Each test comes with clear instructions that detail what needs to be done. It is slightly different for different tests. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the result will be almost as reliable as a blood test in the laboratory. But the result may be incorrect due to errors, so they should be excluded:
• don't test too early. Immediately after conception, even a sensitive test will not show anything, so it is best to wait until the first day when there is a delay;
• in the early stages, it is best to do the test in the morning, since it is carried out in the afternoon and even more so in the evening, it is likely to give a false result;
• in the evening before the test, you need to limit your water intake and, moreover, do not use diuretics;
• an overdue test is a very high probability of a false negative result. Therefore, before using the test, it is necessary to check its expiration date.
Other factors may also be the cause of the incorrect result. For example, it could be a tumor or an ectopic pregnancy. as well as other diseases. So do not consider a pregnancy test as true. This is not the last resort - after testing, you should definitely make an appointment with a gynecologist. It will confirm whether a woman is really in a position or refute this fact.