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Thirteenth week of pregnancy for the expectant mother.

A woman at the thirteenth week begins to feel much better, she finally manages to feel only positive emotions associated with waiting for the baby to appear. Malaise, toxicosis and the desire to sleep remain in the past. The emotional background also undergoes changes. A woman becomes calmer and more peaceful, frequent mood swings and irritability also remain in the past. This is due to the end of critical periods of pregnancy and a more stable hormonal background.

This period in most expectant mothers is associated with a change in the shape of the abdomen. Such changes are not yet noticeable to others, but the woman herself clearly sees the roundness that has arisen, feels discomfort when wearing ordinary things. It's time to pay attention to the selection of special clothes that can create comfortable conditions for a woman and a future baby.

Thirteenth week of pregnancy for a baby.

The beginning of the week is characterized by a fetal length of 6-7 cm, and by the end it reaches 10 cm, the weight of the unborn child at the moment is 20-30 grams.

This week kicks off the second trimester of pregnancy. The fetus grows intensively, its legs and arms lengthen. There is also a change in the proportions of the body, the head no longer looks as big as it used to be. The future baby already knows how to reach his mouth with his finger and sucks it, which is often seen by specialists during ultrasound diagnostics. Thus, the sucking reflex, which is so important for the baby in the first time after birth, finds its manifestation.

There is an intensive growth of muscles, it is especially noticeable in the area of \u200b\u200bthe legs. The future baby becomes more active, his movements are now smoother. At this time, the woman is not able to feel the child, because he, being in the uterus, floats freely and does not actually come into contact with its walls. In the fetus at this stage, the formation of the rudiments of all milk teeth ends. The rudiments are located in the mucosa of both jaws.

The gastrointestinal tract is also in the stage of active growth and development. Fitting into loops, the intestine completely fills the abdominal cavity. On the inner surface of the intestine, its mucous membrane, villi are formed, which should cover the entire internal area. These villi after birth will help the baby absorb all the nutrients from the food in the intestinal cavity. The wave-like movements that the fetal intestine makes help it push through the amniotic fluid, which the unborn baby constantly swallows. These waters do not contain useful substances, they only help the intestines to train and form the necessary muscular system.

Recommendations for the 13th week of pregnancy.

Nutrition advice remains the same for the 12th to 13th week of pregnancy. Your diet should be wholesome, balanced, and include seasonal fruits and vegetables, animal protein, and dairy products. Try not to overeat and control your weight.

If you are concerned about constipation at 13 weeks of pregnancy, add cereal dishes and foods rich in fiber (bran, raw vegetables) to the menu. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids: ideally, you should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

Spend more time outdoors, do simple physical exercises, if possible, go to the pool. Throughout the entire period of waiting for the baby (including at the 13th week of pregnancy), try to avoid crowded places with a large number of people. Be careful with the choice of household chemicals. In case of illness, do not self-medicate, but immediately contact a specialist.

If there are no medical contraindications, do not give up intimacy at the 13th week of pregnancy: it has a positive effect on the state of the body and helps to harmonize relations with your "soulmate".

Medical observation at the 13th week of pregnancy.

If you have already registered with the antenatal clinic, then by the 12th - 13th week of pregnancy, the first prenatal screening should be carried out. If for some reason this is not done, you need to urgently undergo an examination, which includes:

• Ultrasound examination of the fetus;

• Analysis for free b-hCG;

• Analysis for PAPP-A, or protein A.

Screening assesses the risk of neural tube defects and chromosomal abnormalities associated with diseases such as Edwards syndrome and Down syndrome.

Ultrasound at the 13th week of pregnancy will show the shape and size of the baby, his movement. In addition, with the help of ultrasound, the doctor will be able to assess the condition of the uterus, presentation and placenta attachment, and determine the approximate date of birth.

Also at the stage of 13 weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to do a clinical blood test and a general urine test. According to their results, the risk of developing anemia, inflammatory and endocrine diseases is assessed.

Risk factors in the 13th week of pregnancy.

The 13th week of pregnancy is very controversial: on the one hand, everything is getting better, but most often it is during this period that expectant mothers develop candidiasis (thrush). The cause of the development of the disease is candida fungi. They are in the body of every person and in a passive state do not cause any problems, but with stress and immunity failures, they begin to activate and displace the normal microflora.

Signs of thrush - a feeling of sharp itching in the genitals and curdled white discharge. Do not rush to self-medicate: washing and douching with antiseptics will bring only short-term relief. And the lack of qualified medical care at the 13th week of pregnancy is fraught with an increase in the tone of the uterus. In addition, a bacterial infection can join candidiasis, and in this case there will be a risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus. The consequences of such an infection can be the most unpleasant.

How do you feel at 13 weeks pregnant?

With the beginning of the second trimester (and this is 12 - 13 weeks of pregnancy), most women feel a surge of vivacity and vitality. Mood improves, irritability and tearfulness disappear.

During this period, the expectant mother develops an appetite, and only some pregnant women continue to be bothered by nausea in the morning (it will finally disappear by the 16th week).

During the 13th week of pregnancy, the placenta produces the hormone progesterone, which has a relaxing effect on smooth muscle fibers. This is necessary in order to reduce the tone of the uterus and prevent miscarriage, but the digestive organs also experience the same effect, which causes constipation.

At the end of the first trimester, at a period of 12-13 weeks of pregnancy, intensive preparation of the breast for lactation began. The number of lobules in the mammary glands increases, which is often accompanied by their engorgement and soreness, and the breasts can become 1-2 sizes larger.

As for the nervous system, from the 13th week of pregnancy, the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition occurring in the brain is restored. And if earlier the latter prevailed (you felt drowsy, were slow, uncollected), now everything falls into place. In the second trimester, your efficiency will increase and you will easily cope with household and professional duties.

13 weeks pregnant.

From the 13th week of pregnancy, you enter a new period for you - the second trimester, which is considered the easiest of the entire period of bearing a child. Early toxicosis is already over, the risk of abortion is minimal, and the stomach is not yet so big as to tire you with its heaviness.

Baby size: 60 - 80 mm.

Baby weight: 20 - 30 gr.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, your baby is about 6-7 cm tall and weighs 20-25 g. From this point on, the head will grow more slowly and the torso will grow faster.

What else is going on with your baby's body?


By the time of 12-13 weeks of pregnancy, the heart has four chambers, but, unlike the heart of an adult, it has a hole between the right and left atria. It "beats" with a frequency of 155 - 148 beats per minute.

Nervous system.

The fetus moves well, many reflexes are already developed: the baby reacts to touching the skin of the face, palms and heels, to loud sounds and bright light. Thanks to the development of tongue receptors, the child feels the taste of amniotic fluid.


While it is very thin and translucent, with translucent blood vessels. However, by the 12th - 13th week of pregnancy, the rudiments of the sebaceous and sweat glands have already formed in it.

Bone system.

The bones of the baby are made of cartilage tissue, but gradually begin to harden. That is why it is very important for the expectant mother to get as much calcium as possible with food.

The immune system.

From the 13th week of pregnancy, B-lymphocytes (immunity cells) are formed in the bone marrow of the fetus, and immunoglobulins (antibodies) of all classes are synthesized in the blood. But despite this, the child's immune system is not yet active and cannot protect him from intrauterine infection.

Respiratory system.

The respiratory muscles of the fetus are already well developed, their contractions occur when the glottis is closed, so the amniotic fluid does not enter the lungs.

Digestive system.

By the 13th week of pregnancy, some enzymes are already produced in the baby's body, and the fetal liver is able to form bilirubin.

Endocrine system.

The pancreas produces insulin, a hormone that maintains normal blood sugar levels. And the thyroid gland synthesizes thyroxine, which is necessary for the growth and development of the body. Therefore, at this stage, the mother should receive a sufficient amount of iodine.


The urinary system of a child at the 13th week of pregnancy is already functioning: the kidneys produce approximately 2.2 ml of urine per hour.

Sexual system.

In girls, follicles are laid in the ovaries; in boys, the process of moving the testicles into the scrotum begins, which will be completed by birth.

Possible complications of early abortion.

In most cases, the procedure is quick and almost painless, with the exception of surgery. Within a few weeks after the procedure, the menstrual cycle is disturbed. In the case of surgery, the risk of infertility remains. Many girls are psychologically difficult to endure the procedure, which can lead to depression and neurosis, but this does not happen too often.

To prevent dangerous complications, a woman must strictly follow the doctor's recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

The recovery time after surgery is at least 4 weeks, during which:

• a woman should not have sex - this can lead to infections and inflammation;

• it is important to monitor your own well-being, if the pressure drops or rises, the temperature rises, you need to contact a gynecologist;

• within 2 weeks you can not play sports - this can provoke inflammation;

• within 3-4 weeks you can take a shower, bath, swimming pool and hot bath is prohibited;

• you can not tolerate if you want to go to the toilet, this can also lead to inflammation of the pelvic organs.

In addition, the girl must adhere to proper nutrition, a complete ban on smoking and alcohol is imposed.

Termination of pregnancy in the early stages requires a woman's responsible attitude, since even medical abortion is a rather serious intervention in the body. If you strictly follow the doctor's indications, then the procedure in most cases is successful. But the risk of complications remains, especially with surgical abortion.

What drugs are used to terminate a pregnancy?

Doctors use the following means to terminate a pregnancy:

• "Mifepristone" and prostaglandins - administered vaginally, first the first drug, and after 24 hours - the second (nausea, digestive problems, bleeding may occur);

• "Methotroxate" - put an intramuscular injection, and after 5 days prostaglandin is administered vaginally. The scheme is very effective, but complete abortion may take several weeks;

• "Misoprostol" - prescribed as the main drug or combined with "Methotrexate". This is the safest drug for health, but there are cases of incomplete abortion;

• "Mifegin" is a French drug that is given to patients for up to 6 weeks. Has a very high efficiency;

• "Mifepreks" - use during the first 42 days after the delay;

• "Pencrofton" - a tablet preparation containing the substance mifepristone, is used for emergency abortion.

