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The epidural

The advantages and disadvantages

Access to the epidural becomes more and more classic and easier and easier, however it is a decision to make, and some people are strongly opposed to this technique.

For some, the suffering is part of the history of childbirth and childbirth. Apart from religious considerations, as some believe the birth passage, transformation of the woman as a mother, and pain is the symbolic representative of this passage, it would be necessary for the construction of maternal identity.

Beyond these considerations, some women feel robbed, as if the epidural had taken away the ability to give of themselves to put her child in the world. Actually it all depends on the concentration of the injected dose ...

The idea of passivity in this moment is unsustainable, but the comfort that brings the epidural is also important.

All the advantages of staying active during pregnancy

Why do you remain active? Succeed in getting up and getting dressed is perhaps already a great "test" if you are bloated or nauseated, you believe it or not, a little effort you could bring some energy and you remember how you were before the start of the pregnancy. Yes, sports improves muscle tone, strength and stamina ... which is very useful both to help you withstand the pounds due to baby, to prepare for the physical stress of childbirth and to facilitate fitness after the birth of your baby. Now that you're pregnant, learn safety precautions to take before beginning any new sport.

8 good reasons to exercise:

Have more energy

Pregnancy can you "steal" your energy, but regular efforts, such as brisk walking, will help you stay fit and manage your daily tasks. Sport strengthens your cardiovascular system, you tire less easily. With muscles strong and full of tone, you will not need to make great efforts to undertake an activity, whether shopping or attending a long business meeting.

Benefits of acupuncture during pregnancy

Acupuncture and herbal medicine help women get pregnant more easily through their pregnancy, but mostly they help the fetus to develop harmoniously through the body and metabolism revigorating mother and enhancing its immune functions. They also deal with complications of pregnancy such as: risk of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, toxemia of pregnancy, preecclampsia, respiratory viral infections, urinary infections, iron deficiency anemia, etc. .. There are no side effects or cons-indications, the acupuncturist will avoid simply stimulate certain acupoints.

It cleans and purifies the body

One benefit that may arise from traditional therapies during pregnancy is cleansing and detoxifying the body. In his life, the human body accumulates cell residues (deposits of dead cells and toxins) in its tissues, a process affecting the biological activity and causing fatigue, immune deficiencies, metabolic disorders, etc. .. Acupuncture and herbal medicine improve maternal health by removing these deposits; Thus, they offer the option of a fetus developing in a healthy body clean.

Physical activities

Caution should be exercised

If sport is generally beneficial, caution is needed: women who do not practice sport activity before pregnancy should avoid beginning a during the first trimester of pregnancy. Wait for the fourth month of gestation to begin a physical activity other than walking, swimming or cycling, in accordance with the following instructions.

However, if you are a sports long, you can continue this activity, but without increasing the intensity or frequency during the first quarter.

The recommended sports

Here is a partial list of activities that can be done safely if you follow some basic precautions.

The diet during pregnancy

During the pregnancy, your child is completely dependent on you. A responsibility that rests, among other things, on your diet. How to eat properly during those nine months?

I eat, so you become

Being pregnant is no reason not to eat for two. More than ever, your diet should be balanced and healthy; prefer quality to quantity. Adopt the following habits:

Follow your appetite, there is no better guide food provided that they remain reasonable and moderate. Pregnancy is an exciting time to be listening to his body, enjoy it.

Drink plenty, at least 1.5 liters a day. The low mineral water is recommended for pregnant women. Ditto for milk, whose consumption is recommended half a liter per day.

Working life during pregnancy

How to reconcile working life and pregnancy?

Professional life

If your pregnancy is progressing normally and that your profession exposes you to any risk, there is no reason why it is detrimental to the fetus. In addition, the legislation provides the legal obligations the employer, such as maternity leave, prohibition of harmful work or the quiescence if not possible development of working conditions.


Again, if your pregnancy is progressing without complications or medical problems, there is no reason to stop your physical activity, provided that they are not violent or likely to cause falls. Practiced regularly and moderately, sports activity can even be beneficial for both your health and that of your unborn baby. Not too many sports before getting pregnant? It is then recommended to start an exercise program. Learn more about this?

What is a belt of pregnancy?

Belt pregnant woman (also called support belt or waistband of pregnancy) you will more easily support the weight of your belly during your pregnancy.

It is not necessary to use it as soon pregnancy test, blood test or pregnancy. It will be useful when you feel your belly gets too big for your back (towards the end of pregnancy if you are expecting a single child, but it can be very useful early in pregnancy in the case of twins or triplets) .

It is used to size, and is placed under your tummy. The weight of the belly then rests in part on the belt maternity, and more on your back. It is bought in pharmacies.

If you find that this belt is too big or too expensive, you can replace it with a band of pregnancy (only if your belly is not too big).

