development in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

During the second trimester of pregnancy, the baby goes a long way: if at the beginning of this period he weighs only 25 grams, then by the end his weight is 760 grams. The brain, nervous and skeletal systems are actively developing. The kidneys and bladder work, urine enters the amniotic fluid, which changes every three hours. Meconium is formed in the intestines - original feces, which will pass in the first days of the baby's life.

At 18-20 weeks of gestation, a woman will be able to feel the baby’s movements. If this is not your first pregnancy, this will happen sooner. The fruit turns over, somersaults. Reacting to your emotional state, he can become more active, experiencing with you.

How to distinguish discharge from amniotic fluid?

The waters are completely transparent and liquid and are absorbed into the laundry. Leakage of amniotic fluid is a condition that requires immediate treatment at the hospital. Therefore, if you suspect rupture of the membranes, consult a gynecologist.

Vaginal discharge in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

Normally they should be colorless or whitish, odorless or slightly sour. Consult a gynecologist if they suddenly acquire:

• yellow-purulent or greenish tint;

• curdled consistency;

• strong smell.

These are possible symptoms of thrush or infectious diseases. In the second trimester of pregnancy, many medications are allowed to be taken, so it is easier to cope with the problem.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

The belly will become noticeably rounder, and already in the middle of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, your position will become noticeable to everyone around you. Nausea, weakness and dizziness characteristic of the first trimester stop. We hope you feel full of strength and energy.

At this stage, the gynecologist will be able to palpate the uterus through the anterior abdominal wall. If at the beginning of the trimester its bottom is located 13 cm from the pubic joint, then by the end it rises by an average of 26 cm. Due to the pressure it exerts on neighboring organs, you may feel heaviness in the abdomen, heartburn, and shortness of breath.

Constipation during this period of pregnancy occurs due to eating disorders. Another factor is progesterone, which relaxes smooth muscles. Therefore, do not forget about fiber-rich foods and drinking regime.

Height of the uterine fundus at different stages of pregnancy.

At the end of the 4th obstetric month (16 weeks), the fundus of the uterus is located in the middle of the distance between the pubis and the navel (4 transverse fingers above the symphysis). At the end of the 5th obstetric month (20 weeks), the fundus of the uterus is 2 transverse fingers below the navel; protrusion of the abdominal wall is noticeable. At the end of the 6th obstetric month (24 weeks), the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the navel. At the end of the 7th obstetric month (28 weeks), the uterine fundus is determined 2-3 fingers above the navel. At the end of the 8th obstetric month (32 weeks), the fundus of the uterus is midway between the navel and the xiphoid process. The navel begins to smooth out. The abdominal circumference at the level of the navel is 80-85 cm. At the end of the 9th obstetric month (38 weeks), the fundus of the uterus rises to the xiphoid process and costal arches - this is the highest level of the fundus of the pregnant uterus, the abdominal circumference is 90 cm. The navel is smoothed. At the end of the 10th obstetric month (40 weeks), the fundus of the uterus drops to the level at which it was at the end of the 8th month, i.e. to the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process. The navel protrudes. The abdominal circumference is 95-98 cm, the fetal head descends, in primigravidas it is pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis or stands as a small segment at the entrance to the small pelvis.

The size (size) of the uterus. The height of the uterine fundus at different stages of pregnancy.

At the end of the 1st obstetric month of pregnancy (4 weeks), the size of the uterus reaches approximately the size of a chicken egg. At the end of the 2nd obstetric month of pregnancy (8 weeks), the size of the uterus approximately corresponds to the size of a goose egg. At the end of the 3rd obstetric month (12 weeks), the size of the uterus reaches the size of the newborn’s head, its asymmetry disappears, the uterus fills the upper part of the pelvic cavity, its bottom reaches the upper edge of the pubic arch. Starting from the 4th month of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus is palpated through the abdominal wall, and the duration of pregnancy is judged by the height of the fundus of the uterus. It should be remembered that the height of the uterine fundus can be affected by the size of the fetus, excess amniotic fluid, multiple pregnancies, abnormal position of the fetus and other features of the course of pregnancy. Therefore, the height of the uterine fundus when determining the gestational age is taken into account in conjunction with other signs (date of the last menstruation, first fetal movement, etc.).

