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Having sex to get pregnant

We all know that, to achieve pregnancy, the sperm of a man should meet a woman's egg. For 95% of healthy people who are under 35 years, this is a relatively simple process and pregnancy can usually be the result of a year of unprotected sex. For other couples, it may be more difficult than they had thought of becoming pregnant through sexual intercourse and they may need help and receive treatment fertility to have a baby.

Advances in fertility treatments help many couples conceive, but you should not forget that many of these treatments require you and your partner have sex. And when you have sex is important - the best chance of becoming pregnant occurs when you have sex during the most fertile time of the menstrual cycle of women, that is to say during the ovulation (when an egg is released from the ovary of the woman).

An egg lives only for about 24 hours after his release, it is important to have sex during ovulation and during the period surrounding ovulation. Many couples have difficulty conceiving a child because they do not have enough sex at the time of ovulation. Having sex when the woman is most fertile can increase the likelihood that this will become pregnant.

The most fertile time of the woman begins about two days before the day of ovulation and ends about two days after the day of ovulation. You can determine the most fertile time of your menstrual cycle by measuring the average length of it for a few months. The length of your menstrual cycle is the number of days between the first day of menstruation and the day begins next period.

To predict your ovulation day, count backward fourteen days since the start of your period. As each woman is unique and may not have regular cycles of lengths, it may be difficult to know the exact day of ovulation. The day of ovulation is that you calculate the day on which ovulation will most likely occur, more or less 2 days. Thus, the most fertile time and the best time to start having sex two days before ovulation and continues until two days after it.

This method can give you an idea of the day when ovulation occurs so you know when to have sex.

During this fertile period, recommend having sex every two days. The normal sperm can live up to five days in a woman's reproductive tract, it is not necessary to have sex every day. Moreover, it is possible that sperm counts in humans are reduced by having sex too often.

The most important step you can take while you are trying to get pregnant is to have sex regularly, especially around the time of ovulation. And do not forget to continue to have sex during other times of your menstrual cycle to your sex life is healthy and it does not become a "task" mechanical or programmed.