These bands are readily available in stores such as Hall Clothing.

The benefits of honey

Honey is considered the only food that contains all the substances necessary. History has recorded honey as the drug most commonly used in ancient Egypt while in the First World War, honey mixed with cod liver oil have been used to treat the wound of the soldier.

Honey is also mentioned in the holy book for Muslims, the Koran while the great Napoleon also used the bee as a symbol of his empire.

There are many scientific studies that show honey as a wonderful food. I just want to give an example. In a recent study, researchers at the University of California, Davis, reported in March 2004 that daily consumption of raw honey may raise polyphenolic antioxidant levels in the blood and reduce the risk of damage by free radicals. This means improving the immune system and strengthening the body.

So what are you waiting? Eating honey today!

The egg is it good for you?

The eggs are generally appreciated by young and old. But if they contain vitamins, they are accused also increase cholesterol and other inconveniences. So can you eat an omelet without risk? Pregnant women, seniors, children ... discover your profile depending on the advantages and disadvantages of these products.

According to different periods of life, the eggs do not offer the same advantages and disadvantages. A short guide ...

Pregnant women

Advantages: Eggs are a good food, which will cover your needs for energy and protein. In addition, it will bring iron, essential mineral during pregnancy. Finally, it contains vitamin A is important for fetal growth.

Precautions: Caution during pregnancy, avoid eating raw foods of animal origin. This also applies to the eggs! Anyway, they are not very digestible if they are not cooked. (And with respect to the mayonnaise and other creams, take only very fresh eggs to prepare them). Keep your eggs in the refrigerator, do not eat egg cracked and do not wash them before using them. Instead, wash your hands after handling or broken. Some even advise to avoid breaking the eggs on the edge of the container used to prepare!

The unnecessary cervical cerclage?

In certain high-risk pregnancies, it performs an operation on behalf barbarian: the cervical cerclage! This technique is intended to prevent miscarriages and premature deliveries. But what is that procedure? What are the indications? Profits Are some? Overview ...

The cervical cerclage is a classic intervention in gynecology for women at risk.

Incompetent cervix: who is at risk?

The main indication of banding is a problem called "incompetent cervix". As its name suggests, it is too large an opening of the cervix, which prevents it from fulfilling its role as a mechanical barrier during pregnancy. This can cause miscarriage in early preterm deliveries and thereafter. The origin of this problem is often Congenital the cervix occurs naturally in some women this problem of incompetence. But it can also be the result of an operation, an abortion, etc..

Banding: how does it work?

To resolve this problem, the proposed treatment is the cervical cerclage. Of course, only your doctor can tell you if this method is most suited to you. Specifically, is placed a sort of wire in the wall of the cervix, so as to form a closed loop. This prevents opening during pregnancy. This operation is performed vaginally, under local anesthesia. The thread will be removed at the end of pregnancy, to allow delivery. Warning of course: if you have a hoop, that does not excuse to comply with the advice of his doctor, including lifestyle, to avoid the risk of preterm delivery.

The epidural

It allows more in some high-risk pregnancies or pregnancies classic

-The epidural has replaced general anesthesia was performed before in some cases, especially for cesarean section, and where forceps delivery.

Aftermath of an epidural are much less severe than the consequences of general anesthesia. Additionally, moms are aware and strongly present at the birth of their babies.

What is deeply important ...

-The major advantage of an epidural is that it keeps constant the vital functions, blood pressure, hormonal influence, therefore, it maintains a calm and supportive environment for childbirth.

It therefore allows to give birth naturally some women with a high risk pregnancy, including:

The negative effect of drinking soft drinks

Soft drinks are defined as soft drinks (as opposed to hard drinks are alcoholic beverages).

Soft drinks are mainly composed of sparkling water mixed with sugar or artificial sweetener, and various natural or artificial flavorings and colorings. Many contain caffeine.

Benefits of drinking soft drinks:

Soft drinks are refreshing and can provide a quick energy boost their blood sugar or caffeine.

Negative effect of drinking soft drinks:

Soft drinks contain caffeine, a stimulant that causes the body to release cortisol, which in turn triggers insulin release. Over time the caffeine makes your body an insulin resistant so that it converts glucose into fat and stores it in your belly. One study estimated that the caffeine sensitivity to insulin was reduced by 15% in people without diabetes. In adults, excessive caffeine may increase blood pressure and cause irregular heartbeats. People who react to caffeine should choose a decaffeinated soft drinks that are available.

Caffeine also increased levels of free "bad fatty acids" in the blood and levels of the hormone adrenaline.

The benefits of pregnancy

We often talk about the negative changes that women experience during pregnancy. But this beautiful stage of life can surprise pregnant women by providing them with many advantages and benefits to their mental and physical health.