What does the baby feel, see and hear after birth?

After birth, the baby yearns for touches on his body, because at first he cannot feel himself - the arms and legs do not obey the child as confidently as they did in the amniotic fluid. Therefore, so that your baby does not feel lonely, it is advisable to carry him in your arms, hold him close to you, and stroke his body.

And yet, the baby remembers the rhythm and sound of your heart very well. Therefore, you can comfort the baby this way: take him in your arms, put him on your left side and your miracle will calm down, stop crying and fall asleep. And for you, the time of bliss will finally come :).

Fetal development: 38–42 weeks.

The fetus is quite developed, prepared for birth and considered mature. The baby has honed more than 70 different reflex movements. Due to subcutaneous fatty tissue, the baby's skin is pale pink. The head is covered with hairs up to 3 cm.

The baby has perfectly mastered his mother’s movements, knows when she is calm, excited, upset and reacts to this with his movements. During the intrauterine period, the fetus gets used to moving in space, which is why babies love to be carried in their arms or pushed in a stroller. This is a completely natural state for a baby, so he will calm down and fall asleep when he is rocked.

The nails protrude beyond the tips of the fingers, the cartilages of the ears and nose are elastic. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum, and in girls, the labia majora cover the labia minora. The weight of the fruit reaches 3200-3600 g, and the length is 480-520 mm.

Fetal development: 33–37 weeks.

The fruit reacts to the light source. Muscle tone increases and the baby can turn and raise his head. On which the hairs become silky. The child develops a grasping reflex. The lungs are fully developed.

Fetal development: 28–32 weeks.

Now the lungs are adapted to breathe ordinary air. Breathing is rhythmic and body temperature is controlled by the central nervous system. The baby may cry and respond to external sounds.

The child opens his eyes while awake and closes them while sleeping.

The skin becomes thicker, smoother and pinkish. Starting from this period, the fetus will actively gain weight and grow rapidly. Almost all babies born prematurely at this stage are viable. The weight of the fruit reaches 2500 g, and the length is 450 mm.

Fetal development: 24–27 weeks.

The lungs continue to develop. Now the baby is already falling asleep and waking up. Vellus hairs appear on the skin, the skin becomes wrinkled and covered with grease. The cartilage of the ears and nose is still soft.

Lips and mouth become more sensitive. The eyes develop, open slightly and can perceive light and squint from direct sunlight. In girls, the labia majora do not yet cover the labia minora, and in boys, the testicles have not yet descended into the scrotum. The weight of the fruit reaches 900–1200 g, and its length is 350 mm.

9 out of 10 children born at this stage survive.

Fetal development: 19–23 weeks.

The baby sucks his thumb and becomes more energetic. Pseudo-feces - meconium - are formed in the fetal intestines, and the kidneys begin to work. During this period, the brain develops very actively.

The auditory bones become ossified and are now able to conduct sounds, the baby hears the mother - the heartbeat, breathing, voice. The fetus rapidly gains weight and fat deposits form. The weight of the fruit reaches 650 g, and the length is 300 mm.

At this stage of fetal development, the lungs are so developed that the baby can survive in the artificial conditions of the intensive care unit.

Fetal development: 15–18 weeks.

The skin turns pink, the ears and other parts of the body, including the face, are already visible. Imagine, the child can already open his mouth and blink, as well as make grasping movements. The fetus begins to actively push in the mother's tummy. The sex of the fetus can be determined by ultrasound.

Fetal development: 11–14 weeks.

The baby's arms, legs and eyelids are formed, and the genitals become distinguishable (you can find out the gender of the baby). The fetus begins to swallow, and if it doesn’t like something, for example, if something bitter gets into the amniotic fluid (the mother ate something), then the baby will wince and stick out its tongue, making fewer swallowing movements.

