The decision is: do you want a child, it is important therefore, to increase his chances of getting pregnant. A whole bunch of questions you stuck in your head, too, to increase his chances of becoming pregnant, follow our advice.
A whole bunch of questions so you trot in the head: how long will you want to meet this baby? When do you make love? How often? And this is normal! Here are some answers that should reassure you!
What are your chances of getting pregnant immediately?
Most couples who want a baby were statistically between 15 and 20% chance of success from the first month. About 40% are able to make a baby in the first quarter and nearly 85% successful during the first year following the decision.
Women who know their menstrual cycle are statistically less time to get pregnant. Your cycle begins the very day when you find the first traces of blood bright red, not the color drops to ill-defined. The end of the menstrual cycle is the day of the next cycle begins.
5 factors may delay the design
The five main criteria that can reduce your chances of conceiving or delay the good news are:
1. The age of the mother. After 30 years, the chances of getting pregnant begins to decrease. And the older you get, the more they are reduced to be pretty close to zero at the age of 45 years.
2. Irregular menstrual cycles. If your rules are unpredictable (in the case of many women), it is difficult to predict exactly when ovulation occurs and therefore what day of the month are the most appropriate to take action with your partner .
3. The number of previous attempts. If you try to have a baby for over a year without success, it may be wise to consult your doctor or a fertility specialist. This interview must also be realized in the presence of your partner.
4. The frequency of romantic relationships. It seems obvious to say, but we repeat it anyway: unless you make love, the lower your chances of conceiving a baby.
5. The health of prospective parents. Certain diseases or medical conditions reduce the chances of conceiving.
Give yourself every chance
Making love all the time?
Couples who have a great desire to multiply their baby love relationships during the few days before ovulation lady. This is a perfectly sensible especially as the fertility window extends only five or six days (the day of ovulation). Have relationships outside of these few days does little to nothing in terms of design ... For fun, it's obviously another story.
And stopping the pill?
Women wanting to get pregnant also wonder how long the effects persist for contraception. How many days after stopping the pill become again they ready to get pregnant? In most cases, the effect is immediate! Once the hormones in the contraceptive composition is discharged, you are theoretically capable of a child. In reality, however, that ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle may take several months before returning to normal.