Indeed, the design indicates good fertility and therefore good health. Breastfeeding in turn decreases the probability of having breast cancer. In addition, placental hormones provide women some advantages compared to those who will never fall pregnant.

After pregnancy, the mothers who suffered from pain during menstruation to overcome this evil be up to 70%. Before childbirth, the cervix of the woman remains closed (not dilated), causing pain. But after giving birth, the cervix will happen naturally while reducing pain.

Sex and sensuality of a pregnant woman to see an advantage in pregnancy. Anxiety disappears design and pelvic congestion facilitates blood flow to the clitoris, enhancing sexual pleasure.

Manage the discomforts of pregnancy

From the beginning of the sixth month, the small inconveniences of pregnancy are beginning to be more present. This is the time to learn to sit, to stand up and to lift heavy objects with your back straight.

Pregnancy has its drawbacks

The weight of the child is feeling much later in the day, causing fatigue and little pain. It is often necessary to add to heartburn and difficulty sleeping with, in addition, some backache and back pain.

Pregnant, take care of your posture, your muscles and your sleep

The latter often reflect the curve of the spine. Also, from now on, you must avoid standing too long, you learn to sit, get up and lift heavy objects with your back straight, that is to say, bending knees and no spine! It is also to strengthen your muscles, for example with one or two sessions per week in swimming pool hot - Indian breaststroke and backstroke in preference to the breaststroke. Alternatively, in some cases, wear a belt of pregnancy.

Pregnancy small inconveniences

Many small inconveniences incurred in the course of pregnancy. Some are trying and you should know that others may hide a real complication.

Nausea and vomiting, preserve the first trimester of pregnancy can be mild but sometimes require serious medical care.

Usually, nausea and vomiting occur in the morning at sunrise, or sometimes when the pregnant woman is in contact with particular odors.

To avoid these problems, we must advise pregnant women to take a breakfast rich in sugar before getting up and avoiding of course she finds unpleasant odors (especially tobacco).

Sometimes it will be necessary to resort to a kind Metoclopramide therapy.

The benefits of nine months of pregnancy:

Pregnancy, although its share of unpleasantness, is also a wonderful period of physical and moral development for women. Sets discover the benefits of pregnancy.

Because the pregnancy is not because of inconvenience, many pregnant women are so very blooming and healthy.

Having a child is an important choice, a source of great joy but also a beauty treatment for the mother.

The nine months of gestation may indeed be related to renewed health for the body of the mother.

One of the most common hormonal dysfunction, which affects about 30% of women is the polycystic ovary syndrome characterized by ovarian cysts that cause irregular cycles even without ovulation.

Polycystic can also be accompanied by acne and excessive hair.

Weeks of gestation and pregnancy: what's the difference?

Not easy to navigate all these barbaric terms used by your doctor. You knew a long time that pregnancy lasted nine months but when the doctor began to speak to you in weeks of amenorrhea and weeks of pregnancy, you do not dare tell him that you "pataugiez" somewhat! Fortunately, writing helps you see more clearly!

Amenorrhea is the absence of rules which a cause is pregnancy.

The weeks of gestation for a unit of time used in obstetrics to calculate gestational age and date the pregnancy.

How to count pregnancy?

It uses several methods to calculate the arrival of your baby. When calculating the pregnancy in weeks of gestation (WG), we start from the first day of last menstrual period. When talking in weeks of pregnancy, from the day of fertilization. In theory it is held on the fourteenth day of a 28-day cycle. Specifically, if your last period date back to January 1, the doctor will calculate your pregnancy from that date then you have been fertilized to 14 January. So on January 30, you are four weeks of gestation or 2 weeks of pregnancy. So there is a difference two weeks depending on whether you express yourself in weeks of gestation or weeks of pregnancy.

Second trimester of pregnancy, the fifth month

The awakening sensations, 5 months
18 weeks pregnant, 19, 20, 21, 22 - 20 weeks of gestation, 21, 22, 23, 24

The appearance of mother

The second quarter is generally the one where the mother feels best. You are in full bloom, you have confidence in you, the baby is half way and you start to feel him move.

Your body is now that of a pregnant woman for most. Your belly is rounded and it is not coming in your regular clothes, plan, if not already done so, your pregnancy wardrobe.

Your breasts swell, swell. The areola darkens and grows also, do not worry, it will disappear after pregnancy.

Ninth month of pregnancy

You'll finally see your baby

It is the ninth month of pregnancy, it's almost the end of your long journey! You want this pregnancy ends, your baby too!

He is anxious to get out of his cockpit increasingly close to finally see this world around him and he hears the sounds.

This month is all about weight gain. Normally, your baby is three kilos and more ...

If you are pregnant and your due date approaches win for the birth of your baby nursery with your equipment Oxybul awakening and games. Each month a park folding high chair, a lounger comfort and a stroller pack trio, this is your chance!

