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First month of pregnancy

Another life begins

The first month of pregnancy represents the beginning of the extraordinary journey of pregnancy ahead of you for nine months.

A new life has begun for you. Your baby needs your body to grow. It is that you will receive food and oxygen and it is to you that he will discharge the waste due to the metabolism of cells.

These mother-child exchanges are possible through a complex system: embryonic annexes.

These appendices, which are the placenta and umbilical cord, are neither the mother nor the child. They are just transiently, during the whole period of pregnancy and will be removed after the birth of the child.

Added to this, the amniotic cavity filled with fluid and within which the baby floats.

If you are pregnant and your due date approaches win for the birth of your baby nursery with your equipment Oxybul awakening and games. Each month a park folding high chair, a lounger comfort and a stroller pack trio, this is your chance!

Weeks 1 month

1 2 3 4 5 6

The first week of amenorrhea (the first month of pregnancy)

Pregnancy begins the first day of last menstrual period. The female cycle through different stages:

The follicular phase

The Graafian follicle, a particle located in the ovary that protects and nurtures an oocyte. Each month, one follicle ruptures to release an egg.

Ovulation and spawning ovular

This is the time of the ovarian cycle, between the 14th and 17th day after the first day of last menstrual period, or the ovary releases an egg which will be evacuated to the uterus through the fallopian tubes where it can be fertilized.

So you are in menstruation, the follicular period.

During the previous cycle, your uterus is prepared to receive the egg: it has thickened slightly. Meanwhile, one of your ovaries has released an egg in the fallopian tubes.

If this egg is not fertilized, the ovaries send a hormone that triggers the detachment of the uterine wall and the flow of blood. This is what we call the rules.

The second week of gestation (the first month of pregnancy)

Ovulation and conception.

Watch your temperature, if you notice a sudden drop in temperature over a soaring, this is a sign of ovulation.

Sperm come into contact with the egg, one arrives to enter.

The third week of gestation (the first month of pregnancy)

Segmentation: between 30 and 50 hours, shortly after fertilization, the first cell of your baby will be divided. This is the segmentation.

This division leads to two equally sized cells. Each of these cells will again divide into 4 to the 50th hour, then 8 to the 60th hour. This results in a ball consisting of 16 cells called morula resembling a mulberry (morula in Latin).

Migration: from the 72nd hour and the fourth day, the egg continues to divide by moving the outer third of the fallopian tube or fertilization took place towards the uterine cavity.

The trip will last three days during which the successive divisions by increasing the number of cells in the morula.

The volume of the latter at this stage is the same as the original ovum during fertilization. Only after the sixth cell division, the 64 cell stage, the egg begins to increase in volume.

At this stage of division, there is already a visible difference between the cells of the morula. Peripheral cells, small, surround the central cells, larger, which will be at the origin of the ICM.

This small sphere will widen in the center and form a fluid-filled cavity that houses the cell mass that is the embryonic disc. The morula has become a blastocyst.

The arrival in the uterus between the fourth and fifth day, after its migration, the blastocyst reaches the uterine cavity and it floats freely, there restra during 9 months of pregnancy.

At this point, the zona pellucida surrounding the egg disappears and the blastocyst is joined by a pole in the uterine lining.

In the ovary, the corpus luteum, built from the follicle that issued the egg, produced an enormous amount of progesterone. This prevents the uterus to contract, as it does during menstruation and thus ensures the survival of the egg.

And as everything is provided, the trophoblast secretes during the first weeks of pregnancy a hormone called gonadotropin, which will maintain the corpus luteum activity.

Implantation: the seventh day of fertilization, that is to say 21 or 22 days after the beginning of last menstrual period, the outer cells of the blastocyst begin to penetrate between the cells of the uterine epithelium, marking the beginning of implementation taking place certainly in the second week after fertilization.

The fourth week of gestation (the first month of pregnancy)

The blastocyst has fully penetrated the uterine lining. The gap formed by its introduction to the 10th day is closed by a cap fibrinous provisional until new cells to reconstitute the wall.

Certain cells in the embryonic bud will form a flattened layer and the blastocyst, a small hollow ball, gradually takes the shape of a disc.

The embryonic disc is formed first two layers of cells:

- an inner layer that appears the first
- an outer layer, which derive at the beginning of the third week the median leaflet.
- two-layer embryonic disk has a total length of 0.1 to 0.2 mm.

The fifth week of gestation (the first month of pregnancy)

The baby

Your baby is no longer an egg. It is now an embryo that has already heartbeat.

Its size increases dramatically. It is the size of a grain of wheat. It goes from 0.2 mm to two millimeters through cell divisions that are accelerating.

The heart begins to beat. The early blood vessels appeared. The rhythmic beating heart of this draft set in motion the liquid vessel.

They do not yet contain red blood cells but primitive, mother of the lineage of blood cells.

Nevertheless, blood of your baby is genetically defined from the zygote. A kidney is primitive.

The mother

The beginning of this new week is marked by an event of major importance: the absence of rules.

Finally, what is the big day! Are you pregnant or not?

Heavy breasts and tight, morning sickness, change of smell, frequent urination, loss of appetite.

Your body sends you messages ... and of course the missed period confirms your hunches.

It's time to get yourself a pregnancy test, because if you are pregnant the level of β-HCG hormone is high enough to be detected.

Take the test in the morning, time of day or the hormone is most concentrated.

If the test is positive, take immediate appointment with your gynecologist for your first visit.

The sixth week of gestation (the first month of pregnancy)

The baby

The embryo is now five millimeters. It is a small round sphere an inch and a half in diameter.

He now has the form of a small bean. Its growth will more than double within a week.

Several organs begin to take shape and fall into place:

- The diaphragm is outlined.
- The liver, gallbladder and pancreas are sketched.
- The eye and inner ear are sketched.
- Thyroid and pituitary are sketched.
- The primitive vertebrae (pre cartilage) are set up.
- The neural tube (brain and spinal cord) forms.
- There is a pharyngeal opening (mouth).
- The gut is formed.
- A kidney-shaped intermediate.
- The genital ducts are formed.
- The mother

Clinical signs appeared last week are growing and becoming clearer. They will confirm your status.

Your breasts have increased in volume. They are swollen and painful. The taut skin reveals the venous system. You sometimes have tingling sensations at the nipple.

Choose bras wrap well, with wide shoulder straps, you aurrai need during the coming month of pregnancy.

The uterus also changes. It increases slightly in volume and the cervix becomes softer to the touch. Before fertilization, it is the size of a fresh fig, 4 weeks after fertilization, it looks like a big tangerine.

Your uterus, changing size, will pull on the ligaments that hold it. That's why you have possibly a little painful tightness in the abdomen.

Nausea may continue until the end of the third month of pregnancy (first trimester).