After a medical abortion, within 3-4 hours, moderate pains in the lower abdomen appear, as well as vaginal discharge. Within a week or two, spotting remains. 14 days after the second consultation, the girl must be tested and undergo an ultrasound scan to confirm the abortion. If it occurred partially, vacuum aspiration is prescribed.

Pharmaceutical termination of pregnancy.

Medical abortion involves the use of special drugs, but differs in some specific features. Unlike other procedures, it is less traumatic for the uterus, but there may be restrictions on the use of drugs. Unlike other methods, medical abortion is performed only for up to 7 weeks.

If you perform the procedure later, then a partial abortion may develop with the need for subsequent curettage. The procedure is very simple - a woman takes the drug in the form of a tablet, or she is given an injection. For some time she remains under the supervision of doctors. A slight bleeding will be evidence of the abortion.

Medical termination of pregnancy has many advantages:

• a well-chosen preparation and compliance with the terms give an efficiency of up to 98%;

• there are no severe side effects associated with anesthesia and intervention;

• the infection is excluded;

• psychologically, the medical procedure is much easier to tolerate;

• safety for reproductive function.

However, it is impossible to abuse such a technique, since it has its drawbacks. The procedure has a lot of contraindications, including problems with the kidneys and liver, anemia, treatment with glucocorticosteroids. Uterine fibromyoma is also considered a contraindication to the procedure, as are blood diseases. Diabetes is another limitation to medical abortion.

Surgical abortion (curettage).

This is a common but rather traumatic method of abortion. It is prescribed for up to12 weeks, and the operation is performed only under general anesthesia, as it causes pain. In the process, the doctor dilates the cervix and, using a curette, scrapes the uterine cavity.

 Surgical abortion lasts only 15-20 minutes, after which the patient needs to stay in the hospital for another 2-4 hours to prevent possible complications.

After surgery, the following complications may develop:

• damage to the endometrial layer;

• cervical injury;

• extensive bleeding;

• development of inflammation;

• an extensive wound of the tissues of the uterine cavity with an inaccurate procedure;

• subsequent infertility.

Doctors prefer not to use this procedure if medical or vacuum abortion is possible.

Vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion).

This abortion surgery is used early. The method consists in the fact that the doctor uses a special apparatus to cleanse the uterus. Under the action of vacuum, the attached fetal egg breaks off and is excreted from the body. The procedure is recommended for periods of 4 to 12 weeks. Late is unsafe, earlier the egg is too small to suck.

During the procedure, the doctor inserts a thin tube connected to a pump into the uterine cavity. Sometimes patients are given general anesthesia, but more often they get by with local anesthesia. Among the advantages of vacuum aspiration are:

• the procedure lasts 10 minutes, rarely longer than 20-25 minutes;

• guaranteed complete abortion, no re-procedure required;

• minimal trauma in comparison with the instrumental technique.

However, this method of abortion has its drawbacks. So, the risk of damage to the uterus remains, some women have a hard time with abortion from a psychological point of view.


In order for the abortion to be successful, and the woman not to face dangerous consequences, the procedure must be impeccably followed:

1. 2 days before the abortion, the woman takes "Mifepristone" as prescribed by the doctor, this is necessary to soften the cervix.

2. An antibiotic is given 2 hours before the procedure to protect against infection.

3. Next, the patient sits on a gynecological chair, and the doctor treats the vagina and cervix with an antiseptic.

4. They give an injection of local anesthesia and proceed to the procedure.

5. In some cases, additional preparation is required - the expansion of the cervical canal.

6. A plastic cannula connected to an aspiration syringe is inserted into the uterus.

7. The pump is turned on, the doctor cleans the uterine cavity well, then the instrument is removed.

For another 2-3 hours, the woman remains in the hospital, after which she can go home. It is important that the obtained tissue from the uterus be sent for a thorough examination to confirm a complete abortion.

When can an abortion be denied?

There are some restrictions on the procedure:

• inflammation of the genital organs - colpitis, endometritis, salpingo-ophritis;

• purulent diseases in the body, including chronic tonsillitis;

• SARS, acute respiratory infections;

• ectopic pregnancy or suspicion of it;

• less than 6 months have passed since the last abortion.

Restrictions are associated with the severe consequences of the intervention, including medication.

Possible indications for abortion.

A woman can have an abortion of her own free will, regardless of the indications. Doctors strongly recommend the procedure in the following situations:

• failed miscarriage - the operation is shown without fail;

• serious diseases that will not allow to bear the fetus, including: HIV, heart failure, hypertension, malignant tumors, syphilis, tuberculosis, sepsis and other conditions requiring long-term antibiotic therapy;

• a recent course of radiation or chemotherapy;

• severe epilepsy and other neurological disorders;

• heart, kidney or liver failure;

• congenital diseases associated with metabolic disorders;

• early detection of fetal pathologies.

But physical indicators are not the only ones. Termination of pregnancy is necessary if the woman is in prison. Abortion is also recommended in case of deprivation of parental rights. If a woman's husband suddenly died or became disabled, then abortion can also be considered a reasonable choice.

What abortion is considered early?

Artificial termination of pregnancy in the early stages is a procedure in the 1st trimester, no later than 12 weeks. From week 13, abortion will be considered late. It is important to remember that medical interruption of gestation is possible only up to 9 weeks.

Termination of pregnancy in the early stages.

The decision to terminate an early pregnancy is made by a woman for various reasons. And regardless of them, she needs a competent, qualified procedure and, of course, subsequent rehabilitation. Even an emergency medical abortion in the first 3-4 weeks after conception can lead to unpleasant consequences if you do not follow the doctor's recommendations.

How to prevent dangerous manipulations?

In order not to have to resort to abortion, it is necessary to take a reasonable approach to pregnancy planning and contraception. At present, for any couple, you can choose the best way of prevention.

These could be the following:

• barrier - condoms, special vaginal caps;

• oral contraceptives;

• spermicidal preparations that are inserted into the vagina before each sexual intercourse;

• intrauterine devices (they can be used in women with contraindications to hormonal contraception, and some spirals have a therapeutic effect on fibroids and endometriosis).

For women over 30 who already have children and no longer plan to give birth, voluntary sterilization can be performed - tubal ligation, which is guaranteed to protect against fertilization and will not disturb the general condition.

If unprotected intercourse occurs, use emergency contraception, for example, Postinor. It is drunk during the day after sexual intercourse to cause hormonal changes that will not allow pregnancy to develop. But this tool knocks down the hormonal rhythm, so you can not resort to it more than 1 time per year.

Special attention deserves folk methods of abortion at 1 week and at a later date. Some women use them in the hope of hiding their situation from others or from a desire to save money on going to the doctor. This approach can backfire in the form of incomplete abortion, massive bleeding, or infection. In most cases, such manipulations are accompanied by the development of infertility.

Women should remember that abortion is not a way to plan a pregnancy. This is an emergency method that is used in exceptional cases. It is better to approach the choice of a method of prevention wisely already at a young age than to regret later on your mistakes.

Termination of pregnancy in the 2nd trimester.

At 11 weeks of pregnancy, a screening ultrasound is performed, which allows you to identify severe malformations of the child, calculate the risk of Down syndrome and other pathologies. Some congenital malformations can be corrected after childbirth, and some of them are incompatible with life. Even Down syndrome, in addition to mental retardation, causes disorders in the formation of the heart, which lead to congenital heart failure. Therefore, if developmental anomalies are suspected, an additional ultrasound is performed at 17 weeks, after which a decision can be made on the need to terminate the pregnancy.

In the second trimester, the following methods are used:

• administration of prostaglandins;

• replacement of amniotic fluid with 20% sodium chloride solution;

• hysterotomy;

• a combination of several methods.

Artificial abortion in the late period is accompanied by a high risk of complications, and also severely traumatizes the psyche. After it, a long recovery period is necessary, during which it is impossible to become pregnant. It is optimal to wait 1-2 years, undergo an examination and prepare for subsequent conception in order to exclude the causes that led to the pathology of pregnancy for the first time.

Medical interruption.

Methods of artificial termination of pregnancy with the help of medications have been developed. They are used with a gestation period of up to 49 days, or 7 weeks, if counted from the day of the last menstruation. This method is safer than surgical, complications develop in only 3% of cases. It can be:

The best results can be achieved at a period of 3-4 weeks, when the fertilized egg is not yet firmly attached to the uterine wall. Medical abortion has a less traumatic effect, does not create a risk of infection. It is recommended for use in Rh-negative women to avoid immunization with fetal antibodies.

The drugs used have a range of contraindications, so the pharmaceutical method is not used under the following conditions:

• more than 8 weeks of pregnancy;

• ectopic pregnancy;

• acute infections of the genital organs;

• after long-term treatment with corticosteroids or in case of insufficiency of the adrenal cortex;

• severe form of bronchial asthma;

• tendency to thrombosis.

Women who smoke, especially over 35 years of age and with heart disease, have a high risk of blood clotting disorders and the development of thrombosis. Therefore, they use this method of abortion with caution.

Before the procedure, a woman undergoes a standard examination, consults a psychologist. Medical abortion is performed in a gynecologist's office, hospital or private clinic. He does not require hospitalization. But after taking the medicine, it is recommended to observe a doctor for 2 hours.

In the presence of a doctor, the patient drinks 200 mg of mifepristone. This is a hormonal drug that binds to progesterone receptors and blocks its action. The endometrium stops growing, the fetus dies. At the same time, the sensitivity of the myometrium to oxytocin is restored, the uterus begins to contract and reject the embryo. After 48 hours, you need to take misoprostol orally or gemeprost vaginally. These are analogues of prostaglandins, which increase uterine contractions and expel the rejected fetal egg. The endometrium is not injured.