Eighth month of pregnancy

The time for a third ultrasound

During this month of pregnancy your baby will turn to move in the right direction. Upside down, it takes out its provisions now before you get too big.

Do you know the menu prefer your baby? Calcium and iron!

If you are pregnant and your due date approaches win for the birth of your baby nursery with your equipment Oxybul awakening and games. Each month a park folding high chair, a lounger comfort and a stroller pack trio, this is your chance!

Weeks of the 8th month
32 33 34 35 36

Seventh month of pregnancy

The stomach, kidneys, intestines ... work

During the seventh month of pregnancy, your baby has perceptions of sounds and sensations also. He sees the intense emotions you can feel.

He felt indirectly through you secrete adrenaline and suddenly crosses the placenta.

His brain continues its development, it is already prepared for the operation of vital systems outside the uterus, it can:

- manage the respiratory rhythm
- coordinate the contractions of the gastrointestinal tract
- regulate body temperature

Sixth month of pregnancy

During the sixth month of pregnancy, your baby will partially open eyes. It can not distinguish the world around him, but he understood.

His weight began to be felt. Now his lungs secrete a substance called surfactant, necessary to help the alveoli to mature.

His muscles develop and generously give it a less angular, more particularly in the buttocks and shoulders. For their part, the bones harden more and begin to articulate them.

If you are pregnant and your due date approaches win for the birth of your baby nursery with your equipment Oxybul awakening and games. Each month a park folding high chair, a lounger comfort and a stroller pack trio, this is your chance!

Weeks of the sixth month
24 25 26 27

Fifth month of pregnancy

The mask of pregnancy appeared

The fifth month of pregnancy is great for him because he finally has all the basic structure of human thought.

In his brain, nerve cells are there. They will start connecting to each other.

At this stage, you feel your baby do somersaults and he does not hesitate to give you a kick, even at night!

If you are pregnant and your due date approaches win for the birth of your baby nursery with your equipment Oxybul awakening and games. Each month a park folding high chair, a lounger comfort and a stroller pack trio, this is your chance!

Weeks of the fifth month
20 21 22 23

Fourth month of pregnancy

Your heart beats faster than usual

The fourth month of pregnancy, another month and a new quarter begins. Time passes slowly but surely. This is the beginning of your second trimester.

During this month, your baby will grow because its growth rate will reach a maximum. Its organs are now in place and began to operate.

During the fourth month of pregnancy, relationships will be established between the bodies will learn to work together, each subordinate body of the work of another and eventually govern the entire organism.

At this stage, your child has the color of a shrimp because her skin is transparent and allows to distinguish its network of blood vessels. His heart beats three times faster than yours and his first hair starts to grow on his head.

As for you, you enter a special time where you will feel good. You will experience something new.

Third month of pregnancy

The new month of pregnancy and your baby begins is now a little man with a big head, arms and legs and most of his internal organs.

Now it is no longer an embryo but a fetus. During this month, the size of your baby will triple and quadruple its weight with a relatively slow growth of the head relative to the body.

If you are pregnant and your due date approaches win for the birth of your baby nursery with your equipment Oxybul awakening and games. Each month a park folding high chair, a lounger comfort and a stroller pack trio, this is your chance!

Weeks of the third month
11 12 13 14 15

Second month of pregnancy

no physical effort ...

This second month of pregnancy beginning for your baby to be born will see accelerated growth since the space of four weeks, its size will increase from 5 mm to more than 3 cm.

All organs of your baby will definitely put in place during these four weeks. Each week, you will discover the wonders that makes your baby.

If you are pregnant and your due date approaches win for the birth of your baby nursery with your equipment Oxybul awakening and games. Each month a park folding high chair, a lounger comfort and a stroller pack trio, this is your chance!

Weeks of the second month
7 8 9 10

The seventh week of gestation (second month of pregnancy)

First month of pregnancy

Another life begins

The first month of pregnancy represents the beginning of the extraordinary journey of pregnancy ahead of you for nine months.

A new life has begun for you. Your baby needs your body to grow. It is that you will receive food and oxygen and it is to you that he will discharge the waste due to the metabolism of cells.

These mother-child exchanges are possible through a complex system: embryonic annexes.

These appendices, which are the placenta and umbilical cord, are neither the mother nor the child. They are just transiently, during the whole period of pregnancy and will be removed after the birth of the child.

Added to this, the amniotic cavity filled with fluid and within which the baby floats.

If you are pregnant and your due date approaches win for the birth of your baby nursery with your equipment Oxybul awakening and games. Each month a park folding high chair, a lounger comfort and a stroller pack trio, this is your chance!

