In the event of a day delay, it is important to know when to take the test. Following simple rules will help you avoid common mistakes and get accurate results.
The hCG hormone begins to be produced in a woman's body a week after conception. On the first day of delay, a woman's body already contains a small concentration of hCG.
However, gynecologists recommend waiting 2-3 days after the delay and doing a second procedure. Repeat the manipulation after a week.
If you believe the manufacturers, then with a regular menstrual cycle, the test works already on the first day of the absence of menstruation. Despite this, doctors recommend conducting the first test with a delay in menstruation of 3-7 days.
Inexpensive products on the first day of delay give a negative or indeterminate result. Then it is recommended to wait another 3-6 days and repeat the procedure. It is important to understand that sometimes fertilization occurs a few days after intercourse, and therefore, sexual contact cannot act as a starting point.
It is very difficult to determine on which day of a delay in menstruation to take a pregnancy test with an irregular cycle. Gynecologists recommend trying again several times. The first time the test is done at the time of the expected start date of menstruation. The second time the manipulation is repeated after a week, then again after 3-5 days. If the indicator is negative or indefinite in all cases, but there is still no regulation, a possible reason may be the ectopic location of the embryo.
Reliability does not always depend on the time of day or night. A very important indicator in this situation is the sensitivity of the test. Thus, you can find out the result both immediately after waking up, and during the day. The level of hCG does not depend on the time of day or any external indicators.