What are the causes of oligohydramnios during pregnancy? The main reason obstetricians consider the discrepancy between the size of the uterus necessary for a certain period of bearing a child. Also, this condition can cause limited fetal mobility. However, the mechanism of occurrence of oligohydramnios has not yet been elucidated. Doctors agree that the impetus for the development of pathology can be:
• maternal obesity caused by metabolic disorders;
• delayed pregnancy, as a result of which the protective functions fade;
• multiple pregnancy;
• untreated bacterial infections;
• high blood pressure in the mother during pregnancy;
• congenital pathologies in the fetus;
• pathology of the formation of the epithelium in the mother;
• other reasons.
We are talking about a post-term pregnancy if the baby is not born after 38-40 weeks. The body turns off its protective functions, a partial detachment of the placenta occurs. In this case, the woman is artificially induced into labor, because a delayed pregnancy can lead to the death of the child.
With multiple pregnancies, an uneven distribution of nutrients can occur, as a result of which one of the twins may suffer from oligohydramnios. However, when carrying twins, the baby suffers slightly. Things are much worse when carrying three or more children.
Untreated bacterial infections of the mother can be found not only in the reproductive organs, but also in the placenta. Therefore, gynecologists recommend undergoing a full course of treatment, diagnosis before planning a pregnancy.
High blood pressure is a dangerous situation during pregnancy. With a slight increase in pressure, the child does not suffer. But if the pressure jumps regularly, this may result in a decrease in the production of amniotic fluid. High pressure in the mother negatively affects the functioning of the placenta, which causes pathological changes of varying severity in the child. In obstetric practice, there are many cases of stopping the development of the fetus due to pressure surges in the mother.
With congenital pathologies of development (they are determined by ultrasound diagnostics), the fetus is aborted. Also, a lack of amniotic fluid may appear against the background of a pathological deviation in the structure of the epithelium in the mother.