In recent years, stress has grown considerably in our societies. Faced with medications often accused of not treating the problem only superficially, Yoga has become more than just a stress response, an art form
now that adapts to pregnant women.
What is yoga?
Yoga is an ancient Eastern practice, which aims to harmonize the body and spirit, to reach a state of relaxation and inner well-being. Regular practice of yoga makes you feel relaxed and calm in our daily
and be less sensitive to environmental stress.
How do we practice?
Yoga is based on breathing. The first step is to relearn breathing slowly and deeply, involving the stomach. Then it's postures, breathing still, that will allow to stretch and relax the body gently, and to work the muscles. You can practice yoga early in pregnancy and one session
lasts about 1 hour.
What are the benefits of yoga?
His practice helps relieve a variety of disorders known as pregnant women, such as back pain, or heavy legs
heartburn, and all this without any medication!
It also helps calm the anxieties that can know the future mother. The removal of physical and psychological stress leads to a better development during pregnancy, learning about her body and its mechanisms, and to feel more in common with her baby.
It also helps prepare the birth because of breathing and calm D-Day will be essential Finally, the great advantage of yoga is the possibility to repeat the exercises at home in case of pain, fatigue or stress,
or simply to maintain this state of wellness. Exercises specifically designed for pregnant women may
significantly improve the daily lives, such as teaching to turn effortlessly in his bed, or bending down to pick up something without difficulty.