5 months of pregnancy: weeks of pregnancy 18-19-20-21-22 weeks gestation 20-21-22-23-24

You are halfway your pregnancy and this month, you start to feel baby move. Your stomach becomes difficult to hide and everybody knows you are pregnant.

Your Pregnancy

You feel better, more fulfilling and full of energy but you short of breath very quickly because your uterus, developing, reduces your rib cage with the fact that you must breathe for two. It becomes very useful to start the breathing exercises which will be used at the time of delivery.

Your body continues to change and now looks like that of a pregnant woman, you must now change clothes, it's time to plan your pregnancy wardrobe.

Your breasts are swollen and must be maintained by a good bra, they sometimes secrete a yellowish fluid, not to worry, this is called colostrum, which feed the baby first days after giving birth.


Basically, for three reasons:

  because they do not know that it is useless. Well, yes, unfortunately, the French doctors are not trained to know the risks of ovarian physiology ... They are taught the disease, not the normal variants in healthy people.

  because women are concerned and demand a solution - and, like drugs are eager to help and can not explain the above, and are especially trained to prescribe drugs they prescribe a drug ...

  because dealers sell drugs, long, products designed to address this type of "problem" and have always been promoting to doctors

The prototype of the product used to "cook the rules" is the ° Duphaston (dydrogesterone). This is a product close to progesterone but has modest effects, if not very different from those of placebo. It was sold long ago, in 1961, at a time when the requirements for effectiveness of the drugs were not those of today (it was marketing just about anything ... )

You do not have periods for several weeks, and you want to be pregnant but you're not

It is neither appropriate nor necessary nor useful to take a treatment for "fry the rules."

Why? Because it is not rules that you need, but an ovulation. However, the only drugs that can trigger ovulation are only given to women with ovulation problems. In other words: a proven infertility - that is, who tried to become pregnant for at least two years with a man who himself is fertile (30% of infertility is related to sperm quality, and a variable proportion genetic incompatibility between the two partners)

Secondly, the fact of not having rules (and therefore, not to ovulate) is not at all a sign of infertility. It may be a sign of lots of things that disrupt the cycle because evolution has endowed the brain of a "blockage of ovulation" when the body "feels" not to be physically fit to carry a pregnancy well . It is for this reason that women who lose weight or who may take several weeks or months, if they do not have adequate weight, be without ovulation and without rules. Treatment, then this is ... return to the proper weight. That is not to force ovulation or "fry the rules"

You have missed a period and you do not want to be pregnant.

What to do: a pregnancy test. Yes. Even if you do not want to be pregnant, it is best to go straight to the point. There is no evidence, until you have done a test, you are pregnant. No accompanying symptoms is conclusive: there may be nausea, breast tenderness and cravings without being pregnant. Unless it has ever been pregnant and we all recognize the symptoms. But anyway, to make a decision, he should get tested. And then date the pregnancy, to consider, where appropriate, termination of pregnancy.

Do not take medication to "cook the rules". (Neither ask a doctor.)

For a long time before the abortion could be legalized in France (and elsewhere) it was common that some doctors prescribe a "medicine to reverse the rules" - in fact to cause a miscarriage or an abortion "quietly", without anyone knowing. These drugs had no abortifacient effect. They could however be maternally toxic or cause deformities in children ...

Apart from those used to stop early pregnancy (mifepristone and prostaglandin) in approved centers, no drug can "fry the rules."

Is there a treatment to "return the rules"?

The things you need to remember are these:

  the female menstrual cycle is not regular; regularity of 28 days is a legend: only a third of healthy women have a cycle of about 28 days. The majority have a shorter cycle, or longer ... irregular;

  it is not necessary to have rules at regular intervals to be fertile, it is not even necessary to ovulate every month, and today the majority of women wishing to have a small number of children (between 1 and 3 ...), many women considered "low fertility" (compared to others) is strong enough to have the children they desire WITHOUT EXPLORATION OR TREATMENTS!

  rules usually appear two weeks after ovulation unmated, but NOT ALWAYS! There are women who menstruate without ovulating, and women who ovulate without rules when they are waiting, all without being pregnant;

How to use abortion pills Misoprostol (Cytotec)

Misoprostol is a drug approved for use to prevent gastric ulcers. Most know Misoprostol brand name is Cytotec.

Misoprostol (Cytotec) also induces uterine contractions that are often used off-label as abortion pills for pregnancy. Studies have shown that misoprostol (Cytotec) can be used to terminate pregnancies of any gestation.

Schedule of use Misoprostol (Cytotec) abortion pills that solution is here on this page summarizes a number of studies investigated the use of misoprostol (Cytotec) alone to end the pregnancy.

These doses and usage guidelines have been produced by the group of experts convened by WHO (World Health Organization) in Italy in February 2007. These documents were published in the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2007, vol. 99).

How abortion?

