General therapeutic scheme for the treatment of oligohydramnios.
• complete nutrition of a woman;
• taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
• medicines to correct metabolic processes in the placenta;
• preparations to combat the pathology that caused the decrease in water volume.
Moderately severe oligohydramnios during pregnancy does not require hospitalization of a woman; with severe pathology, the patient should be under constant obstetric supervision. With moderate oligohydramnios, it is recommended to limit physical activity, completely eliminate physical activity, eat well, take prescribed medications.
With oligohydramnios, the gynecologist may prescribe a regular ultrasound examination, every third day dopplerography, an additional CTG of the child. All doctor's recommendations should be followed.
It is impossible to artificially increase the volume of amniotic fluid. It is important to establish good nutrition through the placenta, to provide the baby with a sufficient amount of oxygen.
If a woman has not cured a bacterial infection that could provoke a shortage of water, she will be hospitalized for treatment. Obstetricians try to create favorable conditions for the development of the baby in the mother's body. But if this fails, a caesarean section is performed and the child is examined in a hospital.
A woman must understand that any deviation from the norm is harmful to the baby. Therefore, constant monitoring of the state of health will help to avoid abnormalities in the development of the embryo, to give birth to a healthy child. With a clinical picture with severe oligohydramnios, the question of artificial birth may arise, if the timing of pregnancy allows. A caesarean section is also often performed if the woman is unable to give birth on her own. In the early stages, the embryo is removed if serious malformations are noticeable.