Normally, after taking the drug, bleeding begins. It doesn't have to be very strong. If a woman has to change the pad every 30 minutes, this is an occasion to urgently consult a doctor. The absence of discharge within 2 days indicates an unsuccessful interruption attempt.

The following conditions are pathological:

• rise in temperature above 38 degrees;

• intense pain in the abdomen, sometimes extending to the lower back;

• foul-smelling discharge.

After 2 days, the result is evaluated by ultrasound. With the preservation of the fetal egg and incomplete interruption, vacuum aspiration or scraping is done. If everything went well, then after 10-14 days the woman needs to come for an examination to her doctor.

Menstruation should begin 5-6 weeks after taking the pills. But you should worry about contraception after a medical abortion, you can get pregnant again a few days after the end of bleeding. To normalize the hormonal background, it is optimal to use combined oral contraceptives during this period. They will reliably protect against conception and help establish a cycle.

Vacuum aspiration.

Methods for terminating a pregnancy at a short time are safer in terms of the development of complications after them. In a antenatal clinic without hospitalization, vacuum aspiration can be performed. It is carried out for up to 5 weeks of gestation, which is determined by the date of the last menstruation and according to ultrasound data.

If we take the days of delay as a count, then you can perform a mini-abott up to 21 days with a regular cycle. The optimal period is 14 days. Before this time, the vacuum is not performed: the fetal egg is very small and may not fall into the catheter. If you delay the aspiration, then this threatens with complications.

Manipulation is carried out without anesthesia. On the gynecological chair, the vulva and the vestibule of the vagina are treated with an antiseptic, mirrors are inserted. The cervix is grasped with bullet forceps, the uterine cavity is probed with a metal probe. The cervical canal is not expanded, but a plastic catheter is immediately inserted - a tube connected to an aspirator. Within 3-5 minutes, the contents of the uterine cavity are aspirated. This is accompanied by unpleasant pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

After the manipulation, the patient is placed on the lower abdomen with a heating pad with ice, they are offered to lie down on the couch for an hour. After that she can go home.

At home, it is recommended to take antibiotics for 3-5 days, for example, Macropen, Doxycycline. This is especially true for women with a low degree of purity of the vagina. To restore hormonal levels the next day, you can start taking combined oral contraceptives. It is not advisable to install an intrauterine device immediately after an abortion: under the influence of uterine contraction, it may fall out.

During the month, observe sexual rest, visits to the bath, sauna, solarium, weight lifting are contraindicated. The menstrual cycle is restored within 3-4 months.

If, after vacuum aspiration, after a few days, the temperature rises, abdominal pain appears, and you are worried about increasing bloody discharge, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Complications can be:

• inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages;

• hematometer;

• placental polyp;

• unsuccessful abortion attempt;

• hormonal disorders.

For control in a few days, you need to perform an ultrasound of the pelvis. Compliance with the recommendations of the doctor increases the chances of a successful outcome.

This method is approved for use up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Previously, a woman is examined in a antenatal clinic, after which she is hospitalized in a hospital.

Abortion is the curettage of the uterine cavity with a curette and the removal of the endometrium along with the embryo. This manipulation is performed under anesthesia. Therefore, before the operation, the anesthesiologist talks with the patient in order to exclude contraindications for the administration of narcotic painkillers.

On the morning of the day, you can not eat. Before the operation, you need to empty the intestines and bladder, take a shower and shave off the hair in the perineum.

The woman lies down in the gynecological chair. After giving anesthesia, the doctor inserts mirrors into the vagina, captures the cervix and probes its cavity. With the help of Hegar dilators, the cervical canal is gradually dilated. Then start scraping. Curettes of various sizes are used, the endometrium is gradually exfoliated, which flows down the spoon of the lower mirror. Start with the walls of the uterus and end with the corners. Gradually, when scraping, a crunch appears, which indicates the complete separation of the ovum and membrane. Bleeding should decrease, the uterus should contract.

Blood loss during curettage is up to 150 ml. Some clinics perform manipulation under ultrasound control to avoid complications.

The patient is awakened from anesthesia and transported to the ward. Those with Rh-negative blood are immunized with anti-Rhesus D immunoglobulin in the postoperative period. This is necessary to avoid conflict between the blood systems of the mother and child in subsequent pregnancies.

An intravenous drip of Oxytocin is also prescribed to improve uterine contractions, antibiotics to prevent inflammatory processes. The length of stay in the hospital is individual and depends on the condition.

After surgical interruption, sexual rest, limitation of physical activity and overheating for a month are also necessary. From the next day, you can start taking hormonal contraceptives to help restore the menstrual cycle.

Bloody discharge lasts for several days, gradually brightens, becomes mucosaic. If red blood develops or appears, you should consult a doctor.

What methods of interruption are used for a short period?

Methods for terminating a pregnancy in the early stages are different from later ones. Developments in this area are increasingly striving to reduce injuries and consequences. The earlier a woman decides to have the procedure, the better it is for her: the walls of the uterus are not yet so stretched, hormonal changes have not reached their maximum level.

Three main methods are used:

1. Vacuum aspiration.

2. Abortion (curettage of the uterine cavity).

3. Medical interruption.

None of them can guarantee the absence of hormonal pathologies after getting rid of pregnancy.

Regardless of which methods of termination of pregnancy will be used, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination.

The list of required methods includes:

• general analysis of blood and urine;

• examination in mirrors and two-handed examination;

• a smear for the degree of purity of the vagina;

• tests for syphilis, hepatitis B, C;

• coagulogram;

• blood type and Rh factor;

• ultrasound of the small pelvis.

It is also necessary to consult a therapist to take into account common diseases that may affect the procedure. A conversation with a psychologist is recommended to try to dissuade the woman or provide mental support.

Making the decision to have an abortion.

Abortion is done in the following cases:

1. The conscious choice of a woman, provided that she went to the clinic for a period not exceeding 12 weeks.

2. Statement of intrauterine death of the fetus or the presence of its pathological conditions.

3. Complications that arose during pregnancy, and which directly threaten the health and life of a woman.

4. Ectopic pregnancy.

5. Critical health conditions of a woman that require immediate intervention. These are not absolute contraindications for abortion, therefore, even if there is a threat of a fatal outcome for the mother or for the child, the woman’s desire to continue the pregnancy must be taken into account.

6. Pregnancy arose as a result of rape.

Contraindications for any abortion are as follows:

• acute inflammatory processes of the genital organs;

• a period of more than 12 weeks;

• Rhesus conflict during the first pregnancy.

Every woman should be aware that even in the absence of early complications, artificial termination of pregnancy is not a harmless procedure, and may lead to long-term consequences:

• violation of hormonal balance;

• formation of tumors in mammary glands;

• the appearance of precancerous and tumor formations in the reproductive organs;

• inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;

• adhesive process;

• infertility;

• psychological trauma.

As for the possibility of subsequently bearing and giving birth to a child, this is very individual. In the past, abortions often led to infertility due to the use of outdated technologies and as a result of aggressive effects on the woman's body. Now there are quite gentle ways to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, but the risk still remains.

According to doctors, after sparing options for abortion and provided there are no complications, the female body is restored in about a month or two. But experts do not advise rushing into a new pregnancy - it is better to wait until the genital organs are fully restored, and at this time it is worth avoiding pregnancy. To the question “Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after an abortion?”, The answer may be positive, but whether a woman can bear a baby is not a fact.

Of course, a woman must decide on her own whether to continue or terminate a pregnancy, but the decision she makes must be balanced and thoughtful. In addition to the fact that abortion can lead to health problems, we must not forget about the moral side of the issue. What is an embryo? This is an early stage of human development. Therefore, if you look at this issue from a philosophical point of view, the embryo is not much different from the baby - it is a future personality, and a unique personality. In this aspect, abortion is murder, but there is another nuance - the rights of the mother, so the question of what is more important is an embryo with the right to life or a woman with the right to freedom of choice remains debatable.

Another thing is abortion for medical reasons. In this case, only the mother can make a choice. She has the right to risk her health and even life for the sake of the birth of a child, or she can terminate the pregnancy.

Thus, abortion is not always immoral, if a woman, knowing about the possibility of getting pregnant, does not use the means of such contraception available in the modern world, and then comes for an abortion, this can be compared to the murder of a child. If it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy due to the health of the mother or pathologies of the development of the fetus, one can argue about equating this abortion with murder.

What is the safest abortion?

The term "safe abortion" does not exist. In any case, this is a very difficult test for the body. A woman should understand that any abortion poses a threat to her health, but the most gentle method that is currently available can certainly be considered medical abortion.

1. The development of an unwanted pregnancy stops in the early stages, when the fetus is not yet formed.

2. Lack of surgical intervention, and, consequently, traumatization of the cervix and endometrium.

Vacuum abortion is the second safest method, surgical is considered the most dangerous.

Abortion in late pregnancy is a very serious and dangerous intervention. The female body recovers most quickly during artificial childbirth; for the cardiovascular system, a small caesarean section is considered safer. During childbirth, a woman's blood pressure may rise and the risk of hemorrhage increases. With a caesarean section, there are no contractions, and the functionality of the cardiovascular system is maintained by the anesthesiologist.

A few words must be said about criminal abortion. It poses a threat not only to the health of a woman, but also to her life. Now there are a huge number of different ways to conduct a criminal abortion, and each of them can result in massive bleeding, inflammatory processes in the genital area and even blood poisoning.

Surgical abortion.

This is the most dangerous, but at the same time the most common, termination of pregnancy. Such an abortion is carried out with the help of special instruments. The cervix dilates and the contents of the uterus are scraped out with a curette, a surgical instrument.

Before an instrumental abortion, a woman must undergo a clinical and laboratory examination. After the operation, a control examination of the uterus with an ultrasound or hysteroscope is necessary. The woman remains in hospital for several hours, and if her condition does not worsen, she can go home. With severe pain in the lower abdomen, as well as with strong bloody discharge, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary. Regardless of how you feel, a woman should undergo a follow-up examination by a gynecologist 10-12 days after the intervention.

