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Manage the discomforts of pregnancy

From the beginning of the sixth month, the small inconveniences of pregnancy are beginning to be more present. This is the time to learn to sit, to stand up and to lift heavy objects with your back straight.

Pregnancy has its drawbacks

The weight of the child is feeling much later in the day, causing fatigue and little pain. It is often necessary to add to heartburn and difficulty sleeping with, in addition, some backache and back pain.

Pregnant, take care of your posture, your muscles and your sleep

The latter often reflect the curve of the spine. Also, from now on, you must avoid standing too long, you learn to sit, get up and lift heavy objects with your back straight, that is to say, bending knees and no spine! It is also to strengthen your muscles, for example with one or two sessions per week in swimming pool hot - Indian breaststroke and backstroke in preference to the breaststroke. Alternatively, in some cases, wear a belt of pregnancy.

To fight against insomnia, classical in pregnant women, take a hot bath just before bed, drink herbal tea and lime or orange blossom. Only if you sleep very little and very badly that your doctor may prescribe possibly a mild sleeping pill - do not take without prescription. Heartburn and esophagus are very common because the shutoff valve at the top of the stomach is distended and lets gastric juices. Avoid you lean forward or lie down right after meals and at night, sleeping on two pillows. And, above all, do not now long to digest the food or too fat, and alcohol of course, but also soft drinks.

Learn to breathe and anticipate the birth preparedness

In fact, childbirth preparation must start now. You need to practice some physical exercise, especially to acquire the respiratory reflexes that will help you much. These exercises are of three kinds: learn different breathing rhythms according to the phases of labor - cervical dilation, expulsion, deliverance and relax the muscles that will cause control, learning to relax between contractions. In addition, these sessions, during which you meet the midwife will help you build confidence. You return home exercises every day. At first you will do once or twice and then, gradually, you will spend their ten minutes a day.