The second trimester is the best period of pregnancy. The birth is still far away, the hormones have finally fulfilled their function and calmed down, the toxicosis has receded. The growing uterus is already changing the contours of the waist, but so far the woman herself sees this to a greater extent, unless, of course, she has a multiple pregnancy.
Since the uterus rises into the abdominal cavity, the pressure on the intestines increases, which means that constipation, flatulence, shortness of breath, and heartburn are more common. A woman's weight increases, so a feeling of heaviness and fatigue may appear, especially at the end of the day. The back may ache a little and pull the lower abdomen, but this is due to the growing uterus.
There should be no suspicious vaginal discharge and severe pain. If such symptoms bother a woman, she should immediately consult a doctor.
With proper pregnancy management, the first planned ultrasound should already be completed by this time. If you haven't done it yet, now is the time to fix it. This examination helps to clarify the number of fetuses, to exclude developmental anomalies. The doctor finds out the size of the baby, determines the gestational age, the date of birth.
At the beginning of the second trimester, a woman should avoid stress and take care of her health, be attentive to the diet and physical activity. Otherwise, the 13th week of pregnancy is a period of enjoying your condition.