This type of abortion is currently performed under anesthesia and under ultrasound control. You can terminate a pregnancy in this way up to 12 weeks.

Surgical abortion is a very imperfect method, in which there is a risk of mechanical damage to the uterine wall, infection, and rupture of the muscles of the uterine neck.

Side effects are as follows:

• cervical rupture;

• bleeding;

• inflammation;

• infertility.

Vacuum abortion.

Vacuum abortion is a gentle method, but more traumatic than a pill.

The intervention is performed without opening the cervix, a special vacuum aspirator is used, which minimizes the number of possible complications. The doctor inserts a special probe into the uterine cavity, and with the help of a pump, the fetal egg is sucked out. Vacuum aspiration is performed without general anesthesia.

Such an abortion is carried out before 8 weeks of pregnancy, it has the following side effects:

A woman can return to normal life in a couple of hours, but within a few days, discharge resembling menstruation is possible. This is considered a variant of the norm, since hormonal changes occur in the body after the removal of the fetal egg.

Contraindications - infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in acute or chronic form, unconfirmed uterine pregnancy.

Doctors may use vacuum curettage. The cervix is dilated with special instruments, after which a vacuum curette is inserted into the uterine cavity, with the help of which pressure is created. Then, with the help of an aspirator, the fetal egg is removed. For anesthesia, Lidocaine is used - they cut off the cervical region of the uterus.

Complications after vacuum curettage:

• injury to the uterine cavity;

• perforation;

• bleeding;

• inflammatory processes;

• ectopic pregnancy in the future;

• infertility.

Medical abortion.

This is a non-surgical abortion. Its action is based on the fact that after taking the drug, the synthesis of progesterone, a hormone that is very important for the development of the fetus, is blocked. This phenomenon leads to the fact that the cervix spontaneously opens and the fetal egg comes out.

However, this method of getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy is possible only up to the 7th week of pregnancy. Although seemingly harmless, medical abortion has side effects. The drugs that are used in this case are hormonal agents that can lead to hormonal failure in the female body.

Medical abortion provokes side effects:

• nausea;

• diarrhea;

• vomit;

• bloody issues;

• headache.

Pill abortion is shown to nulliparous girls who went to the doctor in the early stages of pregnancy, since it is considered to be the safest and the negative consequences after it are much less than after other types.

The effectiveness of this method is 85%, to increase it, many doctors combine two or more drugs. The most commonly used combination is Mifepristone and Cytotec. 10-12 days after the release of the fetal egg, ultrasound control is necessary.

Contraindications for tablet abortion:

• allergic reaction to the components of the product;

• adrenal insufficiency;

• uterine fibroids;

• the presence of a uterine scar;

• anemia;

• blood diseases;

• inflammation of the genitourinary system;

• somatic pathologies in severe form.

Smoking women over 35 years of age are not indicated for medical termination of pregnancy. In addition, mifepristone is not prescribed if:

• ectopic pregnancy;

• conception is not confirmed by laboratory and clinical studies;

• gestational age exceeds 42 days;

• pregnancy occurred immediately after taking contraceptives or against the background of using intrauterine contraceptives.

With great care, medical abortion can be performed on women with pulmonary obstruction, high blood pressure, and heart failure.

Self-administration of drugs intended for tablet abortion is strictly prohibited!

Terms of safe abortion.

I must say that the shorter the gestation period, the less severe the consequences of abortion. The safest period for termination of pregnancy is the period up to 6-7 weeks. This is the time when the embryo has not yet had time to attach to the uterine wall, and the woman's body has not yet begun to adapt to bearing a child. The risk of complications increases with the duration of pregnancy.

Types of abortions and their consequences.

Abortion is an artificial termination of pregnancy. Despite the fact that today there are a huge number of preventive measures to prevent unwanted pregnancies, the number of abortions performed by doctors is constantly growing. There are 3 ways to terminate a pregnancy - vacuum, surgical and medical. The doctor offers the woman the most suitable option in each case, but the final decision certainly remains with the patient. To choose the best type, you need to learn in detail about all available at the moment.

Home, non-medical methods of abortion.

Women continue to ask for alternative ways to terminate a pregnancy, despite the fact that modern types of abortions have already become practically safe and not painful if good anesthesia is used. At least in comparison with criminal abortions. Women simply do not want to go to the doctors. But even if they manage to provoke a miscarriage, many are not happy. The probability of complete emptying of the uterus exists only in the very early stages of the development of the fetal egg, in the first days of delayed menstruation. And then you can’t do without the classic “cleansing” in the hospital.

If home methods of abortion are used with folk remedies for two or more weeks of delay, there is a huge percentage chance that there will be complications.

Herbs are usually used as abortives: tansy, oregano, etc. As well as physical activity, active sexual life and taking a hot bath.

Termination of pregnancy - surgical abortion.

Most abortions in Russia are performed by the instrumental method, unfortunately. More often due to the poor equipment of antenatal clinics and hospitals, poor financial opportunities for women, as well as late access to a doctor.

Instrumental abortion is performed if the gestational age exceeds 7 weeks and up to 12 weeks. In its classic version, the doctor, after the introduction of an anesthetic, more often it is now general anesthesia, with the help of special tools - metal tubes, dilators with different diameters, opens the cervix. After that, with the help of a sharp curette, the entire endometrium is scraped out along with the fetal egg. The whole procedure is carried out without the use of ultrasound, that is, simply by touch. Therefore, including, surgical abortion and gives so often complications.

With mechanical expansion, the cervix is \u200b\u200btraumatized. In the next pregnancy, these injuries can lead to premature disclosure, isthmic-cervical insufficiency. It is better if the cervix is opened before abortion using vaginal or oral forms of medication.

Severe consequences of the procedure include perforation of the uterine wall. But this, fortunately, happens infrequently, and mostly only for long periods. More often, women experience severe uterine bleeding - they have to take hemostatic agents. Hematometra - accumulation of blood in the uterus due to poor contractility of the myometrium or cervical spasm.

If part of the fetus or its membranes remains in the uterus, a placental polyp will occur. And you will have to do a second cleaning of the uterus.

Due to trauma to the uterine cavity, intrauterine synechia occurs. Their symptoms are scanty and painful menstruation, infertility. Adhesions are dissected surgically with hysteroscopy.

If the procedure was performed in violation of sterile conditions or the woman did not take antibiotics after the abortion, endometritis may occur. And in the absence of its treatment, adhesions in the fallopian tubes, chronic inflammation of the ovaries may appear. Which in the future will result in infertility and ectopic pregnancy.

Another problem that can arise with an Rh conflict is if the mother is Rh negative and the fetus is Rh positive. If the pregnancy is terminated at a period of about 10 weeks, an anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is administered to the woman within 72 hours after the procedure in order to avoid difficulties with a subsequent pregnancy.

Termination of pregnancy using vacuum aspiration.

This abortion technology is considered relatively safe, almost on a par with medication. Only failures in the form of incomplete abortion happen less with her. Another plus is a slightly larger allowable maximum interruption period. This is 7 obstetric weeks or 3 weeks from the onset of a delay in menstruation. In some cases, usually with a missed pregnancy, the procedure can be performed for longer periods.

Its advantage is that there is no need to expand the cervical canal with instruments and clean the uterine cavity with a curette. Accordingly, there is a small risk of inflammatory complications.

How everything goes. In a antenatal clinic or in a hospital, a woman is given local anesthesia. A thin disposable catheter is inserted into the uterus through the cervical canal, attached to a special apparatus with a container. After it is included in this container, the fetal egg, its membranes and endometrium are sucked off. The whole procedure takes about five minutes. If painful spasms of the uterus occur, intramuscular administration of an antispasmodic helps.

Termination of pregnancy by vacuum aspiration can have negative and very serious consequences, but rarely. This is perforation of the uterus, which can occur when measuring its length with a probe. And another complication is lethal, occurs due to a medical error - pneumoembolism. This is when not negative pressure is created in the uterine cavity, but positive. That is, air enters it, which instantly enters the bloodstream. Almost all newer vacuum aspirators are air protected.

Termination of pregnancy with pills.

Many women believe that this refers to those hormonal pills that are taken for the purpose of contraception, regular or emergency. For example, there is an opinion that the most famous means of emergency contraception, "Postinor", will work, even if it is taken while already pregnant. This is not so, medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages is carried out with the help of another drug - antiprogesterone, and it is impossible to buy it in a pharmacy in the dosage necessary for abortion.

Another feature of this type of abortion is the strict observance of the terms of its implementation. You need to have time to make an interruption up to 6 weeks, that is, two weeks of delay in menstruation. If you practice the medical method of abortion for a longer period, the consequences can be negative. Of course, complications can arise in case of full compliance with the deadlines, but their risk is much lower. The consequences include severe bleeding, provoked by the remnants of the membranes in the uterus. If this happens, vacuum aspiration or surgical abortion should be performed. This complication occurs in no more than five women out of 100 who perform medical termination of pregnancy. The rest have a complete miscarriage. But there are side effects, some are more pronounced, and some are less. This is an increase in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, high body temperature, weakness.

How everything goes. After a small examination, including a mandatory ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries, the woman signs the consent to the procedure and confirms that she understands what complications may be. It should be remembered that after the first pills taken, it will no longer be possible to leave the child. Even if the fertilized egg continues to develop, and the drugs do not work or do not work completely.

The doctor will first dispense several antiprogesterone tablets, for a total of 200 mg. Their woman takes in the presence of her doctor. He stays at the clinic for a couple of hours and then goes home. Usually, a miscarriage does not occur immediately after taking antiprogesterone, the state of health does not worsen, although the drug itself begins to act actively. It binds to progesterone receptors, blocks the production of the hormone. This leads to the beginning of detachment of the fetal egg and the readiness of the myometrium for contractions.