The skin of the fruit appears transparent.

The kidneys are responsible for producing urine. Blood forms inside the bones. And hairs begin to grow on the head. He is moving more coordinated.

Pregnancy: fetal development in weeks 1-10.

Let's start the story about the development of the fetus week by week from the very beginning - from the moment of fertilization. A fetus under 8 weeks of age is called an embryo; this occurs before the formation of all organ systems.

Embryo development: 1st week.

The egg is fertilized and begins to actively fragment. The egg travels to the uterus, freeing itself from the membrane along the way.

On days 6–8, the egg is implanted—introduced into the uterus. The egg settles on the surface of the uterine mucosa and, using chorionic villi, attaches to the uterine mucosa.

Embryo development: 2–3 weeks.

The embryo is actively developing, beginning to separate from the membranes. At this stage, the rudiments of the muscular, skeletal and nervous systems are formed. Therefore, this period of pregnancy is considered important.

Embryo development: 4–7 weeks.

The embryo develops a heart, head, arms, legs and tail :) . The gill slit is identified. The length of the embryo in the fifth week reaches 6 mm.

At the 7th week, the rudiments of the eyes, stomach and chest are determined, and fingers appear on the arms. The baby has already developed a sense organ - the vestibular apparatus. The length of the embryo is up to 12 mm.

Fetal development: 8th week.

The face of the fetus is determined; a mouth, nose, and ears can be distinguished. The head of the embryo is large and its length correlates with the length of the body; the fetal body is formed. All the significant, but not yet fully formed, elements of the baby’s body already exist. The nervous system, muscles, and skeleton continue to improve.

The fetus developed skin sensitivity in the area of the mouth (preparing for the sucking reflex), and later in the area of the face and palms.

At this stage of pregnancy, the genitals are already visible. The gill slits die off. The fruit reaches 20 mm in length.

Fetal development: 9–10 weeks.

Fingers and toes already have marigolds. The fetus begins to move in the pregnant woman's belly, but the mother does not feel it yet. A special stethoscope can be used to hear the baby's heartbeat. The muscles continue to develop.

The entire surface of the fetal body is sensitive and the baby enjoys developing tactile sensations by touching his own body, the walls of the amniotic sac and the umbilical cord. This is very interesting to observe on ultrasound. By the way, the baby first moves away from the ultrasound sensor (of course, it’s cold and unusual!), and then puts his hands and heels to try to touch the sensor.

It’s amazing when the mother puts her hand to her stomach, the baby tries to master the world and tries to touch with his hand “from the other side.”

Can vaginal length change with age and during sex?

There is a slight change in the parameter towards an increase immediately after childbirth, but after some time the length of the vagina returns to its original values. Often men note a change in their sensations during intercourse with their wife after the birth of a child, but this is due to the fact that the folds inside the vagina are smoothed out.

During sex, the genital tube stretches by about 5 cm; in an excited state, this organ reaches 13-19 cm. However, according to Western research, the average length of the vagina during sex is 15-16 cm. This is exactly the same size as the male genital organ. .

After the decline of reproductive function, the parameter changes little; with age, the vagina extends by 1-2 cm, no more.

However, unless absolutely necessary, it is still not worthwhile to carry out independent measurements, as it can cause an infection. It makes no sense to find out the sizes out of curiosity. In a man and a woman, the genital organs usually have the length necessary for their close contact.

Goals and examination by a gynecologist.

In addition to examining in a gynecological chair using mirrors, the gynecologist can palpate the uterus. Why is this necessary?

Firstly, it is by palpation that you can determine the location of the organ and its size. There is often a posterior, anterior or lateral deviation. This phenomenon is both a physiological feature of the body and a consequence of any pathology of the reproductive system.

Secondly, the gynecologist must feel the uterus in order to make sure that the pregnancy is progressing normally and that the parameters correspond to the period.

