Importance of amniotic fluid for a child.
• nutrition;
• gas exchange;
• removal of fetal waste products;
• protects against infection and toxins, thanks to the bactericidal component;
• maintains a constant comfortable temperature.
Through the amniotic fluid, the embryo receives hormones, vitamins, oxygen and other useful substances. Through the fetal bladder and amniotic fluid, the baby contacts the mother's body as an autonomous organism. This explains the fact that many children do not take the maternal blood type, but the paternal one. Also, before the birth of a child, it is the amniotic fluid that exerts pressure on the cervix, as a result of which it begins to open.
Amniotic fluid provides the child with a comfortable existence in the womb.
However, at different periods of bearing a baby, the volume of amniotic fluid is different: this is due to the need for nutrients. If at the beginning of pregnancy the volume of water is 500 ml, then by the end it increases to 1500 ml. Just before the birth, it decreases to 600 - 500 ml. But if the volume of liquid is below 500 ml, then we are talking about oligohydramnios.