After 36-48 hours, a woman in the clinic or at home (if the doctor gave her medication at home) takes a second medicine - prostaglandin. And after that, the expulsion of the fetal egg occurs, accompanied by the unpleasant symptoms indicated above. After a miscarriage, bleeding continues for several days, but the state of health becomes much better.

After 7-10 days, a control ultrasound is performed to make sure that the fetal egg and its membranes have left the uterus.

The advantages of this type of abortion is the absence of surgical intervention in the uterus. Due to the observance of the period up to which week, the medical method of abortion is allowed, a close relationship between the mother and the child does not have time to be established, hormonal disorders are also not too pronounced. Almost immediately after an abortion, a new pregnancy can occur. The menstrual cycle is restored after 28-30 days, usually without delay.

Is medical abortion safe?

Medical abortion cannot be considered absolutely safe either - there are no such methods, since any abortion disrupts the course of the normal pregnancy process and roughly interrupts the hormonal changes that have begun in the woman's body preparing for childbearing. Of course, the shorter the gestational age, the less pronounced all the changes, but do not forget that hormonal changes begin immediately from the very beginning of pregnancy - the fertilization of the egg.

Therefore, even after medical abortion, the risk of developing diseases of hormone-dependent organs (mammary glands, ovaries, uterus) increases, and the likelihood of the formation of benign and malignant tumors of these organs increases. In addition, being an antihormonal drug, MEFIPRISTONE can cause a serious malfunction of the endocrine system, which can subsequently cause endocrine infertility.

Among the long-term consequences of abortions are various hormonal disorders, including diseases of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland - the central regulator of the endocrine system; gynecological pathology: endometriosis, ovarian dysfunction, chronic endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis (inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes and ovary), infertility. In subsequent pregnancies, an earlier abortion can provoke an Rh conflict - a condition in which antibodies are formed in the body of an Rh-negative mother to the red blood cells of an Rh-positive fetus.

The fact is, if during a pregnancy that ended in an abortion, a certain portion of antibodies has already developed, then these antibodies begin their detrimental effect on the fetus and during subsequent pregnancy with a Rh-positive fetus, others are added to them, that is, antibodies accumulate. The more antibodies, the more serious effect they can have on the body of the fetus.

So, if you become pregnant shortly after giving birth, remember that there is no safe abortion. Abortion is a serious blow to a woman's health and the price to pay for a careless attitude towards contraception and the prevention of unwanted pregnancies. Even with good subjective tolerance, abortion can cause serious long-term consequences, up to tumor processes, incurable infertility. Meanwhile, a second pregnancy will bring you new happiness - a second (and maybe third) child.

Are there safe abortions?

Why can a pregnancy interrupted even at the earliest stages be a serious blow to a woman's health? The fact is that from the very beginning, pregnancy causes serious changes, restructuring in many organ systems of the female body, primarily in the central regulatory systems - nervous and endocrine (hormonal). A close functional relationship between the mother's organism and the embryo appears from the very moment of fertilization. Even before the introduction of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus, the development of the embryo is influenced by hormones: estrogens, progesterone, prostaglandins and other biologically active substances. They also prepare the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium - for implantation of the embryo. Under the influence of hormones and biologically active substances, a gradual restructuring begins in the entire body of the expectant mother, especially pronounced in the so-called hormone-dependent organs: mammary glands, ovaries, uterus, external genitalia.

Any external intervention leading to an abortion is the cause of a sharp hormonal breakdown in a woman's body. This explains the insecurity of abortion, carried out even at the shortest time. A significant mismatch in the work of the central nervous and endocrine systems, caused by external interference, disrupts the normal functioning of the endocrine glands: the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, ovaries, adrenal glands - and contributes to the occurrence of nervous disorders of varying severity: exacerbation of autonomic dysfunction, mental disorders, sometimes with the development of depression, neuroses, etc.

Consequences of abortions.

Even if we leave aside questions about the ethics of abortion, the problem of the consequences of abortion and the harm caused to women's health during artificial termination of pregnancy is obvious and relevant.

Abortion is the most common cause of gynecological diseases. Complications occur in at least every fifth woman, almost half of chronic inflammatory processes of the genital area become aggravated. There is also a danger that abortions performed “on the day of treatment” do not involve any preparation - the examination is minimal, if any. At the same time, the very procedure of abortion by any of the listed methods contributes to the development of infectious and inflammatory complications. If antibiotics are prescribed during an instrumental abortion performed in a hospital, then with medical termination of pregnancy, the use of magnetic caps, antibiotic therapy is not always carried out. With the spread of infection, inflammation of the uterus and appendages, pelvic peritonitis, thrombophlebitis (inflammation) of the veins of the uterus, or general blood poisoning - sepsis can develop.

A distant consequence of inflammatory diseases transferred after an abortion can be the formation of adhesions, including intrauterine (synechia), obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which is one of the causes of infertility; chronic inflammatory processes that disrupt the normal functioning of the organs of the female genital area.

Traumatization of the cervix during abortion in the future may cause her inability to "keep" the pregnancy. Thus, miscarriage, miscarriage, or - due to cervical deformity - disruption of normal labor can develop.

One of the most common consequences of an abortion is a menstrual cycle disorder (it occurs in about 12% of women), the cycles become irregular, bleeding between periods is possible. The cause of these conditions are, as a rule, neuroendocrine disorders, amenorrhea develops, i.e. lack of menstruation, resulting from a violation of the regenerative ability of the endometrium - the inner lining of the uterus (when a pregnancy is terminated with curettage of the uterus, not only the removal of the fetal egg often occurs, but also the traumatization of the deep layers of the endometrium, as well as the muscle layer of the uterus) with subsequent inhibition of ovarian function, which leads to violation of the menstrual cycle, as well as the development of adhesions in the area of ​​the internal pharynx of the cervical canal due to its traumatization.

In the case when an abortion was made by a woman giving birth, her cycle can be restored in 3-4 months; if the woman did not give birth before the operation, the restoration of all functions can be delayed up to six months or more.

Instrumental abortion (curettage of the uterine cavity).

This is the most common way to terminate a pregnancy up to 12 weeks. Currently, instrumental abortion is performed under anesthesia: more often - using intravenous anesthesia (a drug is injected into the vein, against the background of which there is an instant - "at the end of the needle" - sleep), less often - epidural anesthesia or general endotracheal anesthesia (an inhalation drug is administered through tube into the trachea).

The method of anesthesia is determined by the anesthetist, depending on the individual indications and contraindications for the patient. The cervix is opened with special dilators (tubes of various diameters), then a curette (metal loop) is inserted into the uterine cavity, which is used to scrape the uterine cavity. The risk of instrumental abortion complications is reduced if ultrasonic control with a vaginal probe and an examination of the uterine cavity with a hysteroscope (a special optical device) are performed before and after the procedure. However, instrumental abortion is a surgical procedure that uses anesthesia, so complications cannot be completely ruled out.

A rare but most dangerous complication of curettage of the uterine cavity is perforation of the uterine wall with penetration into the abdominal cavity. Severe bleeding, peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum), trauma to the abdominal organs can cause death.

Early complications after abortion include bleeding, disorders of the blood coagulation system. Sometimes blood clots accumulate in the uterine cavity due to cervical spasm, which may require repeated curettage.

Mini abortion (vacuum aspiration).

This method of abortion is applicable only in the early stages (up to 5-6 weeks of pregnancy), when the diameter of the fetal egg allows it to pass into the vacuum aspirator. A vacuum aspirator is a large syringe with a special nozzle that is inserted into the uterine cavity to the fetal egg. The created vacuum contributes to the exfoliation of the fetal egg from the uterine wall. However, the probability of incomplete separation of embryonic tissues with this method of abortion is very high. Therefore, after a mini-abortion (however, as with other types of abortion), ultrasound control with a vaginal sensor is necessary. If an incomplete abortion of the fetal egg is detected, additional curettage is required, similar to what is done with a conventional instrumental abortion. A mini-abortion is carried out against the background of general anesthesia: a medicine is injected intravenously, the woman sleeps.

For very short periods, it is possible to use a magnetophoric (magnetic) cap, which is put on the cervix. The cap emits a constant magnetic field, which distorts all signals that fall into its field. The connection between the uterus and the brain is broken. Pregnancy ceases to develop, a miscarriage occurs. The magnetic cap is put on by the gynecologist for 9 days. After this period, the doctor removes the cap, inserts pills into the vagina that help open the cervix. After that, already outside the walls of the clinic, an abortion occurs. This method is dangerous undetected complications. A cap inserted into the cervix contributes to circulatory disorders in the cervix, the development of inflammatory processes in the uterus. After termination of pregnancy, ultrasound control is required.

Medical abortion.

The most commonly used medication for abortion is MEFIPRISTONE (MIFEGIN, RU486). This drug interferes with the action on the uterus of the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone, thereby contributing to its interruption. Usually, MEFIPRISTONE is used against the background of small doses of drugs that increase uterine contractions and rejection of the fetal egg from the body - prostaglandins.

Medical abortion is performed at gestational ages up to 8 weeks and in cases of uncomplicated course does not require surgical intervention and anesthesia. Before medical abortion, a woman undergoes an ultrasound examination. Further, after signing the informed consent, the pregnant woman, in the presence of a doctor, takes 3 tablets of the drug, after which she can leave the clinic. Usually, after 1-2 days, bleeding begins, similar to menstrual bleeding and indicating an abortion and rejection of the fetal egg. After a medical abortion, it is recommended to conduct a second ultrasound to make sure that there are no remnants of the ovum in the uterine cavity, which can become infected, cause severe bleeding and other post-abortion complications.

