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Sixth month of pregnancy

During the sixth month of pregnancy, your baby will partially open eyes. It can not distinguish the world around him, but he understood.

His weight began to be felt. Now his lungs secrete a substance called surfactant, necessary to help the alveoli to mature.

His muscles develop and generously give it a less angular, more particularly in the buttocks and shoulders. For their part, the bones harden more and begin to articulate them.

If you are pregnant and your due date approaches win for the birth of your baby nursery with your equipment Oxybul awakening and games. Each month a park folding high chair, a lounger comfort and a stroller pack trio, this is your chance!

Weeks of the sixth month
24 25 26 27

The 24th week of gestation (the sixth month of pregnancy)

The baby

Its size is 26 cm. Its weight is 500 g. The diameter of his head is now about 6.1 cm. His skin became thicker and therefore less transparent.

Sebaceous glands were introduced into the skin and begin to secrete a clear substance and fat that will cover it gradually. This is the vernix, whose role is to protect baby's skin macerate in which amniotic fluid for several months.

Above the eyes, eyebrows are well drawn. Under her eyelids lowered, her eyes continue to mature. The pigmented iris and your baby has eye color.

The mother

Your kidneys work harder to eliminate toxins that circulate in your blood. Other ailments are emerging at this stage of pregnancy back pain, shortness of breath fast, leg cramps ... Remember to do relaxation exercises.

Feel free to use pillows to prop your belly, you will not lose balance and you will sleep better.

The 25th week of gestation (the sixth month of pregnancy)

The baby

Its size is 28 cm. Its weight is 560 grams. The diameter of his head is 6.4 cm. The tooth buds secrete already the future of ivory teeth.

The lanugo continues to cover the whole body while the vernix covering its skin thickens. Differentiation of sexual organs is now complete.

His cock is visible on ultrasound from the 24th week with a margin of error of 20%.

The mother

The growth of your baby, and therefore of the uterus, moves internal organs. In particular, the diaphragm rises, the lower ribs spread apart while the stomach is pushed slightly to the side.

These mechanical disturbances in addition to the fact that high levels of progesterone slows digestion. The stomach empties more slowly, closing between stomach and esophagus is also less, leading references to stomach acid into the esophagus. Few women who have no such heartburn.

The 26th week of gestation (the sixth month of pregnancy)

The baby

Its size is 30 cm. It weighs 650 grams. The diameter of the head is around 6.7 cm. Fat continues to train under his skin. Her nails are all present, as the hands to the feet.

It moves a lot. He averaged between 20 to 60 movements per half hour, but can do much more when he is awake. He expressed his annoyance at some flapping sounds.

The mother

Now you suffer from insomnia. They are due in large part to your baby that makes somersaults and so you wake up.

Watch your weight: at this stage, you can grow very quickly, you can take about two pounds per month. In addition, weight loss will be more difficult after birth. Monitoring your weight is important for you but for your child, because if the baby grows in a pathological way, there will be a risk when clearing shoulders during birth.

The 27th week of gestation (the sixth month of pregnancy)

The baby

Its size is 32 cm. It weighs 750 grams. The diameter of his head is now 7 cm.

Vernix covering its skin continues to thicken. There is renewed regularly by phasing out the old layer in amniotic fluid. Neurons continue their differentiation.

The mother

Your urine is rich in amino acids that are the raw material for making proteins, lactose, sugar normally issued during pregnancy and vitamins.

The shape depends on your stomach your body, because it is a first pregnancy or not.