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Chances of getting pregnant your period
According to studies on the human reproductive system, the chance of pregnancy for all women of childbearing age are never zero at any day of the menstrual cycle. The probability of conception is greater, when a few days in particular, but it is never zero throughout the cycle. Therefore, there is every chance of your pregnancy at your age. Go through the following account to get a response to what are the chances of getting pregnant on your period and on the pill.
The menstrual cycle, or period
The menstrual cycle is typically 28 days. However, its length varies from woman to woman. It can be as short as 21 days and as long as 35 days. According to studies, only 30% of women have a menstrual cycle that takes place in 28 days. For longer periods of any number of days, is expected ovulation in the medium. For example, if the period of 28 days to complete, it is the 14th day is most likely to witness ovulation. Ovulation is the term used to describe the excretion of the ovum or egg from the ovary. He is discharged from the rupture of the ovarian follicle. The egg leaves the ovary, travels to the fallopian tube and wait here for about 24-36 hours to get fertilized by a sperm. Fertilization is the process of fusion of an egg with a sperm. In cases where fertilization takes place, pregnancy begins. Otherwise, the egg disintegrates and flows out of the body with the uterine lining and blood vessels. It causes bleeding for about 3-5 days. This is called menstruation. The menstrual cycle continues until fertilization takes place instead of initiating a pregnancy. Learn more about when does ovulation occur.
Chances of getting pregnant your period
As suggested by the short description of the above period, fertilization is expected to close on the day of the 14th day in a 28-day cycle. If you have a period of 28 days duration, you are on top of the fertility of 12 to 16 days before the first day of the next menstrual period. So you see that the probability of conception is directly dependent on fertilization, which in turn depends on the availability of egg and sperm for fusion. The probability of fusion of the sperm with the egg is high in the middle of a menstrual cycle. He is weak on the other days that the presence of the egg in the fallopian tubes is less expected on other days. But, by chance, if an egg is present in the fallopian tube and sperm arrives at its disposal to the merger, fertilization can take place easily. Successful fertilization will initiate a pregnancy. This means that if ovulation occurs during the period or an egg is available in the fallopian tubes for fertilization, then you're likely to get pregnant on your period. This is possible in the following cases.
Case 1: Generally, if you sustain period, another egg is developing in preparation for release during the menstrual flow. In case of short cycles, say 21 days, the possibility of ovulation right after a couple of days in the period is quite high. As sperm can hang around in the body of a woman for about 2-3 days, the probability of fertilization is there periods. Such a case is also possible in the menstrual cycles of lengths relatively more like 35 days.
Case 2: If you suffer from bleeding for a relatively longer period, you can have bleeding long after you're actually done with the period, or perhaps during ovulation. Thus, the time period that will take you to be safe may actually be the peak of fertility in your case.
Case 3: Your chances of getting pregnant on your period is quite high if you suffer from menstrual irregularities. Since your periods are irregular, it is very difficult to predict the time to correct near ovulation. To add to that, women who have irregular periods are generally faced with another problem of bleeding or irregular menstrual false. Therefore, you can consider a sequence of bleeding as a period, and may ovulate soon after. Since sperm can be present in your body for about 2-3 days, you can increase your chances of wrong to get pregnant on your period. The women who wait less to get pregnant, usually facing the irregularity of the menstrual cycle. They belong to two groups in general. The first group consists of teenagers, while the second group consists of women approaching menopause or in progress.
Chances of getting pregnant on the pill
Birth control pills are of two types, combination pills and mini pills. The first contains synthetic forms of two female hormones of reproduction, namely estrogen and progesterone, while the latter consists only of progesterone. The synthetic estrogen combination pills prevent ovulation. Since the egg is not released to be present in the fallopian tube, fertilization can take place even if sperm are present. Therefore, a woman can not get pregnant. Synthetic progesterone from the combination and mini-pill, prevents pregnancy in several ways. First, it thickens the cervical mucus which prevents the movement of sperm in the female genital tract. Second, it interferes with the transport of the egg from the fallopian tube. Third, it partially suppresses the ability of sperm to fuse with the egg. Thus, these hormones work to make pregnancy difficult. But the chances of pregnancy on the pill is not zero. Any failure in the dosages of oral contraceptives may alter the maintenance inside your body to prevent pregnancy. Therefore, you must strictly follow the dosage instructions given by your doctor for birth control pills. They must be taken at fixed times of the day. The type and direction of dosage of the contraceptive pill is different for different women.
Now, you must have understood that the chances of getting pregnant on your period and on birth control pills are never zero. However, according to general observation, the majority of pregnancies do not occur during periods. The percentage of women who conceived during the period is very low. Yet you can not take your time to be absolutely sure there are but few, the chances of getting pregnant on your period.