If there are alarming complaints (sharp pain, fever, chills, very severe bleeding with severe weakness, dizziness, malaise, etc.), you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. In such cases, surgical intervention is often required - curettage of the uterine cavity, i.e. in fact, carrying out a routine abortion. As with other medicinal methods, there are a number of contraindications to medical abortion:

• Ectopic pregnancy - it requires only surgical treatment.

• Chronic adrenal insufficiency and severe bronchial asthma, since MEFIPRISTONE disrupts the action of adrenal hormones, which are also used to treat asthma.

• Infectious and inflammatory processes of the genital tract (to avoid the spread of infection).

• Hemorrhagic disorders (blood clotting disorders) - due to the possibility of heavy bleeding. Termination of pregnancy in such cases should be carried out only in a clinical setting under constant medical supervision and monitoring of blood coagulation.

In 2% of cases, medical abortion is ineffective - the drug does not cause an abortive effect and the pregnancy is not interrupted.

Safe abortion?

After childbirth, often young mothers, focusing on the absence of menstruation, mistakenly relying on the contraceptive effect of breastfeeding, face the problem of another pregnancy. In this situation, a woman chooses an abortion, thinking that this is a fairly harmless event, and if an abortion is done at an early date, then there can be no talk of any danger at all. But is it really so?

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy up to 22 weeks. Abortions are spontaneous (miscarriage) and artificial (by surgical or other intervention). Depending on the term of termination of pregnancy, artificial abortions are divided into early (termination of pregnancy for up to 12 weeks) and late (for more than 12 weeks). Abortions up to 12 weeks are performed at the request of the woman. At a later date, the decision on abortion based on the application of the pregnant woman is made by a commission that takes into account the available indications - medical (threat to the woman's health, severe malformations and non-viability of the fetus) and social (death or disability of 1-2 groups of the husband, large families, lack of housing, refugee status , unemployment, rape, unmarriage).

What should be kept in mind when choosing the type of abortion?

In order for a woman who wants to get rid of an unplanned pregnancy to have an alternative when choosing an abortion method, you need to remember a few things.

The shorter the gestational age, the more likely it is that the abortion will take place with minimal consequences. Therefore, you need to contact a gynecologist in the first days of the delay in the menstrual cycle. This will allow timely assessment of the state of health of the woman and choose the most appropriate method of termination of pregnancy for her.

Do not trust advertising and advice from friends. So, for example, pills for medical termination of pregnancy can be bought at a pharmacy. This is where the danger lurks - if they suddenly do not fit a woman or the rejection of the fetal egg does not happen correctly, then even in the early stages you will have to resort to a surgical abortion. Yes, and a hormonal failure, the occurrence of which could be predicted during the testing and examination of a medical record by a gynecologist, can cause great harm to a woman's health.

When choosing an abortion method, one should not forget about such important things as the equipment of the clinic and the qualifications of the doctor.

The birth of a baby is a long-awaited event in the life of most women. However, there are situations when the continuation of pregnancy is undesirable for medical or other reasons. And a qualified gynecologist should become a faithful adviser in such a situation, able to correctly assess the state of health of his patient, and then individually select the most gentle method of abortion for her.

Termination of pregnancy at a later date.

If in the early stages of pregnancy a woman and her gynecologist are given the choice of resorting to a medical method or vacuum aspiration, then for a period of 7-12 or more weeks, as a rule, saline abortion or surgical termination of pregnancy remains.

The first involves the introduction of a special hypertonic sodium chloride solution into the amniotic fluid, causing the death of the fetus. After a couple of days, the doctor provokes a contraction of the uterus, as a result of which the fetal egg is naturally excreted. It should be noted that such a procedure is not considered highly effective and also differs in duration. Therefore, saline is used extremely rarely - if it is impossible to use another, more effective method.

The most common way to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy for a period of 7-8 to 12 weeks remains curettage with a curette. Such an abortion should be carried out only in a hospital, by an experienced doctor, and preferably with the simultaneous use of ultrasound. As a rule, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, less often - mainly at the request of the patient under general anesthesia.

The gynecologist mechanically - using special tools - expands the wall of the uterus, then, using a curette and forceps, scrapes and removes its contents. Risks: the cervix and walls of the uterus often suffer from mechanical impact, which subsequently leads to inflammatory processes, the development of gynecological diseases, including infertility. Moreover, the longer the gestational age, the more likely complications after an abortion.

Abortion for a period of 12 or more weeks is carried out only for medical reasons, and after 22 weeks, surgical intervention during pregnancy is called artificial premature birth or a small caesarean section. During the latter, the patient is dissected the lower segment of the uterus and the fetal egg is removed from it along with the placenta. A similar method is also used if sterilization is expected after an abortion.

Abortion using a vacuum device.

Usually they resort to it if no more than 5-7 weeks have passed since the moment of conception. This method is also considered the least traumatic for the female body, since the fetal egg is sucked out of the uterus through a special catheter probe connected to the pump of the vacuum apparatus.

The advantages of vacuum aspiration (popularly a mini-abortion) are obvious: a thin probe that is inserted through the cervix without dilating it does not injure the female organs at all, and the rejection of the fetus, which still has weak connections with the walls of the uterus, occurs due to the creation of a negative pressure. It is only important not to miss the deadlines and in the future to make sure that the fetal egg is completely extracted.

Modern technologies make it possible to carry out vacuum aspiration with virtually no consequences for the female body. However, this procedure has a number of contraindications:

• less than six months have passed since the previous abortion - any;

• ectopic pregnancy;

• the gestation period is more than 5 weeks (maximum - 7) - in this case, the fetal egg is already firmly attached to the walls of the uterus, which greatly complicates its exfoliation and suction;

• a woman suffers from any inflammatory diseases, including a purulent infection of any part of the body.

The whole procedure is performed under local anesthesia - general anesthesia is resorted to only in exceptional cases - within 10-15 minutes. A woman can go home almost immediately. Next - personal hygiene and a visit to the gynecologist at the appointed time.

Medical abortion.

The very name of the method indicates that the course of pregnancy is interrupted by taking special medications, or rather, tablets. For a number of reasons, this can be done early (up to 7 weeks) and only under medical supervision.

The essence of medical abortion is that a woman takes pills (usually Mifegin, Mifepristone, Mifiprex), which prevent the production of progesterone in her body. As a result, the fetal egg, which does not receive a hormone important for its development, dies, then, after taking special additional drugs, it is rejected by the woman's body and spontaneously leaves the uterus through the opened cervix. Thus, with medical abortion, the same miscarriage occurs, only specially provoked.

The advantage of this method is that the female genital organs (cervix and uterine wall) do not experience any mechanical impact from the outside. It is for this reason that it is recommended for women who have not yet given birth.

Despite the fact that medical abortion is recognized as the safest of all existing methods of abortion, it can lead to some consequences:

• bleeding - when taking pills, you need to ensure that the discharge is not very plentiful;

• incomplete rejection of the fetal egg - in this case, scraping with a curette is additionally used;

• hormonal failure in the female body, and this is a change in the menstrual cycle, the thyroid gland, etc.

For these reasons, medical abortion should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor who will definitely specify the gestational age, prescribe a preliminary test and assess the woman's health, and perform 2 ultrasound procedures: before the abortion and two weeks after it. This will make sure that the termination of pregnancy will go according to plan and without consequences.

What is an abortion like?

Doctors distinguish several methods of artificial termination of pregnancy:

• medication;

• vacuum aspiration;

• saline abortion;

• surgical intervention: curettage with a curette, small caesarean section, etc.

The choice of method depends on a number of factors, including the duration of pregnancy (up to 5-7 weeks, up to 12 weeks, at a later time), the age and health of the woman. Here it is important to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible and discuss the situation with him.

So what are the features of various abortion methods, what determines their choice, what advantages and, most importantly, consequences can they have?

Types of abortions: how to choose the right method.

Abortion refers to any termination of pregnancy: spontaneous or caused by human intervention. And if the first (popularly a miscarriage) occurs as a result of external factors or a state of health affecting a woman’s body, then the reason for the second (i.e. artificial termination of pregnancy) lies in the woman’s unwillingness to become a mother or in her inability to bear and give birth to a healthy child. It is about medical abortion, or rather about which method of termination of pregnancy is better to choose, and will be discussed further.

Separate diagnostic curettage of the uterus.

(Separate curettage of the cervical canal and uterine cavity).

It is used for the purpose of diagnosing menstrual irregularities, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplastic processes, endometrial and cervical polyps, dysplasia and cervical cancer, infertility. For therapeutic purposes, curettage of the uterine cavity is carried out to stop uterine bleeding.

It is carried out under intravenous anesthesia, depending on the specific situation, on certain days of the menstrual cycle.

The resulting material is sent to the laboratory for histological examination, depending on the results of which the issue of further management of the patient is decided.

Medical abortion (pharmacy).

Medical abortion (pharmaceutical abortion) is a method of artificial termination of an unwanted pregnancy in the early stages, which does not require surgical intervention.

It has fewer complications than curettage and vacuum aspiration, but is not completely devoid of them. So, after the use of mifepristone and other hormonal drugs, severe uterine bleeding is possible, leading to the need for curettage of the uterus.

The most effective is medical abortion for up to 4 weeks, when the fetal egg is still weakly attached to the uterus, and the hormonal changes in the female body are not so pronounced.

The method consists in a single dose in the presence of a doctor of 200 mg of the steroid preparation mifepristone (Mifegin (France), Mifeprex (Russia)), which provokes fetal death. By binding to progesterone receptors, mifepristone blocks the action of progesterone, which stimulates the growth of the endometrium. At the same time, the sensitivity of the myometrium to oxytocin is restored, the action of prostaglandins increases, the myometrium begins to contract intensively, which leads to termination of pregnancy.

36-48 hours after taking mifegin, the patient takes a prostaglandin analogue (misoprostol 400 mcg orally or gemeprost 1 mg vaginally) combined with mifepristone. Under the influence of prostaglandins, the uterus contracts, the mechanism of expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity is launched.

