This pathology, depending on the gestational age, can be of two types:
• Early oligohydramnios during pregnancy - diagnosed before 20 weeks, often due to failure of the membranes.
• Late oligohydramnios during pregnancy - manifests itself in the 2-3 trimester, develops mainly against the background of other diseases and complications associated with the attachment and functioning of the placenta.
The clinic of oligohydramnios during pregnancy is determined by the degree of decrease in the level of OPV. In the case of a slight decrease (within 400-700 ml), they speak of a moderate severity of the pathology. Such oligohydramnios during pregnancy is manifested only on ultrasound, there are no objective symptoms. If the deficit of amniotic fluid is more than 700 ml, the diagnosis is "pronounced oligohydramnios". Patients experience nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and dry mucous membranes are often present. A characteristic feature is also pain during the motor activity of the fetus.