What is the probability of getting pregnant?
The life of the oocyte is of the order of 24 h. Thus, fertilization can take place within 24 h after ovulation. Sperm can survive a little longer in the female genital tract (approximately 48 h). Therefore, at each cycle, the fertile period lasts a maximum of 3 days: during these three days, a report may lead to fertilization. However, any fertilization does not necessarily produce a pregnancy. At a young couple, it is estimated that the probability of getting pregnant each cycle is about 20 to 25%. Therefore, do not worry before 6 months of unsuccessful attempts to make a child. If a member of the couple is infertile, or if we advance in age, the likelihood of becoming pregnant decreases and a longer duration of trials will be necessary.
How can we help the temperature method?
During a cycle, there is usually several phases in the temperature curve:
- a shelf "low", between the first day of menstruation and midcycle, the lowest point of the plateau is usually ovulation,
- a sudden increase in temperature in mid-cycle: this increase shows that ovulation has occurred,
- a shelf "high" during the second half of the cycle, the temperature decreases gradually with the arrival of the rules.
Therefore, by taking her temperature every morning upon waking, a woman can find her ovulation period. To maximize his chances of becoming pregnant, multiply the relationship between the 10th day of the cycle and the temperature increase. Once the elevation of 0.5 ° C occurred, it means that ovulation has passed. Given the short lifespan of the egg, the chances of getting pregnant are dwindling.
The day of ovulation is day 14 (the lowest point before the rise of temperature of the cycle).
What is an ovulation test?
When a person is unable to determine its time of ovulation, it can use an ovulation test.
This is a urine test done in the morning. It can detect the LH surge before ovulation 24 to 48 h. When the test is positive, so it's a good time to test a baby!
The LH surge precedes ovulation by 30 h.