The patient should be under the supervision of medical staff for at least two hours after taking the drugs. After 36-48 hours, the patient should undergo a control ultrasound, and also after 8-14 days come for a gynecological examination and a second ultrasound to make sure that the fetus has been completely expelled from the uterus.

The efficiency of the method is 95-98%.

Surgical abortion.

Medical abortion is a premature artificial termination of pregnancy.

In modern gynecology, excluding surgical intervention and bearing the name of medical abortion, appeared relatively recently. This method of abortion refers to innovations in medicine, because. does not involve intervention in the uterine cavity. Medical abortion in our clinic is carried out (using according to a certain scheme) a medical preparation called mifepristone. It is used in cases where it is necessary to make honey. Abortion as early as possible: from the first day of delayed menstruation to 42-63d. This type of abortion minimizes the risk of hormonal disruptions, there is no surgical effect on the uterus and its cervix - therefore, the risk of damage is practically reduced to zero.

However, the consequences of medical abortion can be:

• Pain accompanied by contractions

• Nausea turning into vomiting

• Change in blood pressure

• Stomach upset

• Major blood loss

• These symptoms occur in a small percentage of women.

The undeniable advantages of medical abortion are:

• A small number of possible complications

• Low risk of psychogenic trauma

• Good drug tolerance

No risks associated with surgery - damage to the endometrium, cervical canal, on 10-14 days of medical abortion, the patient must undergo a second examination by a gynecologist, + ultrasound. If medical abortion is incomplete, i.e. The uterus contains particles of the fetal egg, then the doctor prescribes vacuum aspiration.

Medical abortion may not work mainly in two cases: if the doctor failed to identify an ectopic pregnancy, or if its duration exceeds the allowable gestational age.

Before terminating a pregnancy, for medical abortion, you must undergo the following examinations:

• Ultrasound of OAM - during the first appointment with the doctor, to clarify the term and confirm pregnancy

• Swab for flora

• OAM, KLA, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, C

• Blood gr., coagulogram.

Do not forget that the more time you drag out, the higher the risk of negative consequences of abortion.

Surgical termination of pregnancy is carried out by an instrumental method: mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration), surgical abortion.

Surgical abortion - performed under intravenous anesthesia at a later date (8-12 weeks). Within 3-4 hours after the operation, the woman needs complete rest. Intermedcenter is equipped with its own day hospital, so after the termination of pregnancy you will be in a comfortable ward under the supervision of the attending physician. The disadvantage of surgical abortion is a high risk of complications leading to infertility. Our experts will reduce this risk to a minimum. After this manipulation, an ultrasound is necessarily done, the doctor will definitely draw up an individual course of rehabilitation therapy for you.

Before termination of pregnancy, a mandatory examination is carried out:

• Ultrasound diagnostics

• Vaginal smear for flora

• Gy blood, CBC, blood biochemistry

• Blood coagulogram

• Blood test for: syphilis, hepatitis C, hepatitis B, HIV.

Mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration) is carried out at gestational ages up to 6-7 weeks using vacuum suction - this is the most gentle surgical method. The procedure is performed under intravenous anesthesia. A mini-abortion is performed under ultrasound guidance. 10-14 days after the mini-abortion, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, an ultrasound scan to confirm a successful termination of pregnancy and the absence of complications.

Induced abortion is the artificial termination of pregnancy.

Induced abortion is an artificial termination of pregnancy, accompanied by the death of the fetus (embryo, embryo).

The main indications for termination of pregnancy are the death of the fetus or the threat to the life of the mother due to the presence of concomitant diseases or abnormal pregnancy.

Indications for abortion in some countries are not limited to purely medical grounds, the legislation allows abortions "at will" in the early stages of pregnancy.

Artificial abortion, depending on the gestational age, can be performed surgically or medically.

The impact of induced abortion on a woman's health and reproductive function depends on a number of factors. Possible complications such as uterine perforation, bleeding, thrombosis, inflammation.

Regardless of the method, the consequences of an abortion will be negative and this must always be remembered.

Any method, as a rule, leads to hormonal imbalance, and against its background, a woman may experience:

• various kinds of gynecological diseases (neoplasms in the mammary glands, polycystic ovaries or uterine fibroids);

• disruption of the endocrine system, menstrual dysfunction;

• failures in normal metabolism (sharp and uncontrolled weight gain), etc.

• the threat of habitual miscarriage, the risk of ectopic or missed pregnancy increases.

There are frequent cases of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital organs, and sometimes obstruction of the fallopian tubes. All these consequences after an abortion often lead to the most difficult situation for a woman - the appearance of infertility.

You can correctly approach the solution of the issue, choose the right tactics, evaluate all the possible risks of this intervention and carry out their prevention, you can consult with the doctors. 

Mom's health at 2 weeks pregnant.

Pregnancy is perhaps one of the most important periods in a woman's life. And in the first weeks of the term, all the vital tissues and organs of the child are laid. Therefore, you need to prepare for pregnancy in advance. And even if a woman does not yet know whether conception has occurred or not, she must take care of her health.

Scheduled surveys. It is necessary to visit a gynecologist for preventive purposes at least once a year, and after 35 years - at least 2 times a year. If a woman is preparing to become a mother, consultations may be required more often, especially if certain problems have been identified earlier. If a woman assumes pregnancy and the test showed the coveted 2 strips, then a visit to a specialist should not be postponed either. The doctor will prescribe a number of mandatory examinations and give recommendations. Later, a schedule of visits to the antenatal clinic will be drawn up.

Proper nutrition. A very important role for the health of the baby is played by how the expectant mother eats. Even when planning a pregnancy, you need to change your diet. The body must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Experts recommend eating more fruits, vegetables, greens. Lean meat, fatty fish, dairy products, cereals are also useful. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women and folic acid. But fast food, spicy, salty foods and sweets should be abandoned. You can treat yourself to a piece of dark chocolate or a dessert with fruit and yogurt.

Lifestyle change. The onset of pregnancy is usually associated with fatigue and drowsiness. Do not resist the urge to relax and take an extra hour of nap, if possible. If there are no contraindications, you should go in for sports: water aerobics, yoga and other exercises in special groups for pregnant women. If physical activity needs to be limited, you can just walk in the fresh air. The beginning of pregnancy is not a reason to refuse work, but you should not overwork yourself either.

General recommendations. If a woman had bad habits, now is the time to give them up. And it is best to give up smoking and alcohol at the stage of pregnancy planning. It is also important to reduce stress levels. Pregnant women are characterized by unnecessary experiences regarding their new position, appearance, material well-being, communication with relatives and the father of the unborn child. If it is difficult to cope with anxiety on your own, you can sign up for psychotherapy sessions.

The second week of pregnancy is a great time to get to know yourself and start preparing for an important event in life. And if there is still some uncertainty and misunderstanding of what to do, then soon the new status will bring only positive emotions.

What happens in the mother's body during 2 weeks of pregnancy?

Most women during a two-week pregnancy are not even aware of their new condition, they do not feel any changes, internal and external. Sometimes there are some sensations that can indirectly indicate the onset of pregnancy.

What a woman might feel.

• Soreness of the chest. This sign usually appears very first. The breast is already beginning to prepare for the production of milk under the influence of the hormone progesterone. In the second week of pregnancy, the nipples may increase slightly in size and become more sensitive. Touching and a tight bra can cause discomfort and pain.

• Change in mucous secretions. At the very beginning of pregnancy, the amount of natural secretions increases. During ovulation, they are usually similar in structure to egg white, but after conception they become more liquid and odorless. Hormonal changes and other changes in a woman's body can cause the development of thrush, which is manifested by white or yellowish-green discharge with a sour smell. Such symptoms should not be ignored. You need to see a doctor right away.

• Increased emotionality. In the body of a pregnant woman, the concentration of estrogen and progesterone rises sharply, which affects her psycho-emotional state. Joy can be quickly replaced by tearfulness or irritability. Often the woman herself cannot find an explanation for such sudden changes in mood.

• Drowsiness and fatigue. The conception and development of a new life is a great stress for the body. At this moment, all forces are directed to maintaining the vital activity of the embryo. Therefore, it is not surprising that the expectant mother feels constant fatigue, she has a desire to sleep longer and relax.

• Heaviness in the lower abdomen. A pregnant woman in the second week after conception may be disturbed by pain in the lower abdomen, usually they are associated with the period of implantation of the fetal egg into the uterine wall. Such sensations are temporary and are not associated with severe and acute pain. In addition, abdominal discomfort can also occur due to intestinal upset. This is a fairly common occurrence at the very beginning of pregnancy, associated with hormonal changes in the body and the effect of hormones on the digestive tract.

There are other indirect signs of pregnancy, but they do not appear in everyone and are not always associated with the birth of a new life:

• deterioration of sleep and early awakenings;

• tingling in the lower back;

• heaviness in the limbs;

• decrease or increase in appetite;

• bouts of nausea;

• frequent urge to urinate;

• slight increase in basal body temperature;

• heartburn;

• slight weight loss or gain.

What does a woman look like.

The appearance of a woman in the second week of pregnancy does not change. The abdomen remains in the same state, it will begin to grow much later, although the uterus itself has already begun to increase. Of the small changes, one can note the appearance of a blush on the cheeks, which is associated with increased blood circulation. An unpleasant sign of pregnancy can be acne, which occurs due to changes in hormonal levels.

Is it possible to find out about pregnancy?

After the embryo is fixed on the wall of the uterus, its outer layer begins to produce the hCG hormone. By increasing its level in the urine, pregnancy is determined. True, the amount of the hormone increases gradually. But the most impatient can already determine pregnancy with the help of pharmacy tests. Modern devices can be effective even 1-2 days before the expected period. But in order for the result to be more accurate, it is worth listening to some tips.

• Many modern tests can be used at any time of the day, but experts insist that the most accurate result from them can be achieved in the morning.

