A woman has a fairly smooth growth of the abdomen, it increases gradually and does not cause discomfort in everyday life. The bottom of the uterus is already palpable through the anterior abdominal cavity at a height of 15-20 cm from the pubis.
In the body, there is an intensive production of melanin pigment, which is deposited in the skin. This process is caused by a hormonal background and causes the appearance of age spots on the surface of the skin, which can form in completely different places. Often a dark stripe appears on the abdomen, which has a brown tint and goes from the navel to the pubis. Rarely, the cause of increased melanin synthesis is a lack of vitamins in the body.
Brown spots should appear without any sensation. If their occurrence is accompanied by swelling, redness or discomfort, you should see a doctor. Such reactions may be the result of allergies or dermatosis of pregnant women - a common skin disease. Pigment spots can have a different shade - from light beige to dark brown. Almost always, such manifestations after the appearance of the baby disappear on their own. The use of whitening creams during pregnancy is possible only after consulting a doctor, because they may be unsafe for the fetus.