Timely detection and treatment of oligohydramnios during pregnancy allows you to bring the fetus to 37-38 weeks of gestation and give birth to a healthy baby. The most unfavorable prognosis is observed in the case of obstetric pathology in the 2nd-3rd trimester in combination with intrauterine growth retardation. In such a situation, the death of the child or its significant growth retardation and functional immaturity are possible. To avoid the development of oligohydramnios during pregnancy, a woman, even before conception, must undergo a complete examination and treatment of concomitant diseases of the internal organs. After fertilization, the prevention of oligohydramnios involves timely registration with a gynecologist, the delivery of all necessary tests. To prevent the development of oligohydramnios during pregnancy, stress, physical activity, and the influence of negative factors on the body of the expectant mother and fetus should be excluded. Be sure to provide a balanced diet rich in fortified foods.