Abortion or abortion (Abortion) allows pregnant women as pregnancy in a situation of distress to ask a doctor to terminate this pregnancy.

Abortion is a serious decision to be taken in good conscience and the woman must be the sole judge to perform this act, it should not be pressured by others.

Here are the steps to perform an abortion:

It is first necessary to check if the pregnancy is real, why the only thing to do is a pregnancy test.

There are 3 ways to make a pregnancy test:

Urine test: In-counter in pharmacies, outstanding. Very good reliability. If in doubt do not hesitate to repeat the test.
Blood test: Practiced in a medical analysis laboratory by blood. Requires a prescription from a doctor. Reimbursed. Reliability almost constant from the 10th day after the report supposed fertilizing.
In a family planning center these tests may be made immediately and freely.
If the test is positive, should be contacted as soon as possible with a structure practicing abortion.

Prevention causes abortion, treatment of miscarriage

Abortion is the expulsion or coming out of the fetus before the end of gestational age, which is unsustainable. Miscarriage is the term used for the expulsion of the fetus or embryo before 20 weeks gestation. Abortion can occur naturally due to biological causes or external or abortion can be induced. Induced abortion is through medical or surgical treatment. In these modern millions of years and millions of abortions are performed as induced abortions, to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

From the ancient period itself induced abortion is in practice. In ancient times natural medicines such as herbs and other plants were used. In Indian ethics, it is said induced abortion is sin.

Even though abortion is used as a therapeutic method, it is discussed as a medical condition. Induced abortion is called for termination of pregnancy, to be done by a doctor of social control.

The main types of abortions are

- Miscarriage
- Induced abortion


Abortion can be done in a public hospital or private are the same techniques, patterns of organization or the host may be different.

If the pregnancy is dated from 7 to 14 weeks from the beginning of last menstrual period (we say "LMP"), use the technique of aspiration of uterine contents, under general or local anesthesia, in both cases the technique aspiration will be the same.

If the pregnancy is dated 7 weeks of gestation or less: a woman may receive a method of abortion by medication.


I-General anesthesia.


This interview is no longer mandatory for adult women. It remains systematically offered but no longer requires the delivery to the wife of a maintenance statement.
For minors, this interview is mandatory and will be awarded a certificate of maintenance.

Although not become mandatory pre-abortion interview retains its interest for the couple, the woman involved in a situation of demand for abortion. The word of the woman listened to by professionals trained to maintain pre-abortion outside the medical context, it may be important in this area.


It takes place on the exercise area of persons authorized by law to conduct such an interview (marriage and family counselors, social workers and midwives).


How to abort?

Every pregnant woman as pregnancy in a situation of distress it is the sole judge, may ask a doctor to terminate this pregnancy.

Think you're pregnant because you have a delay or missed period after:

- Sex (including an ejaculation on the vulva without penetration) are not protected by an effective method of contraception.
- A pill or omissions.
- A burst condom.
- The use of emergency contraception.
- Episodes of vomiting, diarrhea, or taking certain medications.

How Can I Have a Safe Abortion with Pills?

In Countries Where abortion is legal, Two medicines, mifepristone and misoprostol, are available from doctors and are 95-98% effective in ending year Safely unwanted pregnancy up to 12 weeks. The service is Provided in clinics and is Extremely safe.

Misoprostol alone aussi very safe and is 80-85% effective in ending unwanted pregnancy early year (up to 12 weeks). In Mexico And Many Other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, misoprostol is available over the counter (without a prescription) in pharmacies. It Is Generally Used For ulcers and for arthritis.

IMPORTANT: If you live in the United States

If you live in the U.S., abortion is legal in Every state. However, it is a crime to Induce an abortion if you fired, return not get the medicines (mifepristone, misoprostol) from a doctor, nurse practitioner, physician assistant or nurse midwife who is to provide statement autorisée thesis medicines. It has aussi crime to help a woman to get the abortion pills if you are not a licensed medical clinician. The penalty for this depends on Which state you live in, goal Cdn carry serious fines and jail sentences.


If there is bleeding very abundant

Bleeding is very heavy bleeding that lasts more than 2-3 hours and soaks more than 2-3 maxi sanitary pads in an hour. Get dizzy or feel dizzy is possibly a sign of too much blood loss and may be dangerous to the health of women. Heavy bleeding that does not diminish after 2-3 hours may indicate that abortion is not complete (the remains of pregnancy are still in the womb) which requires medical treatment. This can occur several hours after taking misoprostol but two weeks or longer after the abortion.

In this case, a woman should go to the nearest hospital or doctor to get help.

In countries where abortion is a crime, doctors or nurses sometimes denounce the police women who tried to abort. Recommend, whenever possible, to use a doctor that the woman can be trusted.

