Factors for delaying menstrual flow are quite diverse. Normally, the duration of the menstrual cycle is about 21-35 days.
When the test does not show pregnancy with a delay, the patient needs a gynecological consultation.
When the rules are delayed for a week, and the conception is not confirmed by the test, then the girl is assigned a comprehensive examination, during which the true factors of why the pregnancy test is negative and there are no periods will be established.
At times, negative readings can be false, especially if testing is done on the first day of delay. Then the content of chorionic gonadotropin is still too low and the test systems cannot yet feel it. Experts distinguish several types of delay:
1. In case of accidental lengthening of the cycle for more than 35 days, which is why the delay occurs;
2. Amenorrhea - when there is no menstruation for several months;
3. Delays associated with rare menstrual bleeding every 40-60 days, while menstruation lasts only 1 or 2 days;
4. Ordinary delays, not hazardous to health and lasting a few days.
If situations when there are no periods in a timely manner disturb a woman regularly, while the delay period reaches two weeks or stretches for several months, then gynecological intervention is indispensable.
Usually, when menstruation is delayed for several days, it is impossible to determine the cause of the delay on your own.
Whether the girl has become pregnant or cycle failures have occurred, these conditions do not differ from the first day of the delay, and specific symptoms appear much later.