• You should not trust one test: at such an early date, it can show both a false negative and a false positive result. It is better to do 2-3 more tests with an interval of 2 days.

• Despite the claimed effectiveness of the test, it is better to use it not before the start of the expected menstruation, but in the first days of the delay.

• Many tests do not show results right away. As a rule, the first strip appears instantly and looks clear, but the second one may appear only after 10 minutes and be more blurry. In this case, conducting a few more tests will help make sure that pregnancy has definitely occurred.

• In addition, the quality of the test itself may affect the accuracy of the result. Before buying, you should always make sure that the product is not expired.

What happens to the embryo?

The embryo is still in the Graaffian vesicle. Since the moment of fertilization, he has not changed much in appearance, although he has already formed extra-embryonic organs: chorion, amnion, yolk sac. All of them are necessary for further development. Also in the second week, cell nuclei and cytoplasm are formed. By the end of this period, the egg becomes mature: it has a nucleus, a fully formed cytoplasm, a transparent membrane and a crown of epithelial cells. The shell protects the tiny organism from damage and keeps it alive. Most likely, it will not be possible to examine the future baby on an ultrasound, since it is the size of a poppy seed.

Embryonic and obstetric period.

Doctors count the start of pregnancy not from the expected date of conception, but from the time of egg maturation and the onset of ovulation. That is, it turns out that the 2nd week of pregnancy may not be such, but only testify to the preparation of the body for this process. But if a woman plans to conceive a child, she needs to be attentive to her health and follow the important days of the cycle. If we talk directly about pregnancy, then such a count is obstetric. Embryonic weeks are counted from the date of the expected conception. Thus, in the first week, fertilization and advancement of the egg through the fallopian tubes into the uterus occurred. But in the second week, the fetal egg is fixed in the uterus and the development of the embryo begins.

Embryo or fetus at 2 weeks pregnant.

Specialists distinguish 2 periods in the intrauterine development of the fetus:

• Embryonic. It lasts the first 8 weeks. Accordingly, at the 2nd week of pregnancy we are talking about an embryo. He is still quite small and does not look like a mature person;

• Fetal. It starts from 9 weeks of pregnancy and continues until the very birth. At this time, the fetus acquires characteristic features and every day becomes like a little man.

The development of the embryo depends on the genetic material that the future mother and father laid in it. In addition, the first trimester of pregnancy is the most responsible, since the woman's condition and her lifestyle directly affect further development.

Precautions in the second month of pregnancy.

What is harmful to your unborn child at this time? Here are the risk factors:

• lack of nutrients in the food consumed by the mother, deficiency of vitamins, such as, for example, folic acid and iodine;

• exposure to harmful factors and agents (infections, nicotine, alcohol, radiation, x-rays, drugs, toxic chemicals in the air and water, industrial and household chemicals);

• unhealthy lifestyle - unbalanced sleep and wakefulness, a state of severe and / or chronic stress, low mental attitude, improper diet.

First visit to the doctor in the second month of pregnancy.

Most visits to the doctor occur between 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy.

The doctor will take your personal and family history. It will be an integral part of the prognosis of the development of your pregnancy, along with the results of examinations and tests that you will have to undergo as prescribed by the obstetrician.

Your doctor will need the following information to complete your medical history:

• previous and current illnesses, if any;

• vaccinations you have had throughout your life;

• medications you are currently taking;

• dates of your last cycle;

• birth control methods you have used;

• history of previous pregnancies (delivery, premature birth, cases of miscarriage or termination of pregnancy, as well as ectopic and missed pregnancies);

• hereditary diseases in your family;

• cases of birth of children with malformations;

• diseases of immediate family (including diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and other life-threatening diseases).

For more information about tests and examinations during pregnancy, we consider here.

And finally, we will remind you of what needs to be avoided so that the laying of organs and the development of all the life-supporting systems of the child in the second month of pregnancy go smoothly.

How to survive toxicosis?

Below are a few simple tips that can help ease your condition.

• Do not get out of bed immediately in the morning.

• Eat a couple of crackers before you get up in the morning.

• Eat 5 to 7 small meals throughout the day.

• For nausea, suck on a lemon wedge or candy (lemon, mint, ginger), drink lemon water, mint tea.

• Get more rest, allow yourself a short daytime sleep.

• Breathe in the aromas of lemon, mint, ginger.

• Don't skip meals, don't let yourself feel hungry.

• Eliminate hot, fatty and spicy foods from your diet.

• Take vitamin B6 (50 mg daily).

• Be outdoors, ventilate the rooms in the house well.

• If you are not a sports fan, walking and prenatal gymnastics are your choice to stay physically active.

If you have already accumulated questions about your "interesting position", and if you are one of those prudent people who want to know everything and on time, it's time to pay a visit to the doctor.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother.

When you were still talking about conceiving a child, your uterus was about the size of an orange. By the end of the 8th week, she already reaches the size of a grapefruit.

• The breasts are still sensitive, but now they may begin to swell and gradually increase in size.

• The volume of circulating blood increases by 40 - 50%.

• Already at the very beginning of the second month, there are more symptoms of pregnancy that you can notice. One of them is morning sickness. It usually starts in the 6th week, but can appear as early as a few days after conception.

• Symptoms of morning sickness, despite the name, are observed in the morning, afternoon, and even at night and can continue throughout the first months of pregnancy. In most cases, at the border of the first and second trimesters, they weaken, and by the middle of pregnancy, nausea disappears completely.

• While some expectant mothers may already gain a couple of pounds by the end of the second month, others lose them. Severe bouts of nausea and vomiting are to blame for this - this is how early toxicosis of pregnant women manifests itself.

Between half and two thirds of all pregnant women suffer from this condition. Its main culprit is the increased level of hormones (progesterone and estrogen). Therefore, early toxicosis of pregnant women is considered a “scheduled” physiological phenomenon, in contrast to late toxicosis (called “preeclampsia”), which occurs in the later stages and is not a normal course of pregnancy.

An unbalanced diet, an irrational diet, and lifestyle and work habits can aggravate the severity of symptoms of early toxicosis.

Now is the time to read and talk to experts about proper nutrition for pregnant women and start following their recommendations. Adhering to the principles of a healthy diet and daily routine, continuing to exercise, only less intensely if you did it before, or finding adequate physical activity for yourself (even if just exercises for pregnant women), if you led a sedentary lifestyle before pregnancy - this is the most the best care for yourself and the health of your unborn child.

When vomiting attacks become so intense that you are unable to hold down any food or liquid, you should definitely inform your doctor if you have already chosen one, or schedule a visit to the clinic if you have been postponing it for later. Such conditions require the close attention of a specialist.

If nausea is just a little clouding your mood, you can try to help yourself.

Signs of pregnancy.

Embryo dimensions: height - 15 - 20 mm, weight - 1 g.

We have seen how the development of the child in the womb takes place through the weeks of the second month of pregnancy. And what changes in herself can the expectant mother notice?

Delay. The most obvious of the signs of pregnancy at this time is the delay in the arrival of menstruation. You can use a home test that will determine the level of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine. There are other conditions in which hCG levels can be elevated. Therefore, the result of such a test can be considered as more or less convincing only in combination with a few more features.

Nausea. It can appear as early as 6 weeks, that is, 2 weeks after conception. Some women happily avoid this condition, but most are still familiar with it. Symptoms of morning sickness may appear later, as early as the third month of the first trimester.

• Changes in the breast (increased sensitivity, soreness, darkening of the areola of the nipples).

• Pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and vaginal "smearing" discharge. They are normal for the period of implantation of the ovum into the wall of the uterus. This usually happens within the next 5 to 10 days after the fertilization of the egg.

• Lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue. This condition can come as early as a week after conception. More strength is needed now, so give yourself the opportunity to relax and recover both during the day and at night. Pregnant women may begin to need more sleep - up to 10 hours daily.

• Mood swings and headaches. In the early stages, they may appear as a response to a sharply increased level of hormones.

• Change in taste preferences and intolerance to certain odors. These signs can appear at the earliest stages and continue throughout the pregnancy. It is important that you do not follow the first impulses to chew chalk or eat a jar of pickles, but ask your doctor what food or vitamins for pregnant women can fill the deficiency of nutrients in the body.

• Frequent urination. At the end of the second month, you may find yourself running to the toilet frequently. Naturally, the uterus during pregnancy changes its size and weight (more due to the thickening of the inner layer), the woman has a feeling of fullness, and this leads to more frequent urge to urinate.

8th week of pregnancy.

Main event: completion of organ laying.

• The fetal brain grows rapidly, causing a disproportionate increase in the head compared to the body.

• Externally and internally, the embryo is increasingly acquiring human features: individual parts of the head, torso and elongated limbs can be identified. The body of the embryo begins to straighten gradually.

• The face continues to form: the rudiments of the nose appear, the nostrils become visible, the upper lip is formed. The eyes are almost fully developed, but are still covered by the skin of the not yet fully formed eyelids.

• The ears are still forming closer to the neck, and the eyes are on both sides of the head, which is tilted towards the chest.

• Formed liver, pancreas, lungs.

• The intestine begins its movement from the umbilical cord into the body of the embryo.

• Fingers appear with wide pads and membranes, while they are very short, but they can already be seen on ultrasound.

7th week of pregnancy.

Main event: growing head.

• The head is growing rapidly, and the brain is developing, and the structures that form it are already visible on ultrasound.

• In the gums, the laying of teeth begins.

• Internal organs continue to form: the rectum, bladder, etc. The bronchi and lobes of the lungs develop.

• The brush begins to form, the rudiments of fingers are visible.

• Blood vessels from the embryo join with others in the developing placenta to form the umbilical cord. The embryo is firmly attached to the wall of the uterus.

• The skin of the embryo is thin, blood vessels are clearly visible through it.

Embryo dimensions: 10 - 15 mm in length.