In countries where women can be prosecuted for having an abortion, it is not necessary to tell the medical staff that we tried to induce abortion. We can say we had a spontaneous miscarriage. The doctor CAN NOT see the difference. The treatment is also the same. It is also known as curettage vacuum aspiration, treatment by a doctor will empty the uterus. In all cases, doctors have a duty to provide assistance.

Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy (VIP): preparation and procedure

Consultations prior to abortion

The first consultation

The first medical consultation. It allows the physician to perform a general review, to inform the woman or the methods of abortion possible and explain the risks and possible side effects.

The second consultation

The second consultation is a psycho-social care. Mandatory for non-emancipated minor, it remains optional for the major and minor emancipated. The purpose of this consultation is to provide psychological support and advice to women.


Work during pregnancy

For most women experiencing a healthy pregnancy, it is sure to work until shortly before delivery.

Can you work while pregnant? How long can you work? The answer depends on your health, your baby's health and the type of job you have. Consult your doctor, nurse or midwife, he or she can help you plan when you stop working.

Is it safe for me to work during pregnancy?

For most women experiencing no complications during pregnancy, the type of jobs they hold is not usually a health risk for her or their baby. However, if your job is physically challenging, your doctor, nurse or midwife may recommend that you change during your pregnancy.

Sex during pregnancy?

While the belly of the mother swells, is it still safe to have sex? 

In women at low risk of complications during pregnancy, most available data suggest that there is no risk associated with sex. However, women who suffer from lower genital tract infection are at increased risk of preterm labor if they have frequent sex.

Few scientific data are available to inform robust recommendations for women whose risk of complications is higher, especially those with an incompetent cervix, carrying a multiple pregnancy or a history of preterm labor. These women should discuss with their doctor to determine if they can have safe sex.

Having sex to get pregnant

We all know that, to achieve pregnancy, the sperm of a man should meet a woman's egg. For 95% of healthy people who are under 35 years, this is a relatively simple process and pregnancy can usually be the result of a year of unprotected sex. For other couples, it may be more difficult than they had thought of becoming pregnant through sexual intercourse and they may need help and receive treatment fertility to have a baby.

Advances in fertility treatments help many couples conceive, but you should not forget that many of these treatments require you and your partner have sex. And when you have sex is important - the best chance of becoming pregnant occurs when you have sex during the most fertile time of the menstrual cycle of women, that is to say during the ovulation (when an egg is released from the ovary of the woman).

An egg lives only for about 24 hours after his release, it is important to have sex during ovulation and during the period surrounding ovulation. Many couples have difficulty conceiving a child because they do not have enough sex at the time of ovulation. Having sex when the woman is most fertile can increase the likelihood that this will become pregnant.

Sexual intercourse during pregnancy

Are there any cons-indications to sex during pregnancy? That's a question that almost all mothers-and that seems less and less taboo.

To this question can be answered neither yes nor a no because it depends on how pregnancy occurs and medical history of the mother.

There are some cases that require greater care, that is to say a reduction of the frequency of sex, these can be summarized this way:

-  if you have had regular bleeding in the days before,
-  if you have placenta previa - inserted at the bottom of the uterus,
-  if you have had miscarriages repeatedly,
-  if in the last weeks before the expected date of delivery, you have serious uterine contractions that could herald a premature birth.

Sex during pregnancy

Women, as well as men, are wondering whether it is safe to have sex during pregnancy. For years people believed that in early pregnancy, unsafe sex could cause a miscarriage and that during the last few months, they could cause premature labor or cause an infection. However, there is no good medical evidence that sex during a healthy pregnancy and normal, can not continue until the end of the eighth month (with some exceptions).

Partners should discuss their needs, concerns and desires openly and frankly. Best if the couple has questions, it is to talk to the family doctor, the obstetrician-gynecologist or midwife.

Vs. sex. sexuality

Sex and sexuality are two different things. So even if you do not want to have sex or your sexual needs are reduced during pregnancy, you may have a greater need for other forms of expression of physical intimacy such as hugging and caresses. The enhancement of body awareness may make women more sexually expressive and men generally find the body of the pregnant woman erotic and desirable.

Sex during and after pregnancy

In our society, pregnant women and mothers are often desexualized. Yet women are sexual beings at all stages of their lives. Pregnancy is a time of change and adaptation that affects all aspects of a woman's life, including his sexuality. There are countless ways for pregnant women to experience sexual intimacy (eg by touching, kissing, fondling of the language, massage, masturbation, penetration and oral sex). Communication between partners is essential for sex comfortable and satisfying, especially during pregnancy.

Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?

Yes. Sexual activity during pregnancy is safe and healthy, unless otherwise directed by your healthcare professional. One could, however, recommend that you abstain from vaginal sex:

- if you have had a miscarriage
- if you have bleeding in the first quarter
- if you have a placenta "previa" (located in the lower part of the uterus)
- if you have had a premature delivery
- if you had a lot of contractions during the last month of your pregnancy.
- If vaginal sex you are discouraged, there are other ways of being intimate with your partner.

