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This interview is no longer mandatory for adult women. It remains systematically offered but no longer requires the delivery to the wife of a maintenance statement.
For minors, this interview is mandatory and will be awarded a certificate of maintenance.

Although not become mandatory pre-abortion interview retains its interest for the couple, the woman involved in a situation of demand for abortion. The word of the woman listened to by professionals trained to maintain pre-abortion outside the medical context, it may be important in this area.


It takes place on the exercise area of persons authorized by law to conduct such an interview (marriage and family counselors, social workers and midwives).

For whom and why?

For everyone! Particularly for the woman who asked an abortion, was asked about abortion itself, on her, on her marriage, on this unexpected fertilization, etc. on the action .... For all those who need to put into words an act if it is decided, or so hard sometimes.

Understand the reasons for the difficulties of choice, decision-making.

Avoiding repetition, successive abortions.

Hear tracks from any sense to give this conception that should not be, and that both the woman and her companion, for the couple.

Mentally register that abortion in his head, although in its place so that this moment does not unexpectedly so, unbeknownst to the person, any occasion and so strange, surprising, etc. ...


This is a maintenance counseiling. Help the woman, man, the couple resolve their questions as the choice of abortion methods, as the possible meaning of this unexpected pregnancy.

The trained professional for this type of interview, will not give advice but will help by listening to words and put in the mental understanding of what happened: not a contraceptive missed pill, a condom that broke down and not precipitation in a pharmacy or a FTPC to take emergency contraception etc ...
Sometimes it will go a little deeper if the person requests. This fertilization came when a couple separates, put a couple, a death in the family of one, the one etc, etc ... There are also plans to go through this questioning its origins, its place in the family, in the female line, trying to gain a position maternal, parental face his own parents, to check its fertility etc., etc. ..

This interview may be unique, it may appeal more to deepen.