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What is the right time to get pregnant?
From puberty to menopause, the female body is punctuated by menstrual cycles, lasting an average of 28 days, beginning on the first day of menstruation. During a cycle, the woman is only 25% chance of getting pregnant.
When are you fertile?
The menstrual cycle consists of four phases: the follicular phase (about 14 days with 5 days of menstruation), ovulation (24 hours on average) and the luteal phase (about 14 days).
Ovulation determines the best time to conceive a child. The day of ovulation is when the ovary expels an egg. A woman is fertile only when the egg descends into the trunk. This is where the egg can unite with a sperm to form an egg.
The fertile period extends beyond the mere date of ovulation. In fact, sperm can live for up to 4 days in the genitals of women. The egg has about him a lifetime of about 24 hours. The fertile period begins four days before ovulation and ends 24 hours later.