Can I harm my baby without having sex during pregnancy?

Yes. If your pregnancy is going well, you can safely have sex with your partner. The thick mucus plug that closes the cervix prevents the risk of infection and amniotic fluid and the powerful muscles of your uterus also protect your baby.

The sex of your partner will not hurt your baby in any way during sex. It may be that your baby is shaken a bit after orgasm, but do not worry, it simply reacts to the acceleration of heart rate. Your baby does not know what's going on and feels no discomfort.

However, in some cases, it is best to be vigilant. If you have found vaginal bleeding or "spotting" at the beginning of your pregnancy, your doctor or gynecologist may advise you not to have sex before your 14th week of pregnancy. It is also possible that your doctor advises you to have sex during your pregnancy if:

Sexuality in Pregnancy: Tips

1 - There is no reason to stop having sex during a pregnancy is progressing normally.
2 - Should be consulted in case of abnormal signs (vaginal discharge, bleeding, burns ...) especially in the second half of pregnancy. This, whether or not we have sex!
3 - If for any reason (pregnancy complications, rejection or blockage of one of two partners, ...), penetrative sex had to be interrupted, it would be important to continue having sex without penetration: caresses, sex play, mutual masturbation ... This does not harm the fetus and perpetuates complicity in love, intimacy and maintains a balanced relationship that will benefit the family balance after the baby arrives and is resumed after delivery.
Psychologists believe that pursuing a relationship during pregnancy is important for establishing a proper triangulation of the future family (the family relationship would be less likely to be unbalanced by hypertrophy of the mother-child relationship to the detriment of marriage).
4 - Positions: with advancing pregnancy, some may become uncomfortable. You will have to avoid all those where the woman would feel "crushed" by the weight of the man or where the woman is lying face down.

Sexuality during pregnancy and unsafe sex?

Nearly half of women fear that the reports be harmful to pregnancy. In a recent Canadian study, the majority of couples who had been facing a problem during pregnancy believed that their sex could be the cause. What is it really?

The results of the various objective studies allow the following conclusions:

- The duration of pregnancy is not correlated with the frequency of sexual intercourse. They can not shorten it.
- There is no significant association between sexual activity and risk of preterm delivery.

We can therefore consider that when a normal pregnancy, sexual activity can be continued "normally". If a problem arises, take the advice of a specialist and ask him questions about the risks of continued relations (especially in cases of placenta previa and preterm labor).
Sexuality during pregnancy and STD infections

Sexuality in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period in which sexuality is changing often. More than 60 studies have been conducted over the last fifty years on the subject of sexuality during pregnancy, allowing us to now have objective data.

Work on sexuality during pregnancy have explored one hand the components of the pregnant woman's sexuality (desire, pleasure, orgasm ...) and secondly, the consequences of reporting on pregnancy and fetus.

Establishment of a new sexuality

In pregnant women, there are several realities: while there may always be erotic sexuality, but also appear in a sex-woman mom (and elsewhere as a partner-dad) with their different emotional experiences, and concerns for the good health of the child.

Small exercises to relieve pain and facilitate the work of childbirth

No one can predict how your delivery will take place: this is a unique event for each. But there are some exercises that can prepare your body for that great moment. Start with gentle exercise, practice at your own pace.

Pelvic floor exercises

The pelvic floor muscles form a hammock between your legs from the pubic bone in front to the sacrum and the coccyx at the base of your spine in your back. They help keep your bladder, your uterus and intestines.

Of pelvic floor muscle toning can sustain without the weight of evil baby growing in you and help to shorten the second stage of labor. By performing some exercises you can promote the rehabilitation of the perineum (the area between your vagina and anus) after delivery. Here's how to have good strong muscles:

The prenatal exercise ball

To keep fit during pregnancy, prenatal exercise ball supports you, rolling, softens, strengthens and allows you to experience a very pleasant effect of weightlessness.

WOW! What interesting medium for pregnant women so they can stay fit throughout pregnancy! It supports, rolls, softens, strengthens and enables one to experience weightlessness so pleasant.

Dealing With Pregnancy

Practice exercise ball reduces many discomforts of pregnancy. It can work effectively oblique muscles of the abdominal wall that help prevent the diastase of grandparents rights, this small separation at the center of the abdominals. It promotes the lengthening of the muscles of the lumbar spine to decrease considerably lower back pain that often fester pregnancy. The exercises in lateral recumbent position with one leg up resting on the ball, run alternately, increase blood circulation, which facilitates venous return and reduces feelings of heaviness, tingling and fatigue in the legs.

Facilitate childbirth