Typically, palpation is carried out through the abdomen. To do this, the patient lies on her back and relaxes the lower abdominal muscles. The doctor should insert his fingers into the vagina, and with the other hand, with smooth and soft movements, feel the lower abdomen. Thanks to this, he can palpate the organ, note the features of its location, and also determine its approximate size.

Is it possible to feel the cervix when washing?

Sometimes women think they can feel their cervix when they wash their hair. In a normal state, this is impossible, since the cervix is deep enough and in order to feel it, you need to try.

If you wash not only the external genitalia, but also your fingers in the vagina, while sitting on the toilet, you can feel it. In our age of physical inactivity and disturbances in the production of hormones, women suffer from weak sexual constitution.

Therefore, often after a difficult birth and excessive physical exertion, a common pathology can occur - this is prolapse and prolapse of the cervix.

To prevent the disease it is necessary:

• train intimate muscles with an educated trainer;

• monitor hormonal levels;

• avoid heavy physical activity;

• take vitamins.

Thus, learning to determine the condition of the cervix at home is quite possible. Whatever it is, self-diagnosis is not a substitute for visiting an experienced doctor. Therefore, get checked regularly by a trustworthy gynecologist.

Functions of the cervix during pregnancy.

The cervix plays an important role in the process of bearing a child from the earliest stages of pregnancy. At this time, the cervix undergoes significant changes: its density, size, shade, shape and position become different. In addition, the glands in the mucous lining of the cervical canal expand and branch even more.

The role of the cervix in the process of bearing a child is to ensure retention of the fetus in the uterus and prevent the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterine cavity.

If an infectious-inflammatory process nevertheless begins, the structure of the cervix changes significantly, the cervix acquires pathological uneven looseness. Such changes are a signal to the doctor about the need to prescribe additional diagnostic procedures and a course of therapeutic correction acceptable to the pregnant woman.

How does the cervix change depending on the physiological state of the woman?

Depending on the physiological state of the woman, the cervix stretches or shortens. At a time when conception is impossible, it feels hard and short. These days it is a bit difficult to reach it with your fingers as it rises to the top.

On the days of ovulation, on the contrary, the cervix drops down and swells. Therefore, it becomes soft and loose. At the same time, the depression in its center becomes deeper, and it is during this period that sperm can overcome the barrier of cervical mucus and fertilization will occur.

During pregnancy, the cervix rises high, becomes hard and closes. Therefore, during the examination, the doctor cannot reach the cervix with his fingers. In this regard, some women cannot feel their cervix when pregnancy occurs during a self-examination.

Based on these indicators, the onset of conception can be determined. During the examination, the gynecologist feels the cervix and presses with the other hand from above in order to determine some reflexes that confirm a change in the woman’s physiological status.

If you suspect pregnancy, it is not advisable to examine the cervix yourself, since this is a rather gross intervention in the body.

This can cause muscle contractions and lead to miscarriage. Even doctors during this period try to perform this manipulation a minimum number of times, touch the organ, insert and remove instruments into the genital tract. Therefore, to determine pregnancy, it is best to use a test and then confirm suspicions using an ultrasound examination.

Until 25 weeks of pregnancy, the cervix is normally long and firm. As a rule, its value is approximately 30 mm. Then, the length of the neck gradually begins to shorten. In pathological conditions, isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI) occurs.

It leads to shortening occurring at an earlier date. In this case, the cervix softens ahead of time. In this case, the child puts pressure on the cervix from the inside, and the loose tissue of the pregnant cervix may not support the weight of the child and dilatation will occur. Accordingly, this condition can easily lead to early labor.

With ICI, pregnant women experience pain in the lower abdomen and strong muscle tone is felt.

If you suspect untimely shortening of an organ during pregnancy, consult a doctor immediately!

When palpating the cervix, you should not insert foreign objects into the genital tract or touch it yourself. It is not advisable to fiddle with the organ, roughly palpate it, or climb inside with a mirror and other things. This can cause damage and injury to delicate tissues.

At first it is quite difficult to determine the consistency of the tissue and its height. With regular inspection, you can learn to establish these indicators quite easily.