The beginning of the second trimester is the active growth of the baby. By this period, the length of his body is 7 cm, and the child already weighs 25-28 g. This is already an almost full-fledged tiny man, whose body parts acquire proportionality. His head is not so big, because the active growth of the rest of the body begins.
Interesting! The eyes of the child are located closer to each other, and the facial features acquire individuality. Although at this stage of pregnancy it will not be possible to understand who your child looks like.
Changes that occur to the fetus:
• The heart works at a rate of 140 0 170 beats per minute and is able to pump 23 liters of blood.
• A system of 20 milk teeth has been formed, which are still in the gums. Mom needs to be more careful about her diet and introduce more calcium-containing foods into it.
• This is the time for active development of the digestive system. The pancreas begins to produce insulin, and the gallbladder - bile. Villi appear in the intestines to process food.
• The skeletal system is strengthened.
• Formed vocal cords.
• The first signs of the development of the auricles appear.
• At the 13th week, nature makes its own adjustments to the appearance of the sexual characteristics of the unborn child. During this period, the prostate gland develops in boys, and the ovaries in girls, and there is a laying for the penis or female genitalia.
• The baby's skin is still thin and red due to translucent blood vessels.
• Muscles develop, the neck is no longer so tightly pressed to the head. Mimicry is also supplemented - the child learns to make sucking movements.
At the 13th week of pregnancy, the development of the baby does not bypass the emotional sphere. He can listen to external sounds, moves less erratically, perceives smells and even tastes better. During the time that a woman is carrying a child, he gets used to a certain diet, as he is sensitive to the taste of amniotic fluid. Therefore, it is not recommended for a mother to change her eating habits after childbirth.
The child is not yet moving so actively to let the mother feel it. Some women often confuse the movements of the fetus with the processes occurring in the intestines. But now the baby begins to grimace more strongly.
During this period, the mother can actively communicate with her child - talk, sing songs, tell stories. Her voice soothes the little man.