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Second month of pregnancy

no physical effort ...

This second month of pregnancy beginning for your baby to be born will see accelerated growth since the space of four weeks, its size will increase from 5 mm to more than 3 cm.

All organs of your baby will definitely put in place during these four weeks. Each week, you will discover the wonders that makes your baby.

If you are pregnant and your due date approaches win for the birth of your baby nursery with your equipment Oxybul awakening and games. Each month a park folding high chair, a lounger comfort and a stroller pack trio, this is your chance!

Weeks of the second month
7 8 9 10

The seventh week of gestation (second month of pregnancy)

The baby

The eyes and ears of your baby are at the draft stage. The arms and legs too, as small paddles. The embryo is seven millimeters. It takes the form of a curved cylinder.
Buds of the upper and lower appear.
The esophagus, stomach and intestines are in place.
Drafting of the language.
Outline of the definitive kidney.
Outline of the gonads.
Outline of the genital tract.
Roughing odor.
Appearance of nerves and ganglia.
The embryo has undulations and vermicular.

The mother

Your little discomfort persist. Sity already small aches can add some others. You may suffer:
of salivation, which will cease automatically to the fifth month;
constipation due to general laziness of all the smooth muscles of the digestive system;
poor circulation to the feeling of heavy legs. This may reveal the early pregnancy by the fact that your blood flow is accelerated by the need to feed your baby.

The control visit your gynecologist confirmed your pregnancy. The risks of miscarriage are higher in the first quarter.

Your gynecologist will advise you to limit the routes are too long and strenuous physical activity.

The eighth week of gestation (second month of pregnancy)

The baby

Your baby is now between 10 and 14 mm and weighs 1.5 grams. It is still an embryo which is growing very fast.

The volume of his head further increases and becomes very large compared with the rest of the body. It is always leaning on the chest.
Early differentiation of fingers and toes.
Roughing teeth.
The liver and pancreas are in place.
Early bronchial subdivision which will continue until birth.
Rapid development of the cerebral hemispheres. Formation of the cerebellum.
Formation of the eyelids.

The mother

Still have nausea, you're tired? This is perfect! This is a sign that your body normally reacts and therefore that your pregnancy goes well.

The need to urinate are more numerous: it is normal, your uterus grows and relies more on the bladder.

The ninth week of gestation (second month of pregnancy)

The baby

Your baby is between 17 and 22 mm. He works as a little crazy! It is built in a hurry. You do not know it yet, but your baby is moving! He turns on itself as if it flips.

These movements are purely reflex, because the muscles are not innervated and therefore are not controlled by the brain. These movements take place deep within you and unfortunately can not up to you.

Members have three segments (arms, forearms and hands ...).
The language is in place.
The partitioning of the heart is completed.
Gonadal sex is recognizable (The external sex is not yet visible).
The ear canal is being set up.
The thyroid is in place.
The embryo is asymmetrical movements of the body, vigorous flexion-extension of the head and trunk with changes in position, it floats in the amniotic fluid that protects it from shock and noise and brings the mineral salts he need.

The mother

The hormone HCG, which can be detected very soon after conception and that indicates that you are pregnant, now reaches a maximum level in your body. This explains the various discomforts you experience.

A glass of water and a piece of bread before sunrise soothe morning sickness.

Eat balanced meals and split. This is to give your baby everything it needs without gaining too much weight.

The 10th week of gestation (second month of pregnancy)

The baby

Your baby will finish the construction of almost all its organs at the end of this week. Nevertheless, it still has a ways to go before becoming a great! It measures 30 millimeters and weighs 3 grams.

The skull is cartilaginous.
The muscles are organized.
The stomach has its final constitution.
The vascular system as a whole is completed.
Roughing utero-vaginal.
Differentiation of the meninges.
The taste buds appear

The mother

Your uterus is the size and shape of an orange. On your areolas, small pimples appear: the Montgomery tubercles. It's time to make an appointment for the first ultrasound.

A magical and very important usually held around